Elden Ring: Ranged Build Walkthrough (2024)

Welcome to our comprehensive Elden Ring: Ranged Build Walkthrough! Dive deep into mastering the art of ranged combat in one of the year’s most anticipated action RPGs. Whether you’re new to the world of Elden Ring or a seasoned player aiming to enhance your arsenal, this guide covers everything you need. Explore the best strategies for Choosing Ranged Weapons, perfect your Ranged Combat Techniques, learn the delicate art of Balancing Ranged and Melee, discover savvy tactics for Utilizing Ranged in Boss Fights, and build the ultimate Effective Ranged Builds. Ready your bow and unleash your inner marksman – adventure awaits!

Elden Ring: Ranged Build Walkthrough#

Choosing Ranged Weapons

So, you’re thinking of sniping enemies from a distance or raining arrows upon massive bosses in Elden Ring? Smart choice! Ranged weapons let you keep a safe distance while still dealing serious damage—perfect for players who prefer a less risky playstyle. But with all the options available, it can get a little overwhelming. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a guide to choosing the best ranged weapons in Elden Ring.


Short Bow:
The Short Bow is great for beginners. It’s quick, has a decent range, and uses common arrows. You can shoot multiple shots in a short time, which is perfect for keeping enemies at a distance.

Long Bow:
A step up from the Short Bow, the Long Bow gives you greater range and damage. It’s slower, but if you get the drop on an enemy, you can take them out before they even know you’re there. Ideal for those who want to play more stealthily.

Great Bow:
For the real heavy hitters, Great Bows are where it’s at. These are slower and require more strength, but they hit like a truck. Great Bows are designed for massive damage and are great for boss fights where precision and power are key.


Light Crossbow:
Good for beginners, the Light Crossbow offers a nice balance between speed and damage. It’s easier to use than most bows and doesn’t require aiming with each shot. Handy for players who like to strike fast.

Heavy Crossbow:
If you want something with a bit more punch, go for the Heavy Crossbow. It deals more damage but takes longer to reload. Use it when you need to pack a punch, but make sure you’re in a safe spot before you start reloading.

Magic-Based Ranged Weapons#

If Magic’s more your style, staffs are the way to go. Equip a staff to cast powerful spells from a distance, dealing elemental damage that can exploit enemy weaknesses. You’ll need to invest in Intelligence for most spells, making this option best for players focused on a magic build.

Sacred Seals:
These are for the Faith-based builds. Sacred Seals let you cast Miracles, which are pretty much magical spells that scale with your Faith stat. They can heal, protect, or deal divine damage to your foes. Perfect for players who like a mix of support and offensive magic.

Throwing Weapons#

Throwing Knives:
Quick and easy, Throwing Knives are great for interrupting enemy attacks and finishing off low-health opponents. They don’t deal massive damage, but they’re a good utility weapon to always have on hand.

Bombs come in various types, including fire, magic, and poison. They deal a lot of damage and can affect multiple enemies at once. Use them wisely, as they can be tricky to aim and you don’t want to get caught in the blast.

Tips for Choosing the Right Weapon#

  1. Build Compatibility: Make sure your ranged weapon fits your build. Are you focusing more on Strength or Dexterity? Maybe you’re going full Magic or Faith? Choose a weapon that aligns with your stats for maximum effectiveness.
  2. Ammunition Availability: Always check if you can easily find or buy ammo for your chosen weapon. Running out of arrows in the middle of a boss fight is no fun.
  3. Situational Use: Sometimes, a weapon is best used in specific situations. Maybe carry a Short Bow for quick encounters and a Long Bow for planned, stealthy attacks.
  4. Upgrades: Remember that you can upgrade most ranged weapons. Invest in your favorite choices to increase their damage and utility over time.

There you have it! Understanding and choosing the right ranged weapon can make a huge difference in Elden Ring. Whether you want to be a stealthy sniper or a magical bombardier, there’s a weapon out there for you. Happy hunting, Tarnished adventurer!

Ranged Combat Techniques#

When you’re diving into the world of Elden Ring with a ranged build, there are a few key techniques and strategies that can make your adventure a whole lot smoother. Whether you’re dealing with pesky mobs or taking down towering bosses, mastering ranged combat can give you a serious edge.

1. Understanding Range Weapons#

Before you charge head-first into battle, let’s talk about the tools of the trade. The main ranged weapons you’ll use are bows, crossbows, and spells. Each type has its own strengths, so let’s break it down:

  • Bows: These are versatile, with shortbows offering quick shots and longbows packing a punch from a distance.
  • Crossbows: They’re slower but hit harder. Great for powerful single shots.
  • Spells: Ranged magic attacks can vary widely, from quickly cast magic missiles to grand, epic spells. They require FP (Focus Points) and often have unique effects.

2. Ammo and FP Management#

Ranged weapons rely on ammo, so always keep an eye on your arrow or bolt count. It’s a good idea to stock up before venturing too far from a merchant. For magic users, managing FP is crucial. Always have a few blue flasks ready to top up your FP during tougher fights and long explorations.

3. Positioning and Mobility#

Being a ranged fighter means you’ll often be a bit squishier than those clad in heavy armor. Therefore, positioning is everything. Here are some tips:

  • Stay Mobile: Keep moving to avoid getting hit. Roll away from enemies when they get too close.
  • High Ground: If possible, position yourself on high ground. Shooting from elevated positions can give you a better vantage point and make it harder for enemies to reach you.
  • Kiting: Learn to kite enemies. This means keeping them at a distance as you damage them, slowly wearing them down while staying safe.

4. Target Prioritization#

Identify threats quickly and deal with them in order of danger. Typically, this means:

  • Mages and Archers: These enemies can attack you from afar just like you, so they’re top priority.
  • Fast-moving Enemies: Anything that can close the gap quickly is a threat.
  • Boss Weak Points: When facing bosses, look for weak points that can be exploited from a distance.

5. Using Cover and Obstacles#

The environment is your friend. When facing multiple enemies or stronger foes:

  • Use Obstacles: Pillars, trees, and walls can block incoming attacks while you peek out and fire.
  • Line of Sight: Break line-of-sight with enemies to dodge projectiles and spells.

6. Buffs and Debuffs#

Certain items and spells can enhance your ranged attacks or weaken your enemies:

  • Buff Your Weapon: Items like Grease can add element-infused damage to your arrows or bolts.
  • Debuffs: Use items or spells to slow down or weaken enemies, making it easier to control the battlefield.

7. Practice Makes Perfect#

Finally, remember that practicing your aim and timing is vital. Each enemy behaves differently, so getting familiar with their patterns and weaknesses will improve your effectiveness.

Sample Ranged Combo:#

Here’s a simple strategy for dealing with a typical group of enemies:

  1. Start with a Longbow Shot: Use the range to your advantage, pulling a single enemy.
  2. Kite and Roll: As the enemy approaches, back up and roll to dodge attacks, firing quick shots.
  3. Switch to Crossbow for Heavy Hit: If the enemy gets too close and has significant health left, switch to a crossbow for a powerful single shot to finish them off.
  4. Recover FP/Ammo: After the fight, restore using flasks or find a safe spot to replenish.

Ranged combat in Elden Ring is all about playing smart and staying flexible. Use these techniques, and you’ll find your journey through the Lands Between a bit less daunting and a lot more thrilling. Happy hunting!

Balancing Ranged and Melee#

In Elden Ring, the art of balancing ranged and melee combat can turn you into a versatile and unstoppable warrior. Mastering both means you can handle almost any situation the game throws your way, whether it’s a tough boss battle or an ambush in a tight corridor. Let’s dive into how you can effectively juggle these two playstyles.

Choose the Right Class#

At the start, picking a class that supports both ranged and melee combat sets a solid foundation. Classes like the Confessor and Prisoner offer balanced stats and a good mix of weapons. These classes let you start with decent melee weapons and introductory spells or bows, perfect for dual-wielding playstyles.

Equip Versatile Weapons#

To excel in both ranged and melee combat, equipping versatile weapons is essential. In melee, go for weapons like the Straight Sword or Curved Sword, which offer quick attacks and easy combos. For ranged, a Shortbow or a Crossbow can be handy, as they’re quicker to fire and easier to use in tight spots compared to larger bows.

Additionally, consider weapons with special abilities or scaling that can benefit both ranged and melee. Weapons that cause status effects like bleed or poison can be effective while you soften up enemies with ranged attacks.

Manage Your Stats Wisely#

Stats are crucial in Elden Ring, and balancing points between Strength, Dexterity, and Mind (for spellcasting) can be tricky. Focus on Dexterity and Mind if you’re leaning toward faster melee weapons and ranged attacks. Dexterity improves your wielding of lighter, quicker weapons, and Mind increases your FP (Focus Points) for casting spells and using skills.

Early on, you might want to allocate more points to Endurance too, ensuring you have enough stamina to dodge-roll and attack without running out of breath.

Dual-Wielding a Bow and Sword#

Let’s get practical. When switching between ranged and melee, you’ll want to dual-wield efficiently. For instance, keep your melee weapon in your right hand and your bow or staff in your left. This setup allows for seamless transitions. An enemy charging at you? A quick tap can switch to your sword for close combat. Enemy at a distance? Switch back and start sniping.

Remember, with a bow, you can also use different types of arrows, depending on the situation. Have poison arrows ready for tough enemies and fire arrows to deal with groups.

Use Magic to Supplement Combat#

Magic can bridge the gap between melee and ranged combat beautifully. Invest in basic offensive sorceries or incantations like Glintstone Pebble or Lightning Spear which can weaken enemies long before they reach you.

Also, defensive spells like Barrier can provide additional protection while you switch between weapons or retreat to a safer distance. Mixing spells into your fighting style will make you even more effective in managing different combat scenarios.

Leverage Stealth for Ranged Advantage#

Don’t underestimate the power of stealth in maximizing your ranged attacks. You can often bypass groups of enemies, picking them off one-by-one with a well-placed arrow or spell. Crouching and sneaking behind enemies, then opening with a ranged attack, can often give you the upper hand, softening them up before they become aware of your presence.

Practice Makes Perfect#

Switching between ranged and melee combat fluidly takes practice. Spend time familiarizing yourself with your weapons and their controls. Learn the enemy patterns and timings. Eventually, switching from launching arrows to blocking and attacking with your sword will become second nature.

And that’s it! Balancing ranged and melee combat in Elden Ring might take a bit of experimentation and practice, but the versatility it grants you is worth the effort. Now go forth, Tarnished, and make the most of your combined arsenal.

Utilizing Ranged in Boss Fights#

In Elden Ring, bosses can be pretty intimidating, especially if they rush at you with unrelenting force. But fear not, aspiring Tarnished—ranged attacks can be your best friend. Here’s how to effectively use a ranged build to turn those colossal enemies into mere speed bumps.

Picking Your Weapon of Choice#

Bows and Crossbows#

Bows and crossbows offer great versatility for ranged combat. Bows are typically quicker and allow for more mobility, making them great for keeping bosses at a distance while you chip away. Crossbows, on the other hand, pack a heavier punch but can be slower to reload.

  • Longbow: Faster shots with more mobility. Great for kiting bosses around.
  • Greatbow: Slower, but deals high damage. Best used in fights where you have ample time to aim and shoot.
  • Crossbow: High damage and can be very effective with explosive or poison bolts. Reloading animation can leave you vulnerable, though.

Magic and Catalysts#

Magic users can devastate bosses with the right spells. Staffs and sacred seals allow for powerful spellcasting, offering everything from direct damage to status effects like poison or frost.

  • Glintstone Staff: Ideal for casting sorceries. Can dish out serious damage if you manage your FP (Focus Points) well.
  • Sacred Seal: Perfect for miracle users. Provides a mix of healing and offensive spells.
  • Archery Spells: Magical projectiles can hit from afar and often with a tracking ability, reducing the aim hassle.

Ammo Matters#

Don’t overlook your ammo. The type of arrows or bolts you use can drastically affect your performance:

  • Standard Ammo: Good for consistent, straightforward damage.
  • Fire Arrows/Bolts: Deal extra burn damage which can be useful against bosses weak to fire.
  • Poison Arrows/Bolts: Apply poison over time. Great for bosses with large health pools.
  • Explosive Ammo: High burst damage but can be slower and leave you open to counterattacks.

Strategy and Tactics#

Keep Your Distance#

The biggest advantage of ranged builds is distancing. Always be aware of the boss’s range and keep yours longer. Dodge toward the sides to evade attacks and reposition yourself to maintain optimum distance.

Manage Stamina and FP#

Stamina is not just for melee! You need it to roll and dodge, especially when making quick repositionings in response to a boss’s charge. Similarly, manage your FP for spells and powerful ranged attacks. Keep a good balance to avoid finding yourself out of resources in a critical moment.

Learn Boss Patterns#

Take some time to observe the boss’s attack patterns. Many bosses have periods of vulnerability—like charging up a big attack or recovering from a missed one. Use these windows to unleash your most powerful ranged attacks.

Use Terrain to Your Advantage#

Arena environments often have objects or terrain that can be used to break sightlines or provide a momentary refuge. Use pillars, rocks, or other obstacles to avoid high-damage boss abilities while preparing your next attack.

Recommended Boss-Specific Tips#

Margit, the Fell Omen#

  • Strategy: Keep backing up and use the large arena to your advantage. Margit’s attacks have a long wind-up, giving you enough time to land several shots.
  • Ammo: Poison arrows are particularly effective; get the poison status running while you focus on survival.

Godrick the Grafted#

  • Strategy: Godrick’s size makes it easier to land long-range shots. Focus on dodging his more telegraphed attacks and aim for consistent hits during his recovery frames.
  • Ammo: Explosive bolts deal significant damage during stagger phases, and fire arrows can exploit his susceptibility to fire.

Final Thoughts#

Ranged builds in Elden Ring can feel incredibly rewarding when played correctly. With careful resource management, constant awareness of your surroundings, and a solid understanding of boss patterns, you can turn even the deadliest foes into manageable threats. Stay calm, aim true, and remember: keep that distance!

Effective Ranged Builds#

So you’ve decided to take a step back, literally, and try your hand (or bow) at a ranged build in Elden Ring? Good choice! Ranged builds offer a unique playstyle that keeps you out of the immediate danger zone while dealing consistent damage. Let’s dive into the essentials for an effective ranged build, from the best weapons to the ideal stats.

Picking the Right Class#

Starting with the right class can give you a significant edge. Here are some great options for ranged enthusiasts:

  • Astrologer: Comes equipped with a staff for casting spells and solid starting intelligence.
  • Bandit: Starts with a bow and has balanced stats, making it a versatile choice.
  • Prophet: Ideal for faith-based ranged magic users, with a focus on offensive miracles.

Essential Weapons and Spells#


Bows are your bread and butter. They offer a great balance between range and damage. Here are some standout options:

  • Longbow: A solid and reliable choice with decent range and damage.
  • Composite Bow: Faster rate of fire but shorter range compared to the Longbow.
  • Black Bow: High-end bow with amazing range and power, plus it’s super cool looking.


Crossbows offer the benefit of being able to shoot while moving, plus they don’t scale with stats, making them great for hybrid builds:

  • Light Crossbow: Good for quick shots and easy to handle.
  • Heavy Crossbow: Deals more damage but slower to reload.

Magic and Miracles#

Magic can provide devastating ranged attacks. Here are some essential spells based on your build:

  • Glintstone Pebble (Intelligence-based): Early game spell that’s easy to cast and decent damage.
  • Loretta’s Greatbow (Intelligence-based): Powerful and long-range, but consumes more FP.
  • Lightning Spear (Faith-based): Fast-casting and strong, good for a faith build.
  • Bow of Elden (Arcane-based): Requires arcane, offers powerful elemental attacks.

Stat Distribution#

Stats are crucial for maximizing your build’s effectiveness. Here’s where to focus:

  • Dexterity: Boosts damage for bows and crossbows.
  • Intelligence: Essential for sorcery-based ranged attacks.
  • Faith: Key for miracle users.
  • Endurance: For stamina, so you can dash and dodge while aiming.
  • Mind: Increases your FP, necessary for casting spells.

Gear and Consumables#

Gear can make or break your ranged build. Look for items that enhance your primary damage type:

  • Wanderer’s Set: Lightweight and offers good protection.
  • Carian Filigreed Crest: Reduces FP cost of skills, great for magic-heavy builds.
  • Arrow’s Reach Talisman: Increases the range of your arrows - absolute must for archers.

Don’t forget consumables, like:

  • Golden Rune (X): Boosts your FP temporarily, so you can keep casting spells.
  • Fire Arrows: Great for enemies weak to fire, add elemental damage to your attacks.

Tactics and Strategies#

Ranged builds play different from melee or tanks. Here’s how to stay effective:

  • Keep Your Distance: Obvious, but worth noting - don’t let enemies get close.
  • Use Terrain: High ground and cover can keep you safe while firing.
  • Manage FP and Stamina: Always have an eye on your FP and stamina; running out mid-battle can be deadly.
  • Hit and Run: Fire a few shots, reposition, and repeat. Staying mobile keeps you alive.

PvE vs. PvP#

Ranged playstyles differ a bit when going against AI vs. human players.

  • PvE: Focus on dodging and hitting weak spots. Boss fights are where you’ll shine by staying out of their melee range.
  • PvP: Predict opponent movements and use faster projectiles. Dodging incoming attacks is crucial, as other players can often outmaneuver long cast times.


Mastering a ranged build in Elden Ring brings a fun and strategic element to the game. Focus on the right stats, pick complementary gear, and keep your tactics sharp. Before you know it, you’ll be bringing down foes from afar with ease and style. Happy hunting, tarnished!

Elden Ring: Ranged Build Walkthrough (2024)


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