Journal articles: 'V-E Day, 1945' – Grafiati (2025)

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Relevant bibliographies by topics / V-E Day, 1945 / Journal articles

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Author: Grafiati

Published: 4 June 2021

Last updated: 27 July 2024

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Tupchienko-Kadyrova,L.G. "The Great Patriotic War on the newspaper pages: Characteristics and specific features of virtual projects." Scientific and Technical Libraries, no.5 (July23, 2021): 47–60.

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The author reviews several projects devoted to the heroism of Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. She characterizes the virtual projects, i. e. the project by TASS IA – “The Great Patriotic War through the eyes of Soviet journalists. TASS presents the frontline reports and newspaper articles of 1945” (January 19 – May 16, 1945); series of articles by Udmurtia information agency (covering the period of January 30, 1942 – May 9, 1945 as presented in the newspapers). The author compares these two projects to the NAB project “One hundred days before the Great Victory. Belarus newspapers in 1945” (January 30 – May 9, 1945) by the goals, contents and depth, and completion. The projects follow the day chronicle on the verge of the Victory, demonstrate the heroism of people in the front and behind the lines, and use information potential of historical newspapers. The author also characterizes the project by Gomel V. I. Lenin Regional Universal Library “The Victory Echo” (May 9, 1945–2020) and the joint multimedia project by Belarus Telegraph Agency and Belarus State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War: “The Victory chronicle: The living need the memory…” This experience can be used for designing similar virtual projects and other digital information resources.

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O presente artigo se debruça sobre o conto “Casa Assombrada”, coletado no único volume de contos que Virginia Woolf publicou em vida, Monday or Tuesday (1921), para investigar de que maneira seus contos intensificam a crise dos gêneros literários que seus romances encenam, por um lado; e para entender como tal crise é análoga à questão política que assombra toda sua obra, por outro lado: o gênero enquanto questão identitária. Em diálogo com a filosofia e com a crítica woolfiana, este estudo articula essa “crise dos gêneros” (gender x genre) e, ao mesmo tempo, produz uma contextualização histórico-cultural dos contos de Virginia Woolf. Palavras-chave: Virginia Woolf. Conto. Gênero literário. Questões de gênero. Referências AGAMBEN, Giorgio. Elogio da profanação. In: AGAMBEN, Giorgio. Profanações. Tradução Selvino Assman. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2007. p. 65-81 BENJAMIN, Walter. Sobre a linguagem em geral e sobre a linguagem humana. In: Linguagem, tradução, literatura. Tradução João Barrento. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2018 [1916]. p. 9-27. BENZEL, Kathryn N.; HOBERMAN, Ruth. Trespassing boundaries: Virginia Woolf’s Short Fiction. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2004. BRAIDOTTI, Rosi. Nomadic theory: The portable Rosi Braidotti. New York: Columbia University, 2011. BRIGGS, Julia. Virginia Woolf, an Inner Life. Londres: Harcourt Brace, 2005. CIXOUS, Hélène. First names of no one. In: SELLERS, Susan (org.). The Hélène Cixous Reader. Londres: Routledge, 1994 [1974]. p. 25-35. DELEUZE, Gilles; GUATTARI, Félix. 28 de novembro de 1947 – Como criar para si um corpo sem órgãos?. Tradução Aurélio Guerra Neto. In: DELEUZE, Gilles; GUATTARI, Félix. Mil Platôs. São Paulo: 34, 1996 [1980]. v. 3. p. 11-34. FOUCAULT, Michel. Docile bodies. In: FOUCAULT, Michel; RABINOW, Paul (ed.). The Foucault reader. Toronto: Penguin, 1984a. p. 179-187. FOUCAULT, Michel. The body of the condemned. In: FOUCAULT, Michel; RABINOW, Paul (ed.). The Foucault reader. Toronto: Penguin, 1984b. p. 170-178. GOLDMAN, Jane. Modernism, 1910-1945, Image to apocalypse. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. GOLDMAN, Jane. The Cambridge introduction to Virginia Woolf. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2006. HARRIS, Wendell. Vision and form: the English novel and the emergence of the story. In: MAY, Charles (ed.). The new short story theories. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University, 1994. p. 181-191. KRISTEVA, Julia. Stabat mater. Tradução A. Goldhammer. In: MOI, Toril (ed.). The Kristeva reader. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986 [1977]. p. 160-187. MATTHEWS, Brander. The philosophy of the short-story. Londres: Forgotten, 2015. [1901]. PEREIRA, Lucia Miguel. Dualidade de Virginia Woolf. In: ______. Escritos da maturidade. Rio de Janeiro: Graphia, 2005. [1944] p. 106-110. SELLERS, Susan (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf. 2. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2010. WOOLF, Leonard. Beginning again: an autobiography of the years 1911 to 1918. New York: Harvest, 1975. [1964] WOOLF, Leonard. Editorial Preface. In: WOOLF, Virginia; WOOLF, Leonard (eds.). Granite and rainbow. Londres: Harcourt, 1958. p. 7-8. WOOLF, Leonard. Foreword. In: WOOLF, Virginia; WOOLF, Leonard (eds.). A haunted house and other stories. Londres: Harcourt, 1944. p. v-vi. WOOLF, Virginia. A haunted house. In: WOOLF, Virginia; WOOLF, Leonard (eds.). A haunted house and other stories. Londres: Harcourt, 1944 [1921]. p. 3-5. WOOLF, Virginia. A room of one’s own & Three guineas. Londres: Oxford University, 1992 [1929] [1938]. WOOLF, Virginia. A sketch of the past. In: WOOLF, Virginia; SCHULKIND, Jeanne (eds.). Moments of being. London: Harcourt Brace, 1985 [1976]. p. 64-159. WOOLF, Virginia. Casa assombrada. In: WOOLF, Virginia. Contos completos. Tradução Leonardo Fróes. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2005 [1921]. p. 162-165. WOOLF, Virginia. Granite and rainbow, ed. Leonard Woolf. Londres: Harcourt, 1958. WOOLF, Virginia. Jacob’s room. Oxford: Oxford University, 2008 [1922]. WOOLF, Virginia. Kew gardens. In: WOOLF, Virginia; WOOLF, Leonard (eds.). A haunted house and other stories. Londres: Harcourt, 1944 [1919]. p. 28-36. WOOLF, Virginia. Men and women. In: WOOLF, Virginia; BARRETT, Michele (eds.). Women and writing. Londres: Harcourt, 1979 [1920]. p. 64-68. WOOLF, Virginia. Modern fiction. In: WOOLF, Virginia. The common reader: first series. Londres: Vintage, 2003 [1925]. p. 146-154. WOOLF, Virginia. Monday or Tuesday. Londres: The Hogarth, 1921. WOOLF, Virginia. Night and day. ed. Michael Whitworth. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2018. WOOLF, Virginia. Professions for women. In: WOOLF, Virginia; WOOLF, Leonard (eds.). The death of the moth and other essays. Londres: Harcourt, 1942 [1931]. WOOLF, Virginia. The complete shorter fiction of Virginia Woolf. ed. Susan Dick. Orlando: Harcourt, 2006 [1985]. WOOLF, Virginia. The diary of Virginia Woolf, ed. Anne Olivier Bell, 5 vols. New York: Penguin, 1979-1985 [1977-1984]. WOOLF, Virginia. The letters of Virginia Woolf, ed. Nigel Nicolson, 6 vols. Londres: The Hogarth, 1975-1980. WOOLF, Virginia. The mark on the wall. In: WOOLF, Virginia; WOOLF, Leonard (eds.). A haunted house and other stories. Londres: Harcourt, 1944 [1921]. p. 37-47. WOOLF, Virginia. Thoughts on peace in an air raid. In: ______. The death of the moth and other essays, ed. Leonard Woolf. Londres: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1942. [1940] WOOLF, Virginia. The voyage out. Oxford: Oxford University, 2009 [1915]. WOOLF, Virginia. The waves. Oxford: Oxford University, 1992 [1931].

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Haack, Kathleen, Frank Häßler, and Ekkehardt Kumbier. "Nationalsozialistische «Kindereuthanasie» – Das Beispiel Günter Nevermann." Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 41, no.3 (May 2013): 173–79.

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Unter dem euphemistisch-zynischen Begriff der «Euthanasie» wurden zwischen 1939 und 1945 systematisch mehrere hunderttausend kranke und behinderte Menschen ermordet. Unter ihnen waren mindestens 6.000 Kinder und Jugendliche. Anhand des Einzelschicksals von Günter Nevermann aus Wismar wird das System der Erfassung, Aussonderung und Tötung eines als «lebensunwert» und somit für die Gemeinschaft nicht tragfähig erscheinenden Kindes nachgezeichnet. Sein Fall dokumentiert eindringlich, dass Ärzte, wie nach 1945 häufig behauptet, sich keineswegs in einer «tragischen Zwangslage» befanden. Scheinbar ohne moralische Skrupel opferten sie die ihnen anvertrauten jungen Patienten einem kaum hinterfragten Ideal, dessen Ziel die Vervollkommnung des «Volkskörpers» war. Nur sehr wenige der Täter wurden in beiden Teilen Deutschlands zur Verantwortung gezogen. Zumeist praktizierten sie weiter, hatten leitende Funktionen inne und waren Mitglieder oder sogar Ehrenmitglieder der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie e. V. (DGKJP) bzw. derer Vorgängerorganisation. Hier gilt es künftig aufzuklären und aufzudecken.

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YUSYP-YAKIMOVICH, Julia, and Olena Olena SHIMKO. "To the reception P. Y. Shafarik’s ideas about the primacy of the glagolitics at the current stage of paleoslavistics development." Problems of slavonic studies 70 (2021): 9–21.

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Background. The problem of the origin of the Glagolitic alphabet, its origins and the first years of Slavic writing can rightly be called the “cursed question” (questio dia-bolica – B. Uspensky) of Slavic studies, as attempts to connect the Glagolitic alphabet with any of the existing alphabets did not lead to any convincing results. Until now, the only relevant ideas of P. Shafarik remain, expressed about 150 years ago. Purpose. The aim of the article is to systematize and analyze historical and modern ideas (from the 90s to the present day), which are expressed by researchers regarding the longer antiquity of the Glagolitic alphabet. Results. The authors consider the development of P. Shafarik’s ideas at the pre-sent stage of development of East Slavic paleolinguistics. Materials about the origins of Slavic writing, which have accumulated in science, do not facilitate the solution of ques-tions about: 1) which of the two Slavic alphabets was created and / or improved by Constantine the Philosopher, 2) how and when another Slavic alphabet appeared, and 3) how the Slavic script developed in the post -Constantine period. In this context, as the authors show, all the hypotheses and ideas of modern researchers in one way or another develop the arguments of the hypothesis of PY Shafarik and do not go beyond it. Keywords: Slavonic writing, Cyrillic, Glagolitic, P. Shafarik’s hypothesis. Cristiano, Diddi, 2015. In the footsteps of Glagolitic protographers of Pannonian leg-ends: Methodological notes on the critique of variants. ΠΟΛΥΙΣΤΩΡ. Scripta slavica Mar-io Capaldo dicata. Moskow, Indrik, рp. 80–98. (In Russian) Dodonov, I. Yu., 2008. The origins of Slavic writing. Moskow: Veche. Avialable at: [Accessed 22.08.2021] (In Russian) Glazunova, O. I. On the countable value of the Glagolitic alphabet. Avialable at: schetnom-znachenii- glagolitsy). [Accessed 22.08.2021] (In Russian) Granstrom, E., 1985. On the origin of the Glagolitic alphabet. Proceedings of the De-partment of Ancient Russian Literature IRLI AN SSSR, 11. Leningrad, s.300–313. (In Russian) Hakobyan, Ruben, 2018. An Attempt to Reveal the Prototype of the Glagolitic Letters, Based on a Comparative Analysis with the Cyrillic Letters and the Signs of the Middle East. Scripts Scientific almanac, 12. Pskov: Pskov State University, рp. 30–58. (In Rus-sian) Horalek, K., 1971. The need for a new Glagolitic compendium. Slovo, 21, рp.359–363. (In Czech) Ivanova, T., 2004. Glagolitic: new hypotheses (several critical remarks about new re-search on the first Slavic alphabet. Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Litera-ture (Pushkin House) RAS, pp.78–93. (In Russian) Karpenko, L., 1999. Glagolitic — Slavic sacred alphabet (semiotic analysis in the context of the Bible). Samara: PH of the Samara Humanitarian Academy. (In Russian) Karpenko, L., 2000. Glagolitic as a semiotic system: Doctoral thesis abstract, p.90. (In Russian) Karpenko, L., 2010. Cyril glagolitic alphabet. About the roots of the Slavic spirituali-ty. Bulletin of polessky state university. Series in social sciences and humanities, 1, рp.69–78. (In Russian) Kiparsky, B., 1968. On the origin of the Glagolitic alphabet. Clement Ohridsky. Mate-rial z negovot cheztvuvane po sluchai 1050 godini smerta mu. Sofia, 1968, рp.91–92. (In Russian) Kuznetsov, Anatoly, 2012. The Greek letter Y ψιλόν and Glagolitic Alphabet . Slavisti-ca Vilnensis. Kalbotyra, 57(2), рp.7–14. (In Russian). Mozhaeva, I. Ye., 1980. Bibliography on Cyril and Methodius problems 1945–1974. Moscow, 1980. (In Russian) Prokhorov, G., 1992. Glagolitic alphabet among missionary alphabets. Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature, 45. SPb, рp.178–199. (In Russian) Rudelev, V. G., 2001. Once again on the Old Slavic letters. Bulletin of Tver State Uni-versity. Humanitarian sciences, 2 (22). рp.58–67. (In Russian) Savelyeva, L. V., 1993. Sacral meaning of the Slavic alphabet: Parting words of the First Teacher of the Slavs, 3. North Petrozavodsk, рp.152–158. (In Russian) Selishchev, A. M., 1951. Old Slavonic language: Part I. p.333. (In Russian) Selishchev, A. M., 2020. Old Church Slavonic. Ed. stereotype. URSS. (In Russian) Shafarik, P. Y., 1861. About the origin and homeland of Glagolism. Moscow. (In Rus-sian) Shchepkin, V. N., 1967. Russian paleography. Moscow: Science. (In Russian) Sobolev, A. N., 2021. Slavic alphabets. Part 3: From Glagolitic to Cyrillic. Šafárik o staroslovienčine a cirkevnej slovančine. atch?v=y_Py_W9ZL7s&ab). [Accessed 22.08.2021] Starovoyt, Yu. L., 2017. Scientific approach to the origin of the Cyrillic alphabet. Ma-terialy XLVI naukovo-tekhnichnoyi konferentsiyi pidrozdiliv VNTU. Vinnytsya, 22–24 be-reznya 2017 r. Avialable at:— hum/all— hum— 2017/paper/view/2328. [Accessed 22.08.2021 (In Ukrainian) Štec, M., 1996. Šafárik on Old Slavonic and Church Slavonic. In: Pavol Jozef Šafárik a slavistika. Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie a dokumentov z osláv 200. výročia narodenia P. J. Šafárika. Acta facultatis philosophicae universitatis šafarikianae Literárný zborník 12/ Jazykovedný zborník 13. Historický zborník 5 (AFPh UŠ 79). Filozofická fakulta. UPJŠ. Prešov. Matica slovenská. Martin, s.291–295.(In Slovak) Stepanov, Yu. S. and Proskurin, S.G., 1993. Constants of world culture. Alphabets and alphabetic texts during periods of dual faith. Moscow: The science. 158 p. (In Russian) Toporov, V., 1998. Prehistory of Literature among the Slavs: The Experience of Re-construction: An Introduction to the Course of the History of Slavic Literatures. Moscow. (In Russian) Tschernochvostoff, 1995. Zum Ursprung der Glagolica. Studia Slavica Finlandensia, 12, pp.141–150). (In German) Uspenskij, B., 2013. Glagolitic Script as a Manifestation of Sacred Knowledge. Studia Slavistici, X. Firenze University Press, pp.7–27 (online). [Accessed 22.08.2021 (In English) Uspensky, B., 2005. On the origin of the Glagolitic alphabet. Voprosy Jazykoznanija (Topics in the study of language), 1. рp.63–77. (In Russian) Vinke, Fr., 1996. On the origin and structure of the Glagolitic alphabet. Literary studies, 3. Moscow, рp.115–127. (In Russian) Yusyp-Yakymovich, Yu. and Shimko, O., 2009. Old Slavonic language. Modular course. Navchalnyi posibnyk. Kyiv. (In Ukrainian)

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--. "Bericht des Vorstandes über das 35. Vereinsjahr der Neuen Bachgesellschaft E. V. Leipzig (Juli 1934-Juni 1935)." Bach-Jahrbuch 32 (May3, 2018): 122–28.

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Rosidi, Rosidi, and Irwan Setiadi. "Peranan Anggota DPRD Provinsi DKI Jakarta Komisi E Dalam Menyerap Aspirasi Masyarakat Di Bidang Pendidikan." Jurnal Wahana Bina Pemerintahan 4, no.2 (November20, 2017): 198–219.

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This research was conducted to analyze and describe the role of the members of the Regional Representative Council (DPRD) of the DKI Jakarta Province E Commission 2014-2019 in absorbing the aspirations of the community in the field of education. The research method uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. Based on the results of the study that the role of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Parliament Member Commission E in absorbing community aspirations in the education sector still has to be optimized with efforts to intensify programs / activities carried out to the community intensively, so that the public can know the policies produced, and establish an information center and community service so that it can help facilitate the public in expressing their aspirations. School enrollment rates in Jakarta must be increased, the dropout rate at the Jakarta high school level is quite high. This large gap between regions indicates that there is still a need for encouragement for certain regions to be able to catch up with other regions. Because of the importance of the role of the DKI Jakarta Regional Representative Council (DPRD), especially Commission E in the field of community welfare, it is expected to be able to automate the use of IT technology in community management and services concerning community aspirations. Daftar PustakaA. Referensi BukuAmbar Teguh Sulistyani, Kemitraan dan Model-Model Pember-dayaan, Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2004.Budiarjo, Miriam, Pengertian – Pengertian Masyarakat, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 1992.C.S.T Kansil dan Christine S.T. Kansil, Sistem Pemerintahan Indonesia, Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara, Cetakan kedua, 2005.Chambers, R., Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan, Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial, Pembangunan Desa Mulai dari Belakang, Jakarta, 1995.Dahl, Robert Alan., On Democracy. 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Dokumen Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945 Amandemen ke 4 tentang Hak dan Kewajiban Negara, Pasal 31 ayat (4)Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 pasal 1 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Pasal 49 ayat (1)Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintah Daerah, Pasal 46.Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 pasal 1 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasioal, Pasal 49.Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintah Daerah, Pasal 46.Undang-Undang Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 tentang MPR, Pasal 3 ayat (1)Undang-Undang Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 tentang Presiden Republik Indonesia memegang kekuasaan Pemerintahan menurut Undang-undang Dasar, Pasal 4 ayat (1)Undang-Undang Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 tentang Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat memegang kekuasaan membentuk undang-undang, Pasal 20 ayat (1)Undang-Undang Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 tetang Kekuasaan kehakiman, Pasal 24 ayat (2).Undang-Undang Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 tentang pengelolaan dan tanggung-jawab tentang keuangan negara, Pasal 23 E ayat (1).Undang-Undang Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 tentang Otonomi Daerah, Pasal 18 ayat (1).Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2014 tentang MPR, DPR, DPD, dan DPRD, Bab V DPRD Provinsi, dan pasal 217.Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintah Daerah dan Tata Tertib DPRDPeraturan Pemerintah Nomor 25 Tahun 2004 tentang Pedoman Penyusunan Tata Tertib DPRD, Pasal 43.Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor : 013/PUU-VI/2008, Perihal Pengujian UU No 15 Tahun 2008.Peraturan DPRD Provinsi DKI Jakarta No. 1 Tahun 2014 tentang Tata Tertib Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah.BPS Prov DKI Jakarta, Statistik Kesejahteraan Jakarta,2016. C. Internet 11e44c4edccf11e0b846313231373132.html

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Martini, Mariano, Elio Adelfio Cardinale, Lugi Rubino, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, and Ilaria Barberis. "Papa Pio XII nella storia della Radiologia." Acta medico-historica Adriatica 17, no.2 (December18, 2019): 337–46.

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Nel 1933 i Professori della Scuola Medica genovese V. Maragliano, GB. Cardinale e A. Vallebona decisero di proporre come Santo Patrono e Protettore dei Radiologi, San Michele Arcangelo. L’iniziativa dei Grandi Maestri genovesi della Radiologia fu accolta subito dai colleghi con grande entusiasmo. Venne quindi inoltrata richiesta scritta di “supplica” a Papa Pio XII per ottenere il riconoscimento ufficiale da parte della Chiesa cattolica. La scelta dell’Arcangelo Michele fu motivata dai Professori in quanto Santo che, nell’iconografia religiosa, è l’unico a vestire l’armatura, è guardiano del Paradiso e conduce le anime a Dio. Inoltre il Santo rappresenta, il trionfo della luce del bene contro le tenebre del male. La Sacra Congregazione dei Riti, emanò in data 15 gennaio 1941 il decreto che costituiva: “Sanctus Michael, Archangelus pro radiologis et radiumtherapeuticis patronus et protector declaratus”.

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Tekavčić, Pavao. "István Jlig, A magyarországi italianistika bibliográfija - Bibliografia dell 'italiani­ stica in Ungheria, 1945-1995; Italianistica Debrecenensis V; Kossuth Lajos Tudo­ mányegyetem, Olasz Tanszek [Università Lajos Kossuth, Dipartimento di Italianistica],." Linguistica 39, no.1 (December1, 1999): 156.

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La collana Jtalianistica Debrecenensis, che esce dal 1993 (vol. I 1993-94; II 1995; III 1996; IV 1997), pubblica come vol. V l'importante raccolta bibliografica che qui presentiamo brevemente (sulla copertina posteriore c'è l'elenco delle altre edizioni, a cura dello stesso Ateneo). L'autore, dott. István Vig, slavista ungherese e docente all'Università di Debrecen, ha pubblicato vari studi e altri titoli, come risulta dalla Bibliografia. II presente volume racchiude ben 3863 unità, numerate in continuazione e uscite nel cinquantennio postbellico. Alla Prefazione, soltanto in ungherese (5-7;.si ci­ tano le pagine), segue l'Introduzione, in ungherese e in italiano (9-12), dopo la quale si trova l'Elenco delle sigle e abbreviazioni (13-27). La bibliografia (29-235) è divisa in quattro sezioni: Letteratura (29-115; recensioni 116-126), Critica e storia letteraria (127-168; recc. 169-178), Linguistica, insegnamento della lingua e della letteratura italiana (179-202; recc. 203-206), Storia (207-229; recc. 230-234), con un'Appendice (235).

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Gandolfo, Alberto Airton Amendola. "A política das plazas nacionales e a atribuição de ofícios públicos na Catalunha após a Guerra de Sucessão: uma desnaturalização da administração." Epígrafe 9, no.1 (August10, 2020): 349–69.

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Este artigo analisará a atribuição de ofícios públicos no Principado da Catalunha após a Guerra de Sucessão (1701 - 1714), sobretudo, os métodos utilizados para a escolha de servidores dos ofícios públicos no contexto de reorganização da administração pública na Monarquia espanhola. Nosso objetivo é estudar as políticas utilizadas para essas escolhas, em especial, a política das plazas nacionales, que assegurava que uma parte mínima dos cargos indicados fosse conferida a catalães. Tais medidas foram implementadas na conjuntura que se constrói após a promulgação da Nueva Planta em 1716 por Felipe V, que extinguiu a maioria dos foros do Principado, dentre os quais destacamos as prohibiciones de estrangería, que garantiam a exclusividade dos cargos públicos aos catalães. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, discutiremos a bibliografia sobre esse assunto, em especial, recorrendo aos estudos especializados dos historiadores Pere Molas i Ribalta (1942 - X) e Jean Pierre Dedieu (1948 - X), mapeando as divergências e convergências de perspectiva sobre o tema em questão. Trata-se de um artigo de recenseamento bibliográfico e portanto, suas conclusões serão embasadas na interpretação e contraposição dos trabalhos e das estatísticas prosopográficas mobilizadas pelos autores.

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Garibaldi,A., D.Bertetti, and M.L.Gullino. "Verticillium Wilt Incited by Verticillium dahliae in Lupinus polyphyllus in Italy." Plant Disease 91, no.4 (April 2007): 459.

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Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl., a perennial ornamental belonging to the Leguminosae family, is grown in gardens for flower beds and borders. During the summer of 2006, in several gardens located in the Biella Province (northern Italy), a new wilt of Lupine was observed in 20 to 30% of the plants. The vascular tissue in stems of affected plants appeared brown. These plants were stunted and developed yellow leaves with brown or black streaks in the vascular tissue. Verticillium dahliae was consistently isolated from symptomatic vascular tissue and leaves when cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA) (3). Microscopic observations revealed hyaline hyphae, with many irregular, dark microsclerotia, ranging from 17 to 61 μm. Conidiophores showed two verticils of three elements. Conidia were hyaline, elliptical, single-celled, measuring 3.4 to 6.0 × 1.8 to 3.1 μm (average 4.5 × 2.4 μm). The ITS region (internal transcribed spacer) of rDNA was amplified using the primers ITS4/ITS6 (2) and sequenced. BLASTn analysis (1) of the 521 bp obtained showed an E-value of 0.0 with V. dahliae. The nucleotide sequence has been assigned GenBank Accession No. EF015891. Healthy 30-day-old plants (10 per treatment) of L. polyphyllus were inoculated by root dip with a conidial suspension (0.5 × 106 CFU/ml) of V. dahliae isolated from infected plants. Ten noninoculated plants served as control treatments. All plants were transplanted into pots filled with a mix of sphagnum peat/pomix/pine bark/clay (50:20:20:10) and grown outdoors at temperatures ranging from 15 to 25°C. First wilt symptoms and vascular discoloration in the roots, crown, and veins developed within 20 days on each inoculated plant and become evident after 50 days. V. dahliae was consistently reisolated from infected plants. Noninoculated plants remained healthy. The pathogenicity test was conducted twice. To our knowledge, this is the first report of V. dahliae on L. polyphyllus in Italy. A wilt caused by V. dahliae on L. polyphyllus was observed in the Netherlands in 1925 (4). References: (1) S. F. Altschul et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389, 1997. (2) D. E. L. Cooke and J. M. Duncan. Mycol. Res. 101:667, 1997. (3) G. F. Pegg and B. L. Brady. Verticillium Wilts. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 2002. (4) J. H. H. Van der Meer. Meded. Landbouwhogesch. Wagening. 28, 1925.

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Bick,RodgerL., and Jawed Fareed. "Sticky Platelet Syndrome: The Clinical Spectrum of Thrombosis." Blood 106, no.11 (November16, 2005): 4138.

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Abstract Sticky Platelet Syndrome (SPS) was first described by Mammen, E., et al. In 1984, is inherited as an autosomal dominant and is associated with both arterial and venous thrombosis. It is also associated with placental vascular thrombosis and resultant recurrent miscarriage syndrome (RMS). It was thought to be of interest to assess the prevalence and types of thrombosis associated with SPS in a strictly thrombosis hemostasis referral practice over a one year period. During 2004, 599 first-time new thrombosis patients were seen, excluding recurrent miscarriage syndrome (RMS). Diagnosis of SPS was by the method of Mammen. Of 599 pts. 20.5% had SPS. The most common defect in the population was antiphospholipid syndrome and Factor V Leiden was seen in 8.5% of all pts. Of these SPS patients 60% suffered arterial (AA) and 39% suffered venous thrombosis. 4 pts. Had both. The types of thrombosis in descending order of prevalence were as follows: DVT = 27.6%, cerebrovascular thrombosis (CVT) = 19.5%, transient ischemic attacks (TIA) = 18.6%, PE = 12.1%, retinal artery thrombosis (RT) = 8.1%, mesenteric AA thrombosis = 7.3%, microvascular peripheral AA = 7.3%, coronary AA = 3.2% and popliteal AA = 0.8%. All pts. Were treated with low-dose ASA and those with CVT or TIA also received clopidogrel (75 mg. /day). At one-year follow-up, no recurrences were seen. In summary: as has been noted by Mammen and others, SPS is a common hereditary thrombophilia associated with arterial and venous thrombosis. The prevalence in this population of first-time thrombosis pts. Was 2-fold that of Factor V Leiden mutation. Thus, a work-up for SPS should always be considered in pts. With unexplained thrombosis.

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Setiabudhi,I.K.Rai. "Kajian Yuridis Ruang Gerak Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) Dalam Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi." Jurnal Hukum PRIORIS 4, no.1 (May18, 2016): 39–61.

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Upaya pencegahan dan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi yang mengikutsertakan masyarakat/LSM telah diatur dalam United Nations Convention Against Corruption 2003, khususnya pada Pasal 13 disebutkan antara lain, bahwa “masing-masing negara pihak wajib mengambil tindakan-tindakan yang semestinya, dalam kewenangannya dan sesuai dengan prinsip-pirinsip dasar hukum internalnya, meningkatkan partisipasi aktif perorangan dan kelompok di luar sector publik, seperti masyarakat sipil, organisasi-organisasi non pemerintah (NGO/LSM) dan organisasi-organisasi berbasis masyarakat. Selanjutnya bagaimana pengaturannya dalam peraturan perundang-undangan kita terhadap ruang yang diberikan kepada LSM dalam pencegahan dan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi.Undang-undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia tahun 1945 memberikan jaminan yang sanagt tegas dalam Pasal 28 E ayat (3) bahwa “Setiap orang berhak atas kebebasan berserikat, berkumpul, dan mengeluakan pendapat “Ketetapan MPR –RI Nomor VIII/MPR/2001 tentang Rekomendasi Arah Kebijakan Pemberantasan dan Pencegahan Korupsi, Kolusi, dan Nepotisme, antara lain disebutkan…… di samping itu terdapat desakan yang kuat dari masyarakat yang menginginkan terwujudnya berbagai langkah nyata oleh pemerintah dan lembaga-lembaga tinggi negara lainnya dalam hal pemberantasan dan pencegahan korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme Undang-undang Nomor 28 tahun 1999 tentang Penyelenggara Negara yang Bersih dan Bebas dari Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme, memberikan kesempatan kepada masyarakat/LSM untuk ikut berpartisipasi. Selanjutnya dalam Undang-undang Nomor 31 tahun 1999 jo, Undang-undang Nomor 20 tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi diatur dalam bab V, khususnya pada pasal 41 dan pasal 42. Demikian pula halnya Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 68 tahun 1999 tentang Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Peran Serta Masyarakat Dalam Penyelenggaraan Negara. Secara lebih khusus peran serta masyarakat dalam hal ini lebih banyak dilalukan oleh LSM, diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 71 tahun 2000 Tentang Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Peran Serta Masyarakat dan Pemberian Penghargaan dalam Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi.Agar LSM memiliki ruang gerak dalam menjalankan fungsinya secara efektif falam pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi, diharapkan kepada pemerintah untuk memberikan perhatian kepada LSM mencakup antara lain: Pertama, adanya peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih konkrit tentang kedudukan/keberadaan, bagi LSM untuk melakukan aktivitasnya. Kedua, adanya pengakuan/jaminan yang dirumuskan dalam peraturan perundangan-undangan ataupun kebijakan pemerintah, bahwa LSM diberikan ruang yang jelas secara independen dalam upaya pemberantsan korupsi; Ketiga, menjamin akses LSM terhadap sumberdaya dari berbagai sumber untuk melaksanakan kegiatannya.

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Matos da Silva, Maria de Fátima. "Decoração e simbolismo das pedras formosas dos balneários-sauna castrejos da Idade do Ferro: leituras possíveis." Vínculos de Historia. Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no.8 (June20, 2019): 191.

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RESUMENLos balnearios-sauna castreños del noroeste peninsular son monumentos con horno con una arquitectura muy original, posiblemente asociada a los diversos modelos termales. Se conocen cerca de tres decenas, distribuidos por el noroeste peninsular. La arquitectura compleja de estos monumentos se organiza estructuralmente hacia posibilitar baños de sauna y baños de agua fría. Las dos áreas son divididas por una estela, monolítica, normalmente ornamentada – la pedra formosa. El papel simbólico que tendrían en el seno de la sociedad castreña de la Edad del Hierro del noroeste peninsular permanece por aclarar y envuelto en gran misticismo, fruto de una posible sacralidad. Este entorno, referido por diversos autores a lo largo de los tiempos, está posiblemente asociado al culto de los dioses de las aguas y a la sacralidad del baño purificador, medicinal, que se refleja en las decoraciones frontales de las pedras formosas, cuya maestría de los escultores que las insculpieran, tipología decorativa, interpretación simbólica y semiótica estudiamos, como objetivos primordiales, a lo largo de este trabajo de investigación.PALABRAS CLAVE: Protohistoria, monumentos con horno, decoración pétrea, interpretación simbólica / semiótica.ABSTRACTThe Iron Age sauna-baths of the northwest peninsular are monuments with an oven with very original architecture, possibly associated with the diverse thermal models. There are about three dozen known sauna-baths spread over the northwest peninsular. The complex architecture of thesemonuments is structurally organized to allow for cold water baths and sauna baths. The two areas are divided by a tectiforme stele, monolithic, usually ornamented, known as pedra formosa (beautiful stone). The symbolic role that they would have had in the heart of the Iron Age “castreña” society in the northwest peninsular remains unclear and shrouded in mysticism, the fruit of a possible sacredness. This environment, referred to by various authors throughout the ages, is possibly associated with the worship of the water gods and the sacredness of the medicinal and purifying bath, which is reflected in the frontal decorations of the pedras formosas, whose masterful sculpting, decorative typology, symbolic interpretation and semiotics we studied as primary objectives of this research work.KEYWORDS: Protohistory, monuments with oven, stone decoration, symbolic / semiotic interpretation. BIBLIOGRAFIAAlmagro-Gorbea, M. e Álvarez Sanchís, J. R. 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Rothen, José Carlos. "O ensino superior e a Nova Gestão Pública: aproximações do caso brasileiro com o francês (Higher education and the new public management: comparisons between the Brazilian and French cases)." Revista Eletrônica de Educação 13, no.3 (September2, 2019): 970.

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With the aim of understanding the insertion of higher education into a new context of organization of society and State, which is managed according to the New Public Management, this work presents a comparative historical study of the organization of French and Brazilian higher education. It is concluded that the French adherence to the New Public Management is based on the knowledge economy, while the Brazilian one is based on State size reduction along the lines of the Washington Consensus; in addition, higher education institutions in both countries are organized to participate in competitions: in France, the international competition promoted by rankings, and in Brazil, the market competition.ResumoCom o objetivo de compreender a inserção do ensino superior dentro de um novo contexto de organização da sociedade e do Estado, gerido pela Nova Gestão Pública, o trabalho apresenta um estudo histórico comparativo da organização do ensino superior brasileiro e o francês. Conclui-se que a adesão francesa à Nova Gestão Pública tem como norte a economia do conhecimento, e a brasileira, a redução do Estado nos moldes do Consenso de Washington; e que as instituições de ensino superior nos dois países são organizadas para participarem de concorrências: na França, a internacional promovida pelos ranqueamentos, no Brasil, a mercantil.Palavras-chave: Ensino superior brasileiro, Ensino superior francês, Nova gestão pública, Universidade.Keywords: Brazilian higher education, French higher education, New public management, University.ReferencesAEBISCHER, S. Réinventer l'école, réinventer l'administration. Une loi pédagogique et managériale au prisme de ses producteurs. Politix, n. 98, n.2 p. 57-83 2012/2.AERES. Repères historiques. Agence d’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 17 nov. 2016.AMARAL, N. C. O vínculo avaliação-regulação-financiamento nas IES brasileiras: desafios para a gestão institucional. 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Inayati, Arni Dini, and Imron Mawardi. "Pengaruh Tracking Error dan Risiko terhadap Kinerja Reksa Dana Indeks Syariah di Indonesia." Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan 9, no.3 (May31, 2022): 325–37.

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh tracking error dan risiko terhadap kinerja reksa dana indeks syariah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini melakukan pengujian analisis regresi linier berganda pada lima sampel dengan menggunakan data nilai aktiva bersih dan return JII dan reksa dana indeks syariah yang terdaftar pada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan sampai Desember 2019. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa tracking error tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja reksa dana indeks syariah dan tingkat risiko berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja reksa dana indeks syariah. Kata kunci: Kinerja reksa dana indeks syariah, Tracking error, Risiko, Analisis regresi linier berganda. ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the impact of tracking error and risk on Islamic index mutual fund performance in Indonesia. 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Moghaddam, Seyed Javad, Tabish Hussain, Melody Zarghooni, WalterV.Velasco, Linda Phan, MichelleI.Savage, JenniferT.Fox, Shizuko Sei, PowelH.Brown, and C.MarceloAldaz. "Abstract A012: Repurposing of the macrolide antibiotic clarithromycin for the prevention of lung cancer." Cancer Prevention Research 15, no.12_Supplement_2 (December1, 2022): A012.

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Abstract Lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD), particularly K-ras mutant LUAD, is a leading cause of cancer mortality. Therefore, strategies to prevent K-ras-mutant LUAD in its earliest stages in high-risk individuals (e.g., smokers) are urgently needed to reduce the public burden of this fatal disease. We and others have shown that K-ras driven tumorigenesis in lung is intimately linked to chronic inflammation and ultimately, tumor cells immune-escape. The antibiotic clarithromycin (CAM) was identified as one of the most promising candidates for repurposing with demonstrated immunomodulatory and anticancer properties. CAM is widely used and belongs to the macrolide class of antibiotics which are among the safest broad spectrum antimicrobials available. Abundant preclinical and clinical evidence exists demonstrating the in vitro and in vivo anticancer effects of CAM. It has been shown that macrolide antibiotics exert suppression of inflammation without overt immunosuppressive effects mostly through the inhibition of proinflammatory cytokines in vitro and in vivo. In these studies, we tested the lung cancer prevention efficacy of CAM using a Kras mutant lung cancer model. In the CCSPCre; LSL-Kras- G12 D (CC-LR) model, activation of the KrasG12 D mutation takes place in club cells by means of removal of the lox-stop-lox genomic sequence via expression of Cre recombinase under the control of the CCSP promoter. This model is excellent for reproducing the various premalignant to malignant progression steps in the lung. CC-LR mice of both genders were randomly enrolled to four experimental arms comparing three CAM doses: 10mg/kg/day, 50mg/kg/day, and 100mg/kg/day, to vehicle control (H2O). Treatment was administered by oral gavage, 5 times per week for 10 wks., starting at 4 wks. of age. At 14 wks. of age mice were euthanized, lung surface tumors were counted, bronchial lavage fluid, as well as lung samples, were obtained for histological, immunohistochemical (IHC) and qRT-PCR analyses. Clarithromycin treatment led to significant lung cancer prevention efficacy, as determined by lung surface tumor counts. A clear dose response with CAM was observed with a mean lung surface tumor count of 30.2 tumors per mouse for vehicle (n=12 mice), 23.5 for CAM 10mg/kg (n=8), 18.8 for CAM 50mg/kg (n=8) and 13.5 tumors per mouse for the CAM 100mg/kg treatment group (n=12, p=0.0014). A significant decrease in the incidence and multiplicity of premalignant and malignant lesions was also observed in histological analyses. For profiling of the lung immune microenvironment, we analyzed by qRT-PCR the expression of 18 genes identifying various cytokines, cell surface markers and proteins characteristic of specific activation states on the various cell subtypes in the tumor microenvironment. We found significant reduction in the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-6, TNF, and IL-1β that are known to have a pro-tumor function in lung tumorigenesis, shown previously by us and other groups. We also found a reduction in the expression of myeloid cell-specific immunosuppressive markers, Arg1 and Fizz 1, that could be due to the reduction in the Gr1+ myeloid cell population, which was detected by means of IHC analyses on the same samples, or due to reprograming of pro-tumor M2 type macrophages toward an anti-tumor M1 phenotype. We also see a trend toward reduction of IL-17 cytokine, which we have previously shown to have an essential role in the promotion of K-ras mutant lung tumors. This was associated with an increase, although not significant, in the expression of anti-tumor Th1-specific transcription factor. However, we see an increase in the expression of PD-1, which could be due to the potential induction of an exhausted T cell phenotype. Taken together, we see a reprograming of the lung microenvironment from a tumor-promoting immunosuppressive phenotype toward an anti-tumor phenotype. This work was supported by NCI PREVENT TORFP75N91019F00131 (TORFP 2019 E-05). Citation Format: Seyed Javad Moghaddam, Tabish Hussain, Melody Zarghooni, Walter V. Velasco, Linda Phan, Michelle I. Savage, Jennifer T. Fox, Shizuko Sei, Powel H. Brown, C. Marcelo Aldaz. Repurposing of the macrolide antibiotic clarithromycin for the prevention of lung cancer [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Second Biennial NCI Meeting: Translational Advances in Cancer Prevention Agent Development (TACPAD); 2022 Sep 7-9. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Can Prev Res 2022;15(12 Suppl_2): Abstract nr A012.

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Polianska,IrM. "The image of Solveig in the ballet “Peer Gynt” on H. Ibsen’s dramatic poem (staged by the Kharkiv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre)." Problems of Interaction Between Arts, Pedagogy and the Theory and Practice of Education 57, no.57 (March10, 2020): 197–211.

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Introduction. The given article is devoted to study of the Ukrainian ballet continuing to produce new ways of implementation of the ideas and artistic images in the beginning of the XXI century. The production of the ballet “Peer Gynt” on the music by E. Grieg, done by People’s artist of Ukraine V. Pisarev for the troupe of Donetsk ‘A. Solovianenko’ Academic State Theatre of Opera and Ballet is a remarkable example of this process. The production’s premiere was on, 1997, May 17, in the framework of the international theatre project “Ukraine – Norway”. Twenty years later, in 2017, the new variant of the ballet has been created for Kharkiv National Opera and Ballet Theatre named after M. V. Lysenko. This “Kharkiv variant” was staged regarding specifics of Kharkiv theatre’s troupe, while retaining the choreographic text of the original; it is marked by scenography and decorations being more spectacular and modern. The work by H. Ibsen received harsh critique from literary scholars who gave plenty of negative reviews of it, and it was E.Grieg’s music that led this poetic drama to wide recognition and popularity it has today. H. Ibsen’s piece became a base for more than the ten of films, directed from 1915 until 2006. As well as E Grieg’s music, which mostly accompanies the theatrical and cinematic interpretations of the drama poem, there are homonymous opera by Werner Egk (1938) and the ballet by John Neumeier, created in a collaboration with A. Schnittke (1987). As a ballet, the “Peer Gynt” is being staged since 1922 up to present day. The object of this research is musically-plastique image of Solveig. The aim of the study is to reveal specifics of musically-plastique, choreographic means, which are used to portray Solveig’s image in V. Pisarev’s production of ballet “Peer Gynt” regarding literary source. The article uses such methods as: 1) historical, allowing to place selected work into the perspective of development of ballet theatre in XXI century; 2) genre approach conditioned by specifics of means of expression used in choreographic art; 3) stylistic, used to regard given ballet in the context of choreographic art. The research results. H. Ibsen elevated the story to the level of philosophical parable about man’s freedom to choose his own path and about the price this freedom comes with. A psychological portrait of the protagonist, wanderer Peer Gynt, combines traits of both humanist and insane. The playwright creates opposition between him and Solveig, majestic in her spiritual martyrdom. According to H. Ibsen’s conception, it is Solveig, being an incarnation of the very best feminine traits, such as chastity, fidelity and kindness, who saves the prodigal soul of the protagonist. In the end of his earthly path, Peer Gynt finally finds what he has been looking for his entire life – self-sacrificial Love, saving him from the eternal suffering near his death. The libretto is written by Yu. Stanishevsky, historian of ballet. The author significantly abridges the text of the dramatic poem, reducing the number of acts from five to two. The First act consists of 4 tableaus, the Second has only two; Yu. Stanishevsky omits several situations in order to make the spectacle more dynamic. The libretto features the image of Solveig only six times: thrice in the First act and thrice in the Second. But despite sporadicity and brevity of Solveig’s presence on the stage, this image plays a leading role in the dramaturgy of the ballet, no less significant than Peer Gynt. Today the poem “Peer Gynt” by H. Ibsen is hardly imaginable without E. Grieg’s music. Its score (op. 23) consisted of 28 numbers , and it included dance intermedia and introduction to every Act; dance fragments, genre scenes, portraits, fantastic episodes and landscape sceneries. Later, the composer compiled the most interesting and self-sufficient numbers into two Suites. Conspicuous Romantic style of the score might be compared to the image of blonde-haired maiden Solveig, who betokens pure femininity. The ballet of V. Pisarev consists of 8 tableaus and 3 numbers. In order to create this ballet spectacle, its author used several types of choreographic art to reveal its idea more profoundly. V. Pisarev embodied the plot of H. Ibsen’s poem using a fusion of classical and neo-classical dance as well as a reconstruction of the folklore-scenic Norwegian dance. Ballet master draws attention to the inner world of a protagonist, who is facing a dilemma: either to remain for fix the situation, or to run away once again. Significance of Solveig’s image is emphasized by the choreographic text of the ballet, as her role becomes a plastique leit-motiv of the whole work. Choreographic lexicon of Solveig is founded upon traditional Classical dance and occasional movements of contemporary dance. Conclusions. The image of Solveig is a demanding one, both technically and psychologically as the ballerina must demonstrate advanced technique and high artistry. Solveig’s dance is plastique, sculpture-like, filled with profound psychologism and elaborated expressiveness. Solveig is one of the most powerful and iconic examples of femininity and self-sacrificial love in romantic art keeping its actuality until today.

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Hariyadi, Ahmad. "KEPEMIMPINAN KARISMATIK KIAI DALAM MEMBANGUN BUDAYA ORGANISASI PESANTREN." Equity In Education Journal 2, no.2 (October20, 2020): 96–104.

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Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kepemimpinan karismatik Kiai dalam membangun budaya organisasi pesantren. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik: wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipan, dan studi dokumentasi. Penetapan informan sebagai sumber data dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pola interaktif data. Pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan derajat kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dan konfirmabilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) budaya organisasi di pondok pesantren diterapkan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan santri, yang meliputi kegiatan harian, mingguan, bulanan, maupun tambahan; (2) kepemimpinan kiai karismatik di Pondok Pesantren Raudlatut Thalibin dan Al-Anwar memiliki perbedaan. KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri menerapkan sistem kepemimpinan demokrasi dalam menjalankan pondok pesantren, sedangkan KH. Maimoen Zubair menerapkan kepemimpinan terpimpin; dan (3) Kiai karismatik memiliki peran strategis dalam upaya mengembangkan budaya organisasi. Abstract: This study aims to describe the charismatic leadership of the Kiai in building a pesantren organizational culture. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a case study design. The data was collected by using the following techniques: in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation study. The determination of informants as data sources was carried out by using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis was performed using interactive data patterns. Data validity checks using the degree of credibility, transferability and confirmability. The results showed that: (1) organizational culture in Islamic boarding schools is implemented through santri activities, which include daily, weekly, monthly and additional activities; (2) the leadership of the charismatic kiai in the Raudlatut Thalibin and Al-Anwar Islamic Boarding Schools is different. KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri applies a democratic leadership system in running Islamic boarding schools, while KH. Maimoen Zubair applies guided leadership; and (3) Charismatic clerics have a strategic role in developing organizational culture. References: AlGhazali, I. (1997). Ihya’ Ulumuddin. Beirut: Darul Fikri. Amirin, T. M (2007). Kepemimpinan yang amanah. Dinamika Pendidikan, 1(14), 1-11. Bate, P. (1994). Strategies for Cultural Change. London: Butterworth-Heinemann. Bruinessen, M. V. (1994). Tradisi, Relasi Kuasa, Pencarian Wacana Baru. Yogyakarta. LkiS. Dhofier, Z. (2009). Tradisi Pesantren: Memadu Modernitas untuk Kemajuan Bangsa. Yogyakarta: Newsea Press. Haedari, A., & Hanif, A. (2004). Masa Depan Pesantren dalam Tantangan Modernitas dan Tantangan Kompleksitas Globalitas. Jakarta: IRD Press. Hofl, H. (1992). The Making of The Corporate Acolyte: Some Thoughts on Charismatic Leadership and the Reality of Organizational Commitment. Journal of Management Studies, 29(1). Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work Related Values. California: Sage Publication. Javidan, M., & Waldman, D. A. (2003). Exploring Charismatic Leadership in The Public Sector: Measurement and Consequences. Public Administration Review, 63(2), 229–242. Kartono, K. (2008). Pemimpin dan Kepemimpinan, Jakarta: CV. Rajawali. Kast, F. E., & Rosenzweig, J. E. (2007). Organisasi dan Manjemen. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Kavanagh, M. H. & Ashkanasy, N. M., (2006). The Impact of Leadership and Change Management Strategy on Organisational Culture and Individual Acceptance of Change During a Merger. British Journal of Management17(1), S81–S103. Ma’arif, S. (2003). Manajemen Operasi. Jakarta: Grasindo. Margono, S. (1997). Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. McMillan, J. H., & Schumacher, S. (2006). Research in Education. New Jersey: Pearson. Nawawi, H. (2006). Instrumen Penelitian Bidang Sosial. Yogjakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Robbins, S. P., & Judge, J. A. (2008). Perilaku Organisasi. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Shastari, R.K., Mishra, K. S., & Sinha, A. (2010). Charismatic Leadership and Organizational Commitment: An Indian Perspective. African Journal of Business Management, 4(10), 1946-1953. Sukamto, 1999. Kepemimpinan Kyai dalam Pesantren. Jakarta: LP3ES Tika, M. P. (2006). Budaya Organisasi dan Peningkatan Kinerja Perusahaan. Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara. Tunggal, A. W. (2010). Peran Budaya Organisasi dalam Keberhasilan Perusahaan. Jakarta: Harvarindo. Yukl, G. (2007). Kepemimpinan dalam Organisasi. Jakarta: Prenhalindo. Ziemek, M. (1986). Pesantren dalam Perubahan Sosial. Jakarta: P3M.

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Montero Herrero, Santiago. "La mujer romana y la expiación de los andróginos." Vínculos de Historia. Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no.8 (June20, 2019): 33.

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RESUMENEl nacimiento en la Antigua Roma de niños con rasgos sexuales masculinos y femeninos a la vez, los llamados andróginos o hermafroditas, eran considerados como un gravísimo prodigio. Su expiación, necesaria para el restablecimiento de las buenas relaciones entre los hombres y los dioses, quedó en manos exclusivamente de mujeres: ancianas, matronas y virgines.PALABRAS CLAVE: Antigua Roma, Matrona, prodigio, expiación, andróginoABSTRACTThe birth in ancient Rome of children with both male and female sexual features, so-called androgynes or hermaphrodites, was regarded as a an extraordinary phenomenon. Their expiation, necessary for the restoration of good relations between men and gods, remained exclusively in the hands of women: old women, midwives and virgines.KEY WORDS: Ancient Rome, midwife, prodigy, expiation, androgynus BIBLIOGRAFÍAAbaecherly Boyce, A. (1937), “The expiatory rites of 207 B. C.”, TAPhA, 68, 157-171.Allély, A. 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Perea, Nayane Moreno, and Géssica Priscila Ramos. "Construção do direito da criança pequena à educação no Brasil: história a partir do estado (Construction of the little child's right to education in Brazil: history from the state)." Revista Eletrônica de Educação 14 (May11, 2020): 3443082.

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This article discusses the ways of building the right to education of young child in Brazil, with reference to the State 's participation in this process. Based on a bibliographical analysis, it verified the predominance of three central periods in this history, being: that of an absent State, which bequeathed the child's education to family, private, community, religious and charitable initiatives; the one of a conservative State, that acted in the area notably from normative actions and of inspection of private institutions, for tutelage and control of the childhood, under a care bias, hygienist and of favor favor to the society; and that of a state in dispute, which approved the main legislation and documents aimed at recognizing the right of the young child to education and the strengthening of early childhood education, despite the maintenance of policies: for the informal service of the poorest and low cost public; focusing on primary education, to the detriment of early childhood education; of devaluation of day care centers in early childhood education; etc. It concludes, therefore, that the legal framework inherited from the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Child and the Adolescent Statute of 1990 and the Directives and Bases of Education Law of 1996 is still the main achievement and tool that has in the area to strengthen the fight against setbacks in the history of building the right of the young child to education in Brazil.ResumoEste artigo discorre sobre os caminhos da construção do direito à educação da criança pequena no Brasil, tendo como referência a atuação do Estado nesse processo. Com base em análise bibliográfica, verificou a predominância de três períodos centrais nessa história, sendo: o de um Estado ausente, que legou a educação da criança a iniciativas familiares, particulares, comunitárias, religiosas e caritativas; o de um Estado conservador, que atuou na área notadamente a partir de ações normativas e de fiscalização de instituições privadas, para tutela e controle da infância, sob um viés assistencial, higienista e de prestação de favor à sociedade; e o de um Estado em disputa, que aprovou as principais legislações e documentos voltados ao reconhecimento do direito da criança pequena à educação e ao fortalecimento da educação infantil, não obstante a manutenção de políticas: para o atendimento informal dos mais pobres e a baixo custo público; de focalização do ensino fundamental, em detrimento da educação infantil; de desvalorização das creches dentro da educação infantil; etc. Conclui, assim, que o quadro legal herdado a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988, do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente de 1990 e da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação de 1996 ainda é a principal conquista e ferramenta que se tem na área para fortalecer a luta contra retrocessos na história de construção do direito da criança pequena à educação no Brasil.Palavras-chave: Direito à educação, Educação infantil, Papel do estado.Keywords: Right to education, Child education, Role of the state.ReferencesANDRADE, L.B.P. 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Fung,EllenB., Neogi Sushrita, Drucilla Haines, Connie Schroepfer, and Ashutosh Lal. "Dietary Intake Insufficient to Support Nutritional Adequacy in Patients with Thalassemia." Blood 124, no.21 (December6, 2014): 1361.

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Abstract Many patients with beta-thalassemia major have depressed circulating levels of essential micronutrients. These nutritional deficiencies may be caused by an elevated requirement for these nutrients, increased excretion and/or because of inadequate dietary intake. However, the relationship between dietary intake and circulating levels of key nutrients has not been explored. Therefore, the aim of this prospective, cross-sectional study was to quantitate intake using gold standard dietary assessment techniques, as well as to assess circulating levels of key micronutrients in the fasted state in a contemporary sample of subjects with transfusion-dependent thalassemia (age >5 years). Dietary intake was determined with the Block©2005 3-day semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (NutritionQuest, Berkeley, CA) completed within 3 months of a pre-transfusion blood sample. Dietary intake (mg/day) was calculated relative to the Institute of Medicine recommendations for age and gender. Intake was then compared to circulating levels of vitamin C, 25-OH vitamin D, alpha & gamma-tocopherol, zinc, copper and selenium. The usage of nutritional supplements was documented. All results were analyzed using STATA (v 9.3, College Station, TX). Forty-one patients (20 male, mean age 28.3 ± 10.7 years) with an average BMI of 22.1 ± 5.2 kg/cm2 and pre-transfusion hemoglobin of 10.9 ± 1.5 g/dL were enrolled. The mean liver iron concentration (LIC) measured by Ferritometer was 13.5 ± 11.3 mg/g dry liver-weight. As has been observed previously, 14 to 30% of patients had low circulating levels of Zn, Cu, 25-OHD, vitamin C and alpha-tocopherol. No deficiencies were observed for selenium. Patients consumed on average 1555 ± 835 kcal/d (80% of estimated energy requirement) and 1.3 ± 0.9 g/kg protein. Average dietary intake was inadequate (less than estimated average requirement) for Ca, Zn, Cu, and vitamins C, D, and E. Among patients with low circulating micronutrient levels, 86% of those with low serum zinc also had low dietary zinc intake; similarly, 88% of those with low circulating copper also had low copper intake. Significant inverse correlations were observed between LIC and blood concentrations of the antioxidants vitamin C (r = -0.62), alpha-tocopherol (r = -0.37) and zinc (r = -0.35). The relationship between iron overload and vitamin C was further explored in a retrospective sample of 49 patients where simultaneous values of both measures were available (228 samples). Vitamin C level progressively decreased with increasing iron burden. The mean vitamin C level was 0.57 ± 0.47 mg/dL with LIC >15 mg/g compared with 1.06 ± 0.45 mg/dL when LIC was <7 mg/g (P <0.001). Serum ferritin levels were not associated with vitamin C deficiency (plasma concentration <0.4 mg/dL) at mild to moderate degrees of liver iron overload. However, with extreme iron overload (LIC >25 mg/g), ferritin levels were significantly greater in the presence of vitamin C deficiency (6545 ± 2597 ng/mL versus 4720 ± 1915 ng/mL, p=0.045). These data suggest that iron overload negatively influences blood levels of several micronutrients. Moreover, dietary intake is insufficient to support circulating levels of nutrients in optimally transfused thalassemia patients. Nutritional adequacy is essential for optimal health, and vitamin C status can impact chelation efficiency. Future research should consider nutritional supplementation and health outcomes in patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

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Butt, Muhammad Ali. "Numerical investigation of a small footprint plasmonic Bragg grating structure with a high extinction ratio." Photonics Letters of Poland 12, no.3 (September30, 2020): 82.

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In this paper, miniaturized design of a plasmonic Bragg grating filter is investigated via the finite element method (FEM). The filter is based on a plasmonic metal-insulator-metal waveguide deposited on a quartz substrate. The corrugated Bragg grating designed for near-infrared wavelength range is structured on both sides of the waveguide. The spectral characteristics of the filter are studied by varying the geometric parameters of the filter design. As a result, the maximum ER and bandwidth of 36.2 dB and 173 nm is obtained at λBragg=976 nm with a filter footprint of as small as 1.0 x 8.75 µm2, respectively. The ER and bandwidth can be further improved by increasing the number of grating periods and the strength of the grating, respectively. Moreover, the Bragg grating structure is quite receptive to the refractive index of the medium. These features allow the employment of materials such as polymers in the metal-insulator-metal waveguide which can be externally tuned or it can be used for refractive index sensing applications. The sensitivity of the proposed Bragg grating structure can offer a sensitivity of 950 nm/RIU. We believe that the study presented in this paper provides a guideline for the realization of small footprint plasmonic Bragg grating structures which can be employed in filter and refractive index sensing applications. Full Text: PDF ReferencesJ. W. Field et al., "Miniaturised, Planar, Integrated Bragg Grating Spectrometer", 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), Munich, Germany, 2019, CrossRef L. Cheng, S. Mao, Z. Li, Y. Han, H.Y. Fu, "Grating Couplers on Silicon Photonics: Design Principles, Emerging Trends and Practical Issues", Micromachines, 11, 666 (2020). CrossRef J. Missinne, N. T. Beneitez, M-A. Mattelin, A. 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Rizun, Volodymyr. "Catalogue of Carabus estreicheri Fischer von Waldheim, 1820 & Carabus excellens Fabricius, 1798 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) specimens deposited in the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv, Ukraine." Catalogue of the digitized collections, deposited in the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, no.2 (June1, 2024): 41–94.

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The species Carabus estreicheri Fischer von Waldheim, 1820 was recorded from the following settlements and regions: Drancha Mt. near Brody town, Podillia (Butsyky village, Tovtry, Pantelykhy steppe) (Nowicki, 1864), Brody (Łomnicki, 1868), Butsyky (Łomnicki, 1870), Podillia (Nowicki, 1873), Maksymivka village (Rybinski, 1903), Galicia, Volynska, Podilska (Proskuriv, Fisch.-W.), Khersonska (Kryn., Chaud.), Kyivska, Poltavska, Katerynoslavska gubernias (governorates (gubernias) – administrative divisions Russian Empire) , Podillia (Łomnicki, 1913), Lvivska province: Brody town vicinity, Brodivskyi district, Peniaky village, Zolochivskyi district, Velyka Vilshanytsia village vicinity, Lysa Hora Mt., Novosilky village, Pidlypivtsi village; Ternopilska province: Borshchivskyi district, Ivane-Puste village vicinity, Husiatynskyi district, Hrymailiv town, Medobory ridge, Terebovlianskyi district, Derenivka locality , collected for the first time in the post Second World War years in Barber’s soil traps 12.05-2.06.2007 near village Yaseniv (Brodivskyi district, Lvivska oblast) in a small (1-1.5 ha) steppe area , Right-Bank Polissia (Mixed Forest Zone), Left-Bank Polissia (Mixed Forest Zone), Broadleaved Forest Zone (including the Ciscarpathian region, and with the foothills of the Carpathians up to 300 m a.s.l. and Male Polissia), Right-Bank Forest Steppe, Left-Bank Forest Steppe, Northern sub-zone of the Right-Bank Steppe, Northern sub-zone of the Left-Bank Steppe (Пучков, 2012). There are 27 specimens of Carabus estreicheri Fischer von Waldheim, 1822 in the collection of the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv. The beetles were collected by M. Łomnicki, J. Łomnicki, V. Zanko, M. Świątkiewicz, J. Mazurek, A. Stöckl and apparently by Nowicki M. All specimens were collected in the second half of the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century, and only two labels indicate the years of collection: 1904 and 1906, while the rest of the labels have only date marks (day/month). There is a reason to believe that one specimen (Inventory number – Е2., Digital record number – SMNH002254, Data Centre “Biodiversity of Ukraine” – ID 21599) was probably collected by M. Nowicki and mentioned by himself in his work (Nowicki, 1865), and another one specimen (Inventory number – Е2., Digital record number – SMNH002255, Data Centre “Biodiversity of Ukraine” – ID 21600) was apparently too collected by M. Nowicki and mentioned by himself in his work (Nowicki, 1864). The species Carabus excellens Fabricius, 1801 was recored from the following settlements and regions: Podillia, Butsyky village (Nowicki, 1864), Tovste village, Synkiv village (Łomnicki, 1870), Kyiv city vicinity (Hochhuth, 1871), Podillia, northern part of Bukovyna (Nowicki, 1873), Vovchynets village (mountain) (Łomnicki, 1875), Bilche village (Łomnicki, 1877), near Lviv city (Mokrotynski hills), Bibrka town, Chornushovychi village (Łomnicki, 1890), from Ternopil city to Pidvolochysk town (Rybinski, 1903), Eastern Galicia, Eastern Bukovyna, Volynska, Podilska, Kyivska, Kharkivska, Katerynoslavska, Khersonska, Chernihivska gubernias (Якобсон, 1905), Podillia (Łomnicki, 1913), Kamianets-Podilskyi vicinity , Vovchynets village, Sokal town (Kuntze, 1937-1938), «Trostianets» dendrarium , recorded from the Crimea [6], obviously, by mistake , Vinnytska province: Mohyliv-Podilskyi district, Yaryshiv village; Ivano-Frankivska oblast: Horodenka town; Kyiv city; Lvivska province: Zolochivskyi district, Velyka Vilshanytsia village vicinity, Lysa Hora Mt., Lviv city, Zhovkivskyi district, Hriada village, Pustomytivskyi district, Chornushovychi village; Ternopilska province: Borshchivskyi district, Ivane Puste village, Melnytsia Podilska town, Husiatynskyi district, Butsyky village, Hrymailiv town; Monastyryska town, Pidvolochyskyi district, Skalat town , C. e. excellens Fabricius, 1798 Right-Bank Polissia (Mixed Forest Zone), Left-Bank Polissia (Mixed Forest Zone), Broadleaved Forest Zone (including the Ciscarpathian region, but with the foothills of the Carpathians up to 300 m and Male Polissia), Right-Bank Forest Steppe, Left-Bank Forest Steppe, Northern sub-zone of the Right-Bank Steppe, Northern sub-zone of the Left-Bank Steppe, Southern sub-zone of the Right-Bank Steppe, Southern sub-zone of the Left-Bank Steppe, C. e. frivaldskyi Kraatz, 1887 Zone of broadleaf forests (including Prykarpattia, and with the foothills of the Carpathians up to 300 m and Male Polissya) (Bukovyna) (Пучков, 2012). There are 71 specimens of Carabus excellens Fabricius, 1801 in the collection of the State Museum of Natural History NASU, Lviv. The beetles were collected by Dzieduszycki W., M. Łomnicki, J. Łomnicki, Stetsiv V., Zanko V., Hankevych K., Polianskyi S., Sheshurak P.M., Zelenko N., Yanytskyi T.P., Rizun V.B. The specimens were collected in the second half of the 19-th century, the first half of the 20th century, and during the recent decades. This article was written with the support of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, call 2022.01 «Science for the Recovery of Ukraine in the War and Post-War Periods» the project 2022.01/0013 «Digitization of natural history collections damaged as a result of hostilities and related factors: development of protocols and implementation on the basis of the State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine». The contents of this article do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and are the sole responsibility of the State Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine.

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Maidansky,A.D. "Hegel in the Mirrors of Soviet Philosophy." Concept: philosophy, religion, culture 7, no.4 (December22, 2023): 8–20.

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The attitude to Hegel in Soviet philosophy was contradictory and depended to a considerable extent on ideological conjuncture. Waves of love and hate for Hegel alternated periodically. At different times emphasis was placed on the “revolutionary” method, dialectics, or on the “reactionary” system, the justification of the old world. On one page Lenin admired Hegel’s logical discoveries, on the next page he scolded him with harsh words for idealism, mysticism and “goddikin”. The article draws a parallel between the stylistics of Lenin’s philosophical works and the avant-garde artists and poets who gave a “slap in the face” to public taste. Philosophy becomes in Lenin’s hands the servant of politics; later on, the “principle of partisanship” became the credo of Marxist dogma and the criterion of the truth of philosophical doctrines. The Hegelian wing of Soviet Marxism was formed in the 1920s. The party leader of the “Dialecticians”, Abram Deborin, initiated the publication of Hegel’s Collected Works, which was published with a number of large and small interruptions over the course of 30 years (and the last, 15th volume never saw the light of day). After the defeat of the Deborinites in 1931, Hegel’s popularity gradually declined. However, some original studies coloured by love for Hegel appeared. Vygotsky used Hegelian concepts of “mediation” and “cunning of reason” to create a cultural-historical psychology; he believed that Hegel “walked lamely to the truth”. Mikhail Lifshits regarded Hegel as a “great conservative of mankind”, and Georg Lukács, who came to the Soviet Union, wrote his famous Young Hegel here and defended this book as his doctoral thesis (1942). Lifshits and Lukács concentrate on Hegel’s “historical dialectic” and on his comprehension of the revolutionary events of his epoch. By the end of the Great Patriotic War, Hegel’s philosophy had been declared an “aristocratic reaction to the French Revolution” (Stalin), and hatred of Hegel became reflexive. The party of persecutors of “Hegelianshchina” was led by Zinovy Beletsky, Professor at Moscow State University. It was only after Stalin’s death that serious research into Hegel’s philosophy could be resumed. E. V. Ilyenkov interpreted dialectics as “the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete” and traced how this — materialistically reinterpreted — method works in Marx’s Das Kapital. It was Neo-Hegelians who brought to the fore the category of the concrete, understood as “diversity fused into unity” (Ivan Ilyin); in this respect, Lenin was in full solidarity with them. In parallel with European Marxists, Ilyenkov criticised the interpretation of dialectics as a universal picture of the world, a new metaphysics cultivated by “diamat” and “istmat”. He did not, however, share the anti-Hegelian sentiments of the schools of G. della Volpe and L. Althusser. For Ilyenkov, Hegel is the greatest revolutionary in logic since Aristotle. At the end of the article are the facts showing that interest in “Soviet Hegel” is still alive today.

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El-Zastrouw, Ngatawi. "Menuju Sosiologi Nusantara: Analisa Sosiologis Ajaran Ki Ageng Suryomentaram dan Amanat Galunggung." ISLAM NUSANTARA: Journal for Study of Islamic History and Culture 1, no.1 (July30, 2020): 89–144.

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The discourse on indigenizing of social sciences has been popular among Indonesian scholars since 1970s. However, it has not shown any significant development, in spite of many writings of Nusantara scholars that can be bases of references to develop sociological theories of Nusantara, such as the manuscripts of Kawruh Jiwo Ki Ageng Suryomentaram and Amanat Galunggung. Making an effort to indigenize social sciences of Nusantara, the present study investigates both manuscripts. The results of the study argue that there are basic theories of sociology discussed in those two manuscripts. For example, the concepts of social integration (kabuyutan), division of labor, and historical consciousness, which are discussed in the manuscript of Amanat Galunggung. The sociological perspective of Amanat Galunggung is very similar to the structural-functional theory. While, the concepts found in Kawruh Jiwo Ki Ageng Suryomentaram, such as the concepts of four division of human being, feeling (rasa) and intention (karep), and reciprocal relations between human and society. Those theories are genuine and authentical; and if the theories are developed, they will result in a typical of Nusantara sociological theory. Keywords: Indigeneus, Kramadangsa, Rasa, Kabuyutan, Tri Tangtu REFERENCE Alatas, S.F., (2010), Diskusus Alternatif Dalam Ilmu Sosial Asia, Tanggapan Terhadap Eurocentrisme, Bandung, Mizan, Anthony Giddens (1997), Central Problem in Social Theoty, Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of Callifornia Press. Ary, H. Gunawan (2000), Sosiologi: Suatu Analisis Sosiologi tentang Pelbagai Problem Pendidikan, Cet. I; Jakarta: Rinika Cipta. Astrid S. Susanto (1979) Pengantar Sosiologi dan Perubahan Sosial, Bandung, Binacipta. Allice S. 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Putra, Agus Dwi, Mojibur Rohman, and Mochamad Sulaiman. "Simulasi Pengaruh Waktu dan Gerak Terhadap Desain Implan Sendi Pinggul." Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Undiksha 9, no.1 (March25, 2021): 23–31.

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Simulasi desain implan sendi pinggul bertujuan untuk menganalisis total deformasi maksimum, tegangan prinsipal maksimum, dan tegangan geser maksimum dengan kombinasi variasi waktu, gerakan, dan pembebanan. Simulasi memungkinkan suatu objek diujicobakan secara visual sebelum diproduksi sebagai purwarupa. Fungsi dari simulasi adalah untuk meminimalisir terjadinya kegagalan dan untuk memangkas biaya produksi. Sebelum memulai simulasi suatu objek perlu dibuatkan desain. Desain dalam penelitian ini menggunakan software CAD yakni Inventor 2014, sedangkan analisis metode elemen hingga dalam desain implan memanfaatkan simulasi ANSYS 18.1. Analisis metode elemen hingga didasarkan pada aktivitas berjalan, melompat, dan menuruni tangga selama kurun waktu 0 detik hingga 4,5 detik. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa desain implan sendi pinggul menghasilkan 4079 nodal, 2157 Elemen, dan total deformasi maksimum sebesar 0,097 mm (berjalan), 0,2 mm (melompat), dan 0,11 mm (menuruni tangga). Tegangan prinsipal maksimum adalah 32 MPa (berjalan), 66,96 MPa (melompat), dan 73,93 MPa (menuruni tangga). Tegangan geser maksimum adalah 19,74 MPa (berjalan), 41,28 MPa (melompat), dan 45,58 MPa (menuruni tangga).Kata kunci: simulasi; implan sendi pinggul; metode elemen hingga; Mg Alloy.The simulation of the hip joint implant design aims to analyze maximum total deformation, maximum principal stress, and maximum shear stress with a combination of variations in time, motion and loading. Simulation allows an object to be tested visually before being produced as a prototype. Function of simulation is to minimize the occurrence of failures and to cut production costs. Before starting to simulate an object a design needs to be made. The design in this study used CAD software, namely Inventor 2014, while the finite element method analysis in implant design used ANSYS 18.1 simulation. Finite element method analysis is based on walking, jumping and descending stairs over a period of 0 seconds to 4.5 seconds. Simulation results show that hip joint implant design produces 4079 nodals, 2157 elements, and a maximum total deformation of 0.097 mm (walking), 0.2 mm (jumping), and 0.11 mm (descending stairs). Maximum principal stresses are 32 MPa (walking), 66.96 MPa (jumping), and 73.93 MPa (descending stairs). Maximum shear stresses are 19.74 MPa (walking), 41.28 MPa (jumping), and 45.58 MPa (descending stairs).Keywords : Simulation; Hip Joint Implants; Finite Element Method; Mg AlloyDAFTAR RUJUKANAhmed, A., Hameed, P., Shaikh, F., Hussain, Z., Hussain, N., & Aslam, M. (2017). Simulation tools application for arti fi cial lighting in buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, August, 0–1., D. D. (2016). General aviation accidents related to exceedance of airplane weight/center of gravity limits. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 91, 19–23., N., Howie, C. 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Kneeshaw, Stephen, Richard Harvey, D'Ann Campbell, RobertW.Dubay, JohnT.Reilly, JamesF.Marran, AnnW.Ellis, et al. "Book Reviews." Teaching History: A Journal of Methods 10, no.2 (May4, 2020): 82–96.

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Robert William Fogel and G. R. Elton. Which Road to the Past? Two Views of History. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1983. Pp. vii, 136. Cloth, $14.95. Review by Stephen Kneeshaw of The School of the Ozarks. Emmanuel LeRoy Ladurie. The Mind and Method of the Historian. Translated by Sian Reynolds and Ben Reynolds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. v, 310. Paper, $9.95. Review by Richard Harvey of Ohio University. John E. O'Connor, ed. American History/ American Television: Interpreting the Video Past. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, 1983. Pp. 463. Cloth, $17.50; Paper, $8.95. Review by D' Ann Campbell of Indiana University. Foster Rhea Dulles & Melvyn Dubofsky. Labor in America: A History. Arlington Heights, Illinois: Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1984. 4th edition. Pp. ix, 425. Cloth, $25.95. Paper, $15.95. Review by Robert W. Dubay of Bainbridge Junior College. Karen Ordahl Kupperman. Roanoke: The Abandoned Colony. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman & Allanheld, 1984. Pp. viii, 182. Cloth, $24.95; Paper, $12.50. Review by John T. Reilly of Mount Saint Mary College. Kevin O'Reilly. Critical Thinking in American History: Exploration to Constitution. South Hamilton, Massachusetts: Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School, 1983. Pp. 86. Paper, $2.95. Teacher's Guides: Pp. 180. Paper, $12.95; Kevin O'Reilly. Critical Thinking in American History: New Republic to Civil War. South Hamilton, Massachusetts: Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School, 1984. Pp. 106. Paper, $2.95. Teacher's Guide: Pp. 190. Paper, $12.95. Review by James F. Marran of New Trier Township High School, Winnetka, Illinois. Michael J. Cassity, ed. Chains of Fear: American Race Relations Since Reconstruction. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1984. Pp. xxxv, 253. Cloth, $35.00. Review by Ann W. Ellis of Kennesaw College. L. P. Morris. Eastern Europe Since 1945. London and Exeter, New Hampshire: Heinemann Educational Books, 1984. Pp. 211. Paper, $10.00. Review by Thomas T. Lewis, Mount Senario College. John Marks. Science and the Making of the Modern World. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann Educational Books, Inc., 1983. Pp. xii, 507. Paper, $25.00. Review by Howard A. Barnes of Winston-Salem State University. Kenneth G. Alfers, Cecil Larry Pool, William F. Mugleston, eds. American's Second Century: Topical Readings, 1865-Present. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/ Hunt Publishing Co., 1984. Pp. viii, 381. Paper, $8.95. Review by Richard D. Schubart of Phillips Exeter Academy. Sam C. Sarkesian. America's Forgotten Wars: The Counterrevoltuionary Past and Lessons for the Future. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1984. Pp. xiv, 265. Cloth, $29.95. Review by Richard Selcer of Mountain View College. Edward Wagenknecht. Daughters of the Covenant: Portraits of Six Jewish Women. Amherst: University of Massachusetts, 1983. Pp. viii, 192. Cloth, $17.50. Review by Abraham D. Kriegel of Memphis State University. Morton Borden. Jews, Turks, and Infidels. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1984. Pp. x, 163. Cloth, $17.95. Review by Raymond J. Jirran of Thomas Nelson Community College. Richard Schlatter, ed. Recent Views on British History: Essays on Historical Writing Since 1966. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1984. Pp. xiii, 524. Cloth, $50.00. Review by Fred R. van Hartesveldt of Fort Valley State College. Simon Hornblower. The Greek World, 479-323 B.C. London and New York: Methuen, 1983. Pp. xi, 354. Cloth, $24.00; Paper, $11.95. Review by Dan Levinson of Thayer Academy, Braintree, Massachusetts. H. R. Kedward. Resistance in Vichy France. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Paper edition 1983. Pp. ix, 311. Paper, $13.95. Review by Sanford J. Gutman of the State University of New York at Cortland.

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Diana, Neneng Tasu’ah, Sony Zulfikasari, and Tias Martika. "ECE Teachers’ Roles of Developing Numeracy Literacy in Special Needs Children." JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini 17, no.2 (November30, 2023): 267–83.

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Special needs ECE children should be prepared with early literacy and numeracy skills to strengthen their competencies during the transitional phase to primary school. To help this transitional phase, teachers can provide a variety of diverse play activities. This study aims to explore and evaluate the pedagogical strategies employed by teachers in reinforcing special needs children's literacy and numeracy, as a support to their transition process from ECE to primary year. The research applied a qualitative method with data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation. The sample selection applied purposive sampling based on the criteria and objectives of this study. The sample consisted of inclusive classroom teachers from ten ECE institutions in five regions of Central Java, including Semarang City, Pekalongan City, Surakarta City, Wonosobo District, and Jepara District. The study concludes that ECE teachers still see several limitations in dealing with special needs children. Therefore, teachers should modify plans and play activities to strengthen literacy and numeracy skills for special needs children to help them embark on primary school. Teachers expect necessary support for their improvement through training and guidance in dealing with special needs children, especially in developing their literacy and numeracy. Keywords: literacy and numeracy, special needs children, ECE-primary school transition References: 1 Agustina, E., & Zayyadi, M. (2023). Kemampuan Literasi Numerasi Siswa di Sekolah Inklusi. Apotema: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 9(1), 15-20. Alberta. (2019). Literacy and Numeracy Proggression. Understanding Special Education Needs, 1-15. Atlar, H., & Uzuner, Y. (2023). Supporting Teacher Development about Early Literacy in Children with Hearing Loss: An Action Research in Turkey. 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Zhang, Qing, and Yuru Wang. "(Digital Presentation) Self-Discharge Study of Carbon-Based Supercapacitors with Tunable Pore Size." ECS Meeting Abstracts MA2023-01, no.8 (August28, 2023): 1116.

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Electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), as a major type of energy storage devices besides rechargeable batteries such as lithium-ion batteries, holds excellent properties such as high power density and ultra-long cycling stability[1-3]; however, its fast self-discharge process has become the major issue that impedes its development and application. Even though research on EDLCs’ self-discharge has demonstrated that the fast self-discharge rate can be tuned even repressed through modifying certain structural properties of electrodes or electrolytes[4-9], to the end of realizing full control over the self-discharge process requires unveiling the fundamental relation between structural parameters (i.e., the pore structure, the surface functionalities, the electrolytic ion size and shape, and etc.) and the self-discharge performance. Carbon, due to its superior chemical stability, high surface area, natural abundance, etc.[4,10], has become one of the main types of electrode materials under extensive research interest for developing advanced EDLCs. Herein, we focus on tuning the pore size, one of the major structural properties of carbon materials relating to its electrochemical performance, to study its effects on self-discharge process and to learn how to construct the optimal pore structure with respect to certain application requirements. In this work, porous carbon materials with designed pore structure are prepared via soft-template method to analyse the self-discharge performance. Through investigating the effects of pore size, as the single variable, on the self-discharge process, as well as on the micro-electrochemical process on the electrode/electrolyte interface, underlying mechanism between pore size and the self-discharge performance has been constructed. These findings should provide guidance on how to locate the optimal pore size for a chosen electrolyte and to realize control over self-discharge, which will serve as solid references for designing the next-generation EDLCs with high performance and controllable self-discharge rates. Reference [1] X. Chen, R. Paul, L. Dai, Natl. Sci. Rev., 2017, 4(3), 453-489. [2] G. Wang, L. Zhang, J. Zhang, Chem. Soc. Rev ., 2012, 41, 797-828. [3] Y. Liu, Y. Shen, L. Sun, J. Li, C. Liu, W. Ren, F. Li, L. Gao, J. Chen, F. Liu, Y. Sun, N. Tang, H. Cheng, Y. Du, Nat. Commun., 2016, 7, 10921. [4] Q. Zhang, C. Cai, J.W. Qin, B.Q. Wei, Nano Energy., 2014, 4, 14-22. [5] T. Tevi, H. Yaghoubi, J. Wang, A. Takshi, J. Power Sources., 2013, 241, 589-596. [6] L. Chen, H. Bai, Z. Huang, L. Li, Energy Environ. Sci., 2014, 7, 1750-1759. [7] G. Shul, D. Bélanger, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 19137-19145. [8] M. Xia, J. Nie, Z. Zhang, X. Lu, Z.L. Wang, Nano Energy., 2018, 47, 43-50. [9] J. Menzel, E. Frackowiak, K. Fic, Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 332, 135435. [10] D.P. Dubal, O. Ayyad, V. Ruiz, P. Gomez-Romero, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 1777–1790. Figure 1

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Warmansyah, Jhoni, Restu Yuningsih, Evi Selva Nirwana, Ravidah, Rahmanda Putri, Amalina, and Masril. "The Effect of Mathematics Learning Approaches and Self-Regulation to Recognize the Concept of Early Numbers Ability." JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini 17, no.1 (April30, 2023): 54–81.

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The ability to recognize the concept of early numbers in early childhood is very important to develop so that children are ready to take part in learning mathematics at a higher level. This study aims to determine the effect of mathematics learning approaches and self-regulation to recognize the concept of early numbers ability in kindergarten. The study used an experimental method with a treatment design by level 2x2. The sample used was 32 children. Score data, ability to recognize number concepts, analyzed and interpreted. The results showed that: (1) The Realistic Mathematics Education approach is better than the Open Ended Approach in improving the ability to recognize children's number concepts; (2) There is an interaction effect between mathematics learning approaches and Self-Regulation to recognize the concept of early numbers ability; (3) The Realistic Mathematics Education approach is more suitable for children with high self-regulation, (4) The Open Ended approach is more suitable for children with low self-regulation. Subsequent experiments are expected to find mathematics learning approaches for children whose self-regulation is low on recognizing the concept of early numbers ability. Keywords: mathematics learning approach, self-regulation, early number concept ability References: Adjie, N., Putri, S. U., & Dewi, F. (2019). Penerapan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik (PMR) dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Bilangan Cacah pada Anak Usia Dini. 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Budiwirman, Budiwirman, Syeilendra Syeilendra, Ary Ramadhan, and Syafei Syafei. "SENI TRADISIONAL DALAM SENI MUSIK MODREN: ANALISIS BERDASARKAN NILAI PENDIDIKAN." Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa 12, no.1 (June24, 2023): 108.

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Traditional arts that have high artistic value must always be preserved from extinction. In order to maintain the popularity of traditional art in Indonesia, it is necessary that artists, teachers, and society understand it deeply. Every fine arts artist, teacher, and community must have a sense of nationalism towards traditional art in order to be able to maintain and become a stronghold of traditional art itself. This study aims to rediscover the values of traditional culture that are spread in several regions in Indonesia with the hope that it can be absorbed into modern art so that the value of traditional art is not completely eroded. This research uses Spradley's qualitative research method or ethnographic qualitative research with the aim of systematically describing deeper cultural characteristics. This research produces a description of the characteristics of traditional culture contained in several traditional arts and crafts spread across Indonesia, each region has cultural characteristics that are different from other regions which are influenced by several diverse factors. The characteristics of each artistic value are maintained and absorbed into modern art for maintained and taught in the world of education so that art saviors are born who are able to transform traditional arts into modern artistic values. As art saviors, artists need awareness of a sense of "nationalism" in each of them which is obtained through an understanding of these traditional arts.Keywords: high art, education, culture, nationalism. AbstrakKesenian tradisional yang memiliki nilai seni tinggi harus selalu dilestarikan dari kepunahan. Untuk mempertahankan popularitas seni tradisional di Indonesia, diperlukan seniman, guru, dan masyarakat yang memahaminya secara mendalam. Setiap seniman seni rupa, guru dan masyarakat harus memiliki rasa nasionalisme terhadap seni tradisional agar mampu menjaga dan menjadi benteng kesenian tradisional itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan kembali nilai nilai kebudayaan tradisional yang tersebar di dibeberapa daerah di Indonesia dengan harapan dapat dilakukan penyerapan kedalam seni modern agar nilai dari kesenian tradisional tidak terkikis sepenuhnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif Spradley atau penelitian kualitatif etnografi dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan karakteristik kultural lebih mendalam secara sistematis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan deskripsi karakteristik kebudayaan tardisional yang terkandung dari beberapa kerajinan seni tradisional yang tersebar di wilayah Indonesia, setiap daerah memiliki karakterstik kebudayaan yang berbeda dari daerah lain yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa factor yang beragam, Karakteristik dari setiap nilai kesenian dipertahankan dan diserap kedalam kesenian modern untuk dipertahankan dan diajarkan dalam dunia Pendidikan agar terlahir penyelamat kesenian yang mampu melakukan transformasi seni tradisional menjadi nilai seni modern. Sebagai penyelamat seni, seniman membutuhkan kesadaran akan rasa “Nasionalisme” pada diri masing-masing yang diperoleh melalu pemahaman akan kesenian tradisional tersebut.Kata Kunci: seni tinggi, pendidikan, budaya, nasionalisme. Authors:Budiwirman : Universitas Negeri PadangSyeilendra : Universitas Negeri PadangAry Ramadhan : Universitas Negeri PadangSyafei : Universitas Negeri Padang References:Yoeti, O. K. 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Contreras Cortés, Francisco, and Alberto Dorado Alejos. "Datos para el estudio de la poliorcética durante la Edad del Cobre y la Edad de Bronce en el mediodía de la península ibérica." Vínculos de Historia Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no.11 (June22, 2022): 33–62.

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El uso de murallas desde los primeros momentos de la sedentarización ha buscado el cierre de asentamientos y, aunque generalmente estas construcciones procuraban la protección de sus habitantes, pudieron jugar también un papel importante en aspectos como la demostración de fuerza o de independencia política, jurídica e incluso como ornamento. En el presente trabajo realizamos una visión diacrónica de las estructuras en piedra, con especial interés de aquellas estudiadas en el marco de los proyectos de investigación desarrollados por el Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada, mostrándose nuevos datos procedentes de nuestros archivos recientemente digitalizados y que permiten observar de una manera más detallada la fábrica de algunas de ellas, lo que demuestra los cambios de hábitos constructivos y su adaptación a los cambios culturales. Palabras Clave: Estructuras defensivas, Edad del Cobre, Edad del Bronce, Bronce FinalTopónimos: Península IbéricaPeriodo: Edad del Cobre, Edad del Bronce ABSTRACTThe use of walls from the earliest moments of sedentarisation has sought to enclose settlements and, although the goal of these constructions has generally been the protection of their inhabitants, they may have played an important role in aspects such as the demonstration of strength or political and legal independence, and even as ornamentation. This paper presents a diachronic view of stone wall structures, with particular focus on those studied within the framework of the research projects carried out by the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the University of Granada. New data from our recently digitalised archives are included, enabling us to observe in greater detail the construction of some of these structures, evidencing changes in building habits and their adaptation to cultural changes. 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Шарма Сушіл Кумар. "The Tower of Babble: Mother Tongue and Multilingualism in India." East European Journal of Psycholinguistics 4, no.1 (June27, 2017): 188–204.

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Since ancient times India has been a multilingual society and languages in India have thrived though at times many races and religions came into conflict. The states in modern India were reorganised on linguistic basis in 1956 yet in contrast to the European notion of one language one nation, majority of the states have more than one official language. The Linguistic Survey of India (LSI) conducted by Grierson between 1866 and 1927 identified 179 languages and 544 dialects. The first post-independence Indian census after (1951) listed 845 languages including dialects. The 1991 Census identified 216 mother tongues were identified while in 2001 their number was 234. The three-language formula devised to maintain the multilingual character of the nation and paying due attention to the importance of mother tongue is widely accepted in the country in imparting the education at primary and secondary levels. However, higher education system in India impedes multilingualism. 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Hakeem, Ghozian, and Ririn Tri Ratnasari. "PENGARUH PERCEIVED EASE OF USE PADA APLIKASI M-BANKING BANK UMUM SYARIAH DENGAN TRUST SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING." Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan 8, no.6 (December5, 2021): 696.

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ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel perceived ease of use terhadap behavioral intention dengan trust sebagai variabel intervening pada penggunaan aplikasi m-banking bank umum syariah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode path analysis dan melibatkan 50 responden yang merupakan nasabah salah satu bank umum syariah sekaligus pengguna aplikasi m-banking bank yang bersangkutan dengan metode purposive sampling secara online, serta menggunakan metode analisis jalur dengan program AMOS untuk mengolah data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived ease of use dan trust berpengaruh signifikan terhadap behavioral intention, demikian juga perceived ease of use terhadap trust. Penelitian ini juga berimplikasi pada ilmu pemasaran Islam, yaitu mengenai niat perilaku konsumen yang akan berefek pada penggunaan aplikasi m-banking bank umum syariah saat ini dan di masa mendatang, seperti perekomendasian aplikasi tersebut ke orang lain. Maka dari itu, bank umum syariah diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas fitur yang terdapat di aplikasi m-banking, mempromosikan secara gencar kemudahan dan manfaat yang akan didapat dari penggunaan aplikasi m-banking agar nasabah tertarik untuk menggunakannya, serta menyederhanakan baik tampilan dan cara penggunaan, sehingga aplikasi tersebut bisa digunakan dengan mudah oleh berbagai kalangan.Kata Kunci: Perceived ease of use, trust, behavioral intention, aplikasi m-banking. ABSTRACTThe intention of this study is to discover perceived ease of use’s impact on behavioral intention with trust as the intervening variable in the usage of Islamic commercial banks’ m-banking applications. This research uses a quantitative approach with path analysis method and involves 50 participants who are customers of one of Islamic commercial banks as well as users of m-banking application of the bank concerned with online purposive sampling method. 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Sugimoto,T., H.Watanabe, Y.Yoshida, S.Mokuda, and S.Hirata. "AB0900 NINTEDANIB DOES NOT IMPROVE NAILFOLD CAPILLARY ABNORMALITIES IN PATIENTS WITH SYSTEMIC SCLEROSIS." Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 82, Suppl 1 (May30, 2023): 1665.1–1665.

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BackgroundThe pathogenesis of SSc consists of three aspects: fibrosis, angiopathy, and immune abnormalities. Nintedanib has been shown to be effective against interstitial lung disease (ILD) as an antifibrotic drug, but it may also have effects on vascular disorders due to its inhibitory effects on FGF, PDGF, and VEGF. While nailfold capillary abnormalities in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) may improve with immunosuppressive therapy, no reports have evaluated whether nintedanib improves nailfold capillary abnormalities.ObjectivesTo clarify whether nintedanib improves nailfold capillary abnormalities in patients with SSc complicated by ILD.MethodsThis study is a prospective observational study. Among patients diagnosed as having SSc according to the 2013 ACR/EULAR classification criteria, those who started to treat with nintedanib for ILD at our hospital from March 2020 to July 2022 were consecutively registered. The nailfold capillaries were evaluated using a nailfold videocapillaroscopy (NVC), capable of observation at 200x magnification. The evaluation was carried out using the current standardized method.[1]NVC was performed before drug induction and 1 year after drug induction. Only patients who had NVC testing up to 1 year later were included in the evaluation. At the same time, blood tests such as KL-6, SP-A, and SP-D, and respiratory function tests were evaluated. This study has been pre-approved by the Hiroshima University Hospital Ethics Committee. (OySTeR study: Optimal strategy in SSc Treatment for Recovery, approval number: E-1940-1)ResultsEight patients were analyzed. The mean age was 59 ± 17 years. Female were 7 (87.5%). Six patients (75%) were positive for anti-Scl-70 antibodies. Details of other cases are listed in Table 1. Seven patients (87.5%) had a history of treatment with immunosuppressive therapies. The disease duration was less than 6 years in 5 patients, and 6 years or longer in the remaining 3. Five patients were able to continue nintedanib for 52 weeks: 1 patient discontinued nintedanib after 1 month due to abnormal liver function, 1 patient with diarrhea discontinued after 10 months. All of the patients who were able to continue oral administration were also reduced to 200 mg/day due to diarrhea. Baseline mean FVC, KL-6, SP-A, and SP-D are described in Table 1. The results by NVC pattern were Normal in 1 case, Early in 2 cases, Active in 1 case, Late in 3 cases, and Non-specific in 1 case. Quantitative baseline results for the NVC tests were capillary density (number of capillaries) 5.8 ± 2.2/mm, enlarged capillary score 0.91 ± 0.83, giant capillary score 0.31 ± 0.30, and hemorrhage score 0.22 ± 0.27. 1 year later, the NVC pattern deteriorated from early to active in only one case, but the others remained unchanged. Quantitative results for the NVC test were capillary density 5.8 ± 2.3/mm, enlarged capillary score 0.98 ± 0.95, giant capillary score 0.38 ± 0.48, and hemorrhage score 0.20 ± 0.33. Mean FVC, KL-6, SP-A, and SP-D after 1 year are also shown in Table 1.ConclusionNintedanib tended to improve ILD biomarkers and pulmonary function test results in patients with SSc, but did not improve nailfold capillary abnormalities. Based on this result, combination therapy is preferable to nintedanib alone for improving the pathology of SSc.Reference[1]Smith V, Herrick AL, Ingegnoli F, Damjanov N, Angelis R, Denton CP et al. Standardisation of nailfold capillaroscopy for the assessment of patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon and systemic sclerosis. Autoimmun Rev. 2020;19(3):102458.Table 1.Comparison of laboratory data and NVC test results at baseline and after 1 yearBaseline (N=8)1 year later (N=8)Age(year)59 ± 1760 ± 17SexFemale: 7 (87.5%)AntibodyAnti-Scl-70: 6(75%)Anti-RNA polymerase III: 1 (12.5%)Negative: 1 (12.5%)FVC (mL)1673 ± 4651722 ± 504KL-6(U/mL)1241 ± 824977 ± 732SP-A (ng/mL)49.4 ± 15.751.5 ± 12.6SP-D(ng/mL)179 ± 105147 ± 95NVC patternNormal11Early21Active12Late33Non-specific11Density (/mm)5.8 ± 2.25.8 ± 2.3Enlarged0.91 ± 0.830.98 ± 0.95Giant0.31 ± 0.300.38 ± 0.48Hemorrhage0.22 ± 0.270.20 ± 0.33Acknowledgements:NIL.Disclosure of InterestsTomohiro Sugimoto Speakers bureau: Boehringer Ingelheim, Kyowa Kirin Co, Mitsubisgi Tanabe Pharma, Asahi Kasei Corporation, Astellas Pharma, AYUMI Pharmaceutical Corporation, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K., UCB., Paid instructor for: Astellas Pharma, Asahi Kasei Corporation, Eisai Co., Hirofumi Watanabe Speakers bureau: Tanabe Mitsubishi, Yusuke Yoshida Speakers bureau: Astellas, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Chugai, AstraZeneca, Paid instructor for: Tanabe Mitsubishi, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Chugai, Eisai, Sho Mokuda Speakers bureau: Ily Lilly, Asahi-Kasei, Astellas, Eisai, AbbVie, UCB, Tanabe-Mitsubishi, Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., AstraZeneca, Shintaro Hirata Speakers bureau: AbbVie, Asahi-Kasei, Astellas, Ayumi, Bristol Myers Squibb, Celgene, Chugai, Eisai, Gilead, Glaxo Smithkline, Ily Lilly, Janssen, Kyorin, Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi, Tanabe-Mitsubishi, UCB, Paid instructor for: AbbVie, Tanabe-Mitsubishi, Consultant of: AbbVie, Astellas, Bristol Myers Squibb, Eisai, Gilead, Eli Lilly, Grant/research support from: AbbVie, Asahi-Kasei, Eisai, Otsuka, Sanofi, Shionogi, Chugai, Pfizer, Tanabe-Mitsubishi, Ily Lilly, UCB.

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Зиливинская, Эмма Давидовна. "КАРАВАН-САРАИ: ГЕНЕЗИС, РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ, КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ." Kazakhstan Archeology, no.2 (June14, 2019): 39–65.

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С развитием торговли на караванных путях появляются постоялые дворы, причем самые ранние известны уже во II тыс. до н.э. После арабских завоеваний на Востоке складывается достаточно стандартный и хорошо узнаваемый тип постоялогодвора, получивший название «караван-сарай» или «хан». В Средней Азии и Иране в основе плана караван-сараев лежит обширный двор, окруженный мощными стенами, к которым изнутри пристроены различные помещения. В Армении был выработан оригинальный тип закрытого зального караван-сарая. Наиболее распространенный в Малой Азии тип караван-сараев представляет собой синтез дворовых и зальных зданий. Несмотря на то, что существует достаточно много обобщающих работ, в которых собраны и проанализированы караван-сараи различных стран Востока, до сих пор не создана классификация этой очень важной категории зданий. Предлагаемая типология основывается на планиметрии построек. В предлагаемой классификации используются следующие признаки: наличие или отсутствие открытого двора, количество дворов, форма плана, количество входов, застройка двора, расположение помещений, наличие колоннады. Предложенная классификация достаточно универсальна и отражает большую часть элементов, из которых строится план здания. Кроме того, она позволяет изобразить планировку зданий в виде краткого кода. Библиографические ссылки 1. Бартольд В.В. История культурной жизни Туркестана. Л.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1927. 256 c. 2. Бартольд В.В. Туркестан в эпоху монгольского нашествия. Соч. в восьми томах. М.: «Наука», 1963. Т. 1. 763 с. 3. Буряков Ю.Ф. По древним караванным путям Ташкентского оазиса. Ташкент: «Фан», 1978. 104 с. 4. Вишневская О.А. Раскопки караван-сараев Ак-яйла и Талайхан-ата // Ар- хеологические и этнографические работы Хорезмской экспедиции 1949–1953. Труды ХАЭЭ. М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1958. Т. II. С. 431-467. 5. Всеобщая история архитектуры (ред. О.Х. Халпахчьян). Л.–М.: Изд-во литературы по строительству, 1970. Т. 1. 512 с. 6. Всеобщая история архитектуры (ред. А.М. Прибыткова). Л.–М.: Изд-во литературы по строительству, 1969. Т. 8. 491 с. 7. Литвинский Б.А., Зеймаль Т.И. Буддийский монастырь Аджина-тепа. Раскопки. Архитектура. Искусство. СПб.: «Нестор-история», 2010. 320 с. 8. Маньковская Л.Ю. Типологические основы зодчества Средней Азии. IX – начало XX в. Ташкент: «Фан», 1980. 184 с. 9. Маньковская Л.Ю. Формообразование и типология зодчества Средней Азии. IX – начало XX века. Ташкент: «Baktria Press», 2014. 496 с. 10. Мухамеджанов А.Р., Адылов Ш.Т., Мирзахмедов Д.К., Семенов Г.Л. Городище Пайкенд. К проблеме изучения средневекового города Средней Азии. Ташкент: «Фан», 1988. 195 с. 11. Немцева Н.Б. Среднеазиатские караван-сараи в генетическом аспекте // Раннесредневековая культура Средней Азии и Казахстана (тез. всесоюзн. научн. конф в г. Пенджикенте). Душанбе, 1977. С. 163-165. 12. Немцева Н.Б. Рабат-и Малик // Художественная культура Средней Азии IX–XIII вв. Ташкент: Изд-во литер. и искусства, 1983. С. 135-146. 13. Немцева Н.Б. Рабат-и Малик: материалы раскопок // Отзвуки Великого Хорезма. К 100-летию со дня рождения С.П. Толстова. М., 2010. С. 267-311. 14. Пугаченкова Г.А. Пути развития архитектуры Южного Туркменистана поры рабовладения и феодализма. М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1958а. 492 с. 15. Пугаченкова Г.А. Новые материалы к истории архитектуры Туркменистана. Труды ЮТАКЭ. Ашхабад, 1958б. Т. 8. 406 с. 16. Пугаченкова Г.А. Новое об архитектуре средневекового Мерва. Труды ЮТАКЭ. Ашхабад, 1963. Т. 12. 371 с. 17. Смирнова О.И. Очерки по истории Согда. М.: Наука, 1970. 288 c. 18. Толстов С.П. Древний Хорезм. М.: МГУ, 1948. 440 c. 19. Халпахчьян О.Х. Каравансараи Армении // АН. 1959. № 11. С. 105-133. 20. Халпахчьян О.Х. Гражданское зодчество Армении (жилые и общественные здания). М.: Стройиздат, 1971. 245 с. 21. Хмельницкий С. Между арабами и тюрками. Архитектура Средней Азии IX–X вв. Берлин–Рига: «Continent», 1992. 344 с. 22. Хмельницкий С. Между Саманидами и монголами. Архитектура Средней Азии XI – начала XIII в. Берлин-Рига: «Gamajun», 1996. Ч. I. 336 c. 23. Barthold V. Der iranische Buddhismus und sein Verhältnis zum Islam // Oriental studies in honour of C.E. Pavry. London: Oxford University Press, 1933. Р. 29-31. 24. Godard A. L’Art de Iran. Paris: Arthaud, 1962. 836 c. 25. Herzfeld E. Damaskus. Studies in Architecture. Ars Islamica.Vol. 10. Ann Arbor, 1943. P. 13-70. 26. Hillenbrand R. Islamic Architecture. New-York: Columbia University Press, 1994. 645 р. 27. Kleiss W. Karawanenbauten in Iran. T. I // Materialen zur Iranischen Archäologie, B. 2. DAI. Abteilung Teheran. Berlin, 1996. 322 p. 28. Stierlin H. Turkey from the Selçuks to the Ottomans. Köln: «Tachen», 1998. 238 p.

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Pavón Benito, Julia. "¿Es necesario seguir investigando sobre la muerte? Una reflexión historiográfica y nuevas perspectivas." Vínculos de Historia Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no.12 (June28, 2023): 65–83.

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RESUMENLa historiografía sobre la muerte, desarrollada entre finales de los años setenta y noventa de la pasada centuria, tuvo especial interés y proyección a partir de las investigaciones trazadas por la tercera generación de Annales. Los planteamientos de esta corriente, en sintonía con los modelos de dicha escuela y avalados por la renovación del objeto histórico tras el estructuralismo, giraron alrededor del estudio de las condiciones materiales, actitudes, imágenes y gestualidad del hombre medieval ante la muerte. El cuerpo de esta fructífera reflexión, como parcela de la “historia de las mentalidades”, albergó novedades metodológicas, facilitando una visión y proyección heurística, debido al impacto que tuvo dentro del diálogo de la historia con las ciencias sociales y otras disciplinas del quehacer humanístico. A finales del siglo xx y comienzo del presente, el giro producido en el quehacer histórico ha otorgado un mayor protagonismo a lo social y cultural, colocando en el lugar protagonista ocupado durante décadas por la “historia de la muerte” otros intereses. Compete, por tanto, plantearse qué horizontes cabría dibujar, dentro de las coordenadas historiográficas de la actualidad, para las investigaciones sobre la muerte, cuyas paradojas siguen vigentes como recurso para conocer los fenómenos y manifestaciones propias de la civilización medieval.Palabras clave: Muerte medieval, historiografía de la muerte ABSTRACTThe historiography of death developed between the late 1970s and the 1990s was of special interest and projection. It was based on research carried out by the third generation of the Annales. The approaches developed in line with the models of this school of thought and underpinned by the renewal of the historical object following structuralism, revolved around the study of material conditions, attitudes, images and gestures of the medieval man in the face of death. The core of this prolific reflection as part of the “history of mentalities” contained methodological novelties facilitating a heuristic vision and projection due to the impact it had on the dialogue between History and Social Sciences and other humanistic disciplines. At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the current the shift in historical endeavour has given greater prominence to what is social and cultural, placing other interests in the key role for decades occupied by the “history of death”. 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Djamila Abdelkader ABID, Nassima MOKHTARI- SOULIMANE, and Hafida MERZOUK. "Effect of Linseed Oil Supplementation on Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Capacity in Pregnant Overfed Obese Rats and Their Offspring." Journal of Natural Product Research and Applications 1, no.02 (December3, 2021): 1–16.

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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the protective effects of linseed oil on lipid peroxidation, antioxidative capacity, as well as serum glucose, total cholesterol (TC), LDL-C and TG levels, in cafeteria-diet-fed dams during gestation and lactation, and in their offspring throughout adulthood. Food and energy intakes were also evaluated. The cafeteria diet led to higher energy intake, body weight, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia (higher TC, LDL-C and TG) in dams’ rats and their pups. Plasma vitamin C, Erythrocyte GSH levels and catalase activity were lower, whereas plasma diene conjugates (DC), Malondialdehyde and protein carbonyl levels (PC) in plasma and erythrocytes were higher in cafeteria-diet-fed mothers and their pups compared to controls. Supplement of linseed oil significantly enhanced plasma antioxidant defense capacities, as evaluated by the marked increase in the levels of plasma vitamin C and erythrocyte GSH as well as the activities of CAT and the significant reduction in lipid peroxidation (lower DC and MDA) and PC in CAFL-diet-fed mothers and their offspring. Simultaneous intake of linseed oil also reduced body weight, plasma TG, TC and LDL-C contents in obese pregnant and lactating dams and their pups at day 30 and day 90. The flaxseed oil supplementation may prevent lipid peroxidation and metabolic disorders which might be helpful in preventing obesity complications in mothers during pregnancy and lactation and in their offspring. REFERENCES:Adeoye, O., Olawumi, J., Opeyemi, A., & Christiania, O. (2016). Review on the role ofglutathione on oxidative stress and infertility. JBRA Assisted Reproduction, 22(1), 61-66.Aebi, H. (1974). Catalase. 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DETERMINAN AKSES MEMPEROLEH KONDOM PADA KALANGAN LELAKI SEKS LELAKI DI INDONESIA DETERMINANTS OF CONDOM ACCESS AMONG MEN HAVE SEX WITH MEN (MSM) IN INDONESIA Mona S Fatiah 1 1Kesehatan Reproduksi, Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, FKM, Universitas Cenderawasih. Jl. Raya Abepura- Sentani, Kota Jayapura, Papua *E-mail: Naskah masuk: dd mm 20xx Review: dd mm 20xx Disetujui terbit: dd mm 20xx Abstract Background: condoms is a form of intervention in preventing HIV transmission in key population groups, especially LSL considering that LSL is thehighest group living with HIV in Indonesia. Objective: This study was conducted with the aim of: looking at the determinants of access to condoms in LSL circles. Method: The design of the study was a cross-sectional design using STBP data 2018-2019 where this study was conducted in 24 provinces inIndonesia with the research sample being a total population of 4,290 LSL people with a sampling technique is Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS).After the funds are obtained, an analysis is carried out up to a multivariate analysis of prediction models using STATA 4 software Result: . The results of this study found that the exposure of information about HIV (OR: 1.64 with a value of 95% CI: 1.18 – 2.28), the risk of contracting HIV (OR: 1.69 with a value of 95% CI: 1.29 – 2.20) and the consistency of condom use (OR: 4.06 with 95% CI: 3.03 – 5.45), where the dominant factor affecting access to condoms is the risk of contracting HIV Conclusion: The conclusion in this study is that these three factors affect 75% of access to condoms. Keywords: Determinants, condom access, Men Have Sex with Men (MSM) Abstrak Latar belakang: Akses dalam mendapatkan kondom merupakan salah satu bentuk intervensi dalam pencegahan penularan HIV pada kelompok populasi kunci, terutama LSL mengingat LSL merupakan kelompok tertinggi yang hidup dengan HIV di Indonesia Tujuan: melihat determinan akses memperoleh kondom pada kalangan LSL Metode: Desain dari penelitian adalah desain cross sectional dengan menggunakan data STBP 2018-2019 dimana penelitian ini dilakukan di 24 provinsi yang ada di Indonesia dengan sampel penelitian adalah total populasi berjumlah 4.290 orang LSL dengan Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS). Setelah dana diperoleh, maka dilakukan analisis sampai dengan analisis multivariat model prediksi dengan menggunakan software STATA 14 Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menemukan jika keterpaparan informasi tentang HIV (OR: 1,64 dengan nilai 95% CI: 1,18 – 2,28), risiko tertular HIV (OR: 1,69 dengan nilai 95% CI: 1,29 – 2,20) dan konsistensi penggunaan kondom (OR: 4,06 dengan 95% CI: 3,03 – 5,45), dimana factor yang dominan mempengaruhi akses mendapatkan kondom adalah risiko tertular HIV Kesimpulan: Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini jika ketiga factor tersebut mempengaruhi seitar 75% dalam akses memperoleh kondom. Kata kunci: Determinan; Akses memperoleh kondom; Lelaki Seks Lelaki (LSL) PENDAHULUAN Kondom merupakan salah satu alat yang dapat digunakan untuk mencegah penularan Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) yang mudah di akses oleh khalayak umum, namun berbeda halnya akses memperoleh kondom pada kelompok berisiko terutama kelompok Lelaki Seks Lelaki (LSL), dimana proporsi keberadaan kelompok LSL ini di Indonesia sekitar 0,03% dari populasi masyarakat Indonesia1. LSL merupakan salah satu kelompok risiko tinggi untuk menular dan tertular Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) pada pasangannya, dimana gay dan LSL memiliki risiko 28 kali lebih besar tertular HIV melalui hubungan sex dibandingkan populasi laki – laki umumnya (usia 15 – 19 tahun) 2. Unsafe sex dikendarai menjadi factor penularan HIV utama selain penggunaan jarum suntik tidak steril di kalangan Pengguna Narkoba Jarum Suntik (Penasun), riwayat Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) 3, hal ini dapat terlihat dari tren laporan HIV triwulan III (47%) tahun 2021 dan triwulan I tahun 2022 (43%), yang mana proporsi unsafe sex menjadi penyebab terbesar dalam penularan HIV pada kelompok heteroseksual maupun homoseksual dibandingkan dengan Penasun 4,5. Gay dan LSL menjadi kelompok tertinggi yang terinfeksi HIV dengan proporsi sebesar 45% di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2021 6, tidak hanya di dunia, namun penularan HIV tertinggi pada LSL juga terjadi di wilayah South – East – Asia (SEA) 7 , dimana Indonesia merupakan salah satu anggota SEA yang memiliki prevalensi kejadian HIV sebesar 0,10 per 1.000 populasi yang tidak terinfeksi pada tahun 20208, dimana prevalen tersebut menempati posisi ke-empat tertinggi sebelum Malaysia (0,19 per 1.000 populasi yang tidak terinfeksi), Filipina (0,15 per 1.000 populasi yang tidak terinfeksi) dan Laos (0,13 per 1.000 populasi yang tidak terinfeksi)8. Prevalensi HIV sendiri di Indonesia pada kelompok LSL juga terbilang tinggi, hal ini terlihat dari laporan Subdit HIV dan PMS Kemenkes tahun 2022, dimana sekitar 329.582 orang pada bulan Januari – Maret 2022 yang teinfeksi HIV 28,8% diantaranya adalah kelompok LSL5, jumlah tersebut sebenarnya sudah melebihi target UNAIDS yang menginginkan jika adanya penurunan kasus HIV infeksi baru menjadi 370.000 kasus tahun 2025 9. Jika melihat jumlah kasus tersebut tentunya sangatlah miris, dimana lelaki menjadi aktor utama dalam penularan HIV. Hal ini sesuai dengan Laporan triwulan I Kemenkes tahun 2021 memaparkan jika, 71% Orang Dengan HIV (ODHIV) di Indonesia4. Menghadapi realitas tersebut maka Kemenkes mengeluarkan regulasi yang tertuang dalam Peraturan Meteri Kesehatan (Permenkes) nomor 12 tahun 2013, dimana salah satu cara upaya penularan HIV dan IMS adalah dengan konsisten menggunakan kondom saat berhubungan badan serta tidak melakukan kegiatan seks berisiko, dimana dalam Permenkes tersebut juga menyinggung bahwa pemerintah menjamin ketersediaan kondom sebagai bagian dari kesehatan10. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melihat determinan akses memperoleh kondom pada kelompok LSL di Indonesia. METODE Penelitian ini berdesain cross sectional dengan memanfaatkan data Survei Terpadu Biologis dan Perilaku (STBP) tahun 2018 – 2019 yang dikeluarkan oleh Subdit HIV AIDs dan PMS Kemenkes, dimana penelitian ini di lakukan di Indonesia dalam kurun waktu selama enam bulan (Juni – November 2022). Sampel pada penelitian ini merupakan total populasi sejumlah 4.290 orang LSL yang berada di 24 Provinsi yang ada di Indonesia, dimana sampel pada penelitian ini diambil dengan pendekatan Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS). Variabel pada penelirian ini terdiri dari variabel Independen berupa: karakteristik LSL (usia, pendidikan LSL, status perkawinan dan pekerjaan), jaminan kesehatan, informasi tentang HIV, risiko tertular HIV serta konsistensi penggunaan kodom dan variabel dependen berupa: akses mendapatkan kondom. Setelah data terkumpul maka data di analisis sampai dengan analisis multivariat yaitu regresi logistic model prediksi dengan menggunakan software STATA 14. Penelitian ini telah lulus uji etik dengan nomor: 727/UN2.F10/PPM/00.02/2018. HASIL Sebanyak 4.176 orang LSL 24,2% LSL diantaranya mengaku tidak memiliki kondom, dengan usia LSL termuda berada pada range antara 15 – 19 tahun sekitar 17,4%. Sebagian besar (60,1%) dari LSL mengaku memiliki latar belakang pendidikan tamat SMA/sederajat dengan status perkawinan terbanyak adalah belum menikah sekitar 81,9 persen. untuk membiayai kebutuhan sehari – hari kelompok LSL mengaku jika 36% LSL memiliki pekerjaan dengan gaji tetap. Untuk kepemilikan jaminan kesehatan, proporsi LSL yang tercover dalam jaminan kesehatan sekitar 59,8%, sedangkan untuk informasi tentang HIV sekitar 20,8% LSL mengaku tidak pernah mendapatkan informasi tentang HIV. Sekitar 64,1% LSL mengaku jika mereka merasa berisiko tertular HIV dan 12,45 LSL mengaku tidak konsisten menggunakan kondom saat melakukan hubungan badan dengan pasangan seks tetap (tabel 1). Tabel 1. Distribusi Karaktersitik LSL (Usia, Pedidikan, Status Perkawinan dan Pekerjaa), Jaminan Kesehatan, Informasi tentang HIV, Risiko tertular HIV, Konsistensi Penggunaan Kondom dan Akses Mendapatkan Kondom Akses Mendapatkan Kondom n % Tidak memiliki kondom 1.011 24,2 Hanya membeli 1.352 32,4 Gratisan 1.170 28,0 Membeli dan dapat gratis 643 15,4 Total 4.176 100,0 Karakteristik Responden Usia (dalam tahun) 15 – 19 748 17,4 20 – 24 1.245 29,1 25 – 49 2.163 50,4 ³50 Tahun 134 3,1 Total 4.290 100,0 Pendidikan Tidak pernah sekolah 16 0,4 Menamatkan SD 294 6,8 Menamatkan SMP 763 17,8 Menamatkan SMA 2.580 60,2 Menamatkan akademi sederajat 637 14,8 Total 4.290 100,0 Status Perkawinan Belum kawin 3.515 81,9 Menikah dan tinggal dengan pasangan 453 10,6 Menikah namun tidak tinggal serumah 107 2,5 Cerai hidup 172 4,0 Cerai mati 43 1,0 Total 4.290 100,0 Pekerjaan Tidak bekerja 1.178 27,5 Bekerja dengan gaji tetap 1.544 36,0 Bekerja dengan gaji tidak tetap 754 17,6 freelance 814 19.0 Total 4.290 100,0 Kepemilikikan jaminan kesehatan BPJS 2.566 59,8 Asuransi swasta 116 2,7 BPJS dan Asuransi swasta 142 3,3 Tidak memiliki 1.466 34,2 Total 4.290 100,0 Informasi tentang HIV Ya mendapatkan informasi 3.397 79,2 Tidak mendapatkan informasi 893 20,8 Total 4.290 100,0 Risiko tertular HIV Tidak berisiko 2.750 64,1 Berisiko 990 23,1 Tidak tahu 550 12,8 Total 4.290 100,0 Konsistensi Penggunaan Kondom Tidak pernah 232 12,5 Jarang/kadang – kadang 726 39,0 Sering 263 14,1 Selalu 618 33,2 Tidak punya pasangan tetap 24 1,3 Total 1.863 100,0 LSL yang berusia di atas 20 tahun memiliki peluang sebesar 1,87 kali dalam kemudahan mengakses kondom di bandingkan dengan LSL yang berusia di bawah 20 tahun (Nilai OR: 1,87 dengan nilai 95% CI: 1,56 – 2,23). Kelompok LSL berlatar belakang pendidikan yang lulusan aakademik/PT memiliki peluang sebesar 1,39 kali lebih besar untuk memperoleh kemudahan dalam mengakses kondom di bandingkan kelompok LSL yang berlatar belakang pendidikan lulusan SMA ke bawah (Nilai OR: 1,39 dengan nilai 95% CI: 1,12 – 1,74). LSL yang berstatus bekerja lebih berpeluang sebesar 1,76 kali lebih besar untuk mendapatkan kemudahan dalam mengakses kondom pada saat berhubungan badan di bandingkan dengan LSL yang tidak bekerja (Nilai OR: 1,76 dengan nilai 95% CI: 1,51 – 2,06). Hasil analisis untuk variabel kepemilikan jaminan kesehatan diperoleh jika LSL yang memiliki jaminan kesehatan berpeluang sebesar 1,34 kali lebih besar untuk memperoleh kemudahan dalam mendapatkan kondom di bandingkan dengan LSL yang tidak memiliki jaminan kesehatan (Nilai OR: 1,34 dengan nilai 95% CI: 1,15 – 1,55). LSL yang terpapar tentang informasi HIV memiliki peluang sebesar 2,43 kali lebih besar untuk mendapatkan kemudahan dalam negakses kondom dibandingkan dengan LSL yang tidak terpapar informasi tentang HIV (Nilai OR: 2,34 dengan nilai 95% CI: 1,98 – 2,76). LSL yang merasa berisiko tertular HIV berpeluang sebesar 2,12 kali lebih besar dalam kemudahan akses mendapatkan kondom dibandingkan dengan LSL yang merasa tidak berisiko tertular HIV (Nilai OR: 2,12 dengan nilai 95% CI: 1,83 – 2,46). Kelompok LSL yang konsisten menggunakan kondom saat berhubungan seksual dengan pasnagannya berpeluang sebesar 4,16 kali lebih besar mendapatkan kemudahan dalam mengakses kondom dibandingkan dengan LSL yang tidak konsisten dalam menggunakan kondom saat berhubungan seksual dengan pasangan seksnya (Nilai OR: 4,16 dengan nilai 95% CI: 3,09 – 5,67) yang dapat terlihat pada tabel 2 Tabel 2. Hasil Analisis Bivariat antara Variabel Independen dengan Variabel Dependen Variabel Akses Mendapatkan Kondom Total p value OR (95% CI) Mudah Tidak mudah n % n % n % Karakteristik LSL Usia dalam tahun ³ 20 2.695 77,9 762 22,1 3.457 100,0 0,0001 1,87 (1,56 – 2,23) < 20 470 65,4 249 34,6 719 100,0 Pendidikan Tamat akademi/PT 509 80,7 122 19,3 631 100,0 0,002 1,39 (1,12 – 1,74) Tamat SMA ke bawah 2.656 74,9 889 25,0 3.545 100,0 Status Perkawinan Menikah dan cerai 522 70,3 221 29,3 743 100,0 0,001 0,706 (0,589 – 0,845) Belum menikah 2.643 76,9 790 23,1 3.433 100,0 Pekerjaan Berkerja dan freelance 2.399 78,8 646 21,2 3.045 100,0 0,001 1,76 (1,51 – 2,06) Tidak bekerja 766 67,7 365 32,3 1.131 100,0 Kepemilikan Asuransi Memiliki Jamkes 2.139 77,6 616 22,4 2.755 100,0 0,001 1,34 (1,15 – 1,55) Tidak memiliki 1.026 72,2 395 27,8 1.421 100,0 Keterpaparan Informasi tentang HIV Pernah terpapar 2.650 79,2 695 20,7 3.345 100,0 0,001 2,34 (1,98 – 2,76) Tidak pernah terpapar 515 61,9 316 38,1 831 100,0 Risiko tertular HIV Berisiko 2.199 80,8 523 19,2 2.722 100,0 0,001 2,12 (1,83 – 2,46) Tidak berisiko 966 66,4 488 33,6 1.454 100,0 Konsistensi Penggunaan Kondom Konsisten 813 92,6 65 7,4 878 100,0 0,001 4,16 (3,09 – 5,67) Tidak konsisten 711 75,0 237 25,0 948 100,0 Hasil akhir analisis multivariat, diperoleh ada tiga faktor yang mempengaruhi akses mendapatkan kondom pada kalangan LSL, yaitu: keterpaparan informasi tentang HIV dengan nilai p value sebesar 0,003 dan nilai OR sebesar 1,65 (95% CI: 1,18 – 2,28), risiko tertular HIV dengan nilai p value sebesar 0,001 dan nilai OR sebesar 1,69 (95% CI: 1,29 – 2,21) serta variabel konsistensi menggunakan kondom dengan nilai p value sebesar 0,001 dan nilai OR sebesar 4,06 (95% CI: 3,02 – 5,45), dimana variabel yang paling dominan yang mempengaruhi akses mendapatkan kondom adalah risiko tertular HIV, dimana jika kita melihat interval dari nilai 95. Tabel 3. Hasil Analisis Multivariat Akses mendapatkan kondom OR SE z p value 95% CI Informasi tentang HIV 1,65 0,27 2,98 0,003 1,18 – 2,28 Risiko tertular HIV 1,69 0,23 3,88 0,001 1,29 – 2,21 Konsistensi penggunaan kondom 4,06 0,62 9,33 0,001 3,02 – 5,45 Konstanta 0,06 0,08 -19,5 0,001 0,04 – 0,08 PEMBAHASAN Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang memiliki keterbatasan berupa: peneliti tidak bisa mengontrol bias dalam pengumpulan data penelitian, selian itu juga adanya keterbatasan data yang diteliti karena ketersediaan data sekunder yang terbatas, sehingga ada beberapa variabel yang belum tereksplore. Kondom merupakan salah satu dari enam langkah pencegahan penyebaran HIV pada kelompok kunci, dimana populasi kunci diharapkan konsisten menggunakan kondom saat berhubungan badan baik dengan pasangan tetap maupun tidak dengan pasangan tetap10, ketersediaan kondom dapat membuat seseorang untuk menggunakan kondom pada saat melakukan hubungan seks11 untuk bisa memperkenalkan kondom kepada masyarakat umum sebagai alat mencegah penularan HIV selain sebagai alat kontrasepsi dalam mencegah kehamilan maka pemerintah melakukan sosialisasi baik melalui lini massa maupun dari lini kesehatan selain itu pemerintah juga membuat regulasi terkait ketersediaan kondom10,12, namun meskipun sudah ada regulasi dan sosialisasi tersebut, masih ditemukan adanya LSL pada penelitian ini yang tidak memiliki akses memperoleh kondom alias tidak memiliki kondom sekitar 24,2%. Hasil penelitian ini mirip dengan temuan yang dilakukan di Swatziland oleh Brown et al (2016), menemukan jika 18,9% LSL mengaku kesulitan dalam mengakses kondom13 hal yang sama juga ditemukan di Amerika, dimana sekitar 15 – 19 % tidak menggunakan kondom saat berhubungan seksual14. Kemudahan dalam akses memperoleh kondom akan menfasilitasi seseorang untuk menggunakan kondom pada saat berhubungan seks dengan partnernya sehingga penularan HIV bisa dicegah15 untuk itu perlunya memastikan ketersediaan kondom pada tempat – tempat yang di jangkau LSL sehingga kejadian HIV pada kalangan LSL bisa ditekan, mengingat jika ODHIV pada kelompok LSL di Indonesia masuk ke dalam kelompok kunci tertinggi dengan proporsi sebesar 28,8%5. Meningkatkan persepsi risiko tertular HIV pada kelompok LSL dapat membantu LSL untuk mudah mengaskses kondom16. Pada penelitian ini menemukan jika, LSL yang terpapar informasi tentang HIV baik oleh tenaga kesehatan, teman serta mendapatkan intervensi dalam menawarkan kondom ke pasangan seks akan lebih mudah mengakses kondom17. Pada penelitian ini menemukan jika adanya keterkaitan anatara keterpaparan informasi tentang HIV dengan akses mendapatkan kondom. Penelitian ini selarang dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Parwangsa dan Bantas di lima kota yang ada di Indonesia menemukan jika LSL yang terpapar informasi tentang HIV berpeluang sebesar 1,99 kali untuk lebih mudah mengakses untuk memperoleh kondom dibandingkan dengan LSL yang tidak terpapar informasi HIV18, hal ini dikarenakan bahwa seseorang yang lebih terpapar informasi akan lebih bisa memproteksi diri dan pasangannya supaya tidak terkena HIV. Konsistensi penggunaan kondom dalam upaya pencegahan penularan HIV sangat dipengaruhi oleh pasangan seks19 selain factor negosiasi hal ini dapat membantu untuk konsisten dalam menggunakan kondom17. Penggunaan kondom, akses mendapatkan kondom dan juga keterjangkauan kondom dapat membantu populasi kunci untuk bisa konsisten dalam menggunakan kondom20 selain factor negosiasi dengan pasangan dan juga factor income yang diperoleh oleh LSL21. Konsistensi pengunaan kondom serta penggunaan kondom yang benar saat berhubungan seks merupakah salah satu intervensi dalam penuruna HIV di Kalangan populasi kunci22. Ketika seseorang mudah dalam mengakses kondom maka akan ada peluang untuk konsisten dalam kondom dalam berhubungan seks dengan pasangannya, dimana pada penelitian ini diperoleh sekitar 33,2% LSL yang konsisten menggunakan kondom pada saat berhubungan seks. KESIMPULAN Variabel keterpaparan informasi, risiko tertular HIV dan konsistensi penggunaan kondom merupakan determinan yang mempengaruhi akses dalam memperolhe kondom, dimana ketiga variabel ini mempengaruhi sekitar 75% dalam akses mendapatkan kondom, sedangkan variabel yang dominan mempengaruhi akses mendapatkan kondom pada kalangan LSL adalah risiko tertular HIV. SARAN Perlunya upaya intervensi dan evaluasi dari dinas kesehatan dan LSM terkait kemudahan akses ketersediaan kondom di tempat kerja pada kelompok berisiko sehingga upaya penuruan kejadian ODHIV pada kelompok berisiko dapat di control, serta perlunya upaya sosialisasi tentang HIV pada kelompok berisiko sehingga peningkatan pengetahuan dan persepsi tertular HIV pada kelompok berisiko dapat membantu dalam penurunan ODHIV. 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We’ll have trouble now!The Archaeological Society of Jutland was founded on Sunday, 11 March 1951. As with most projects with which P.V Glob was involved, this did not pass off without drama. Museum people and amateur archaeologists in large numbers appeared at the Museum of Natural History in Aarhus, which had placed rooms at our disposal. The notable dentist Holger Friis, the uncrowned king of Hjørring, was present, as was Dr Balslev from Aidt, Mr and Mrs Overgaard from Holstebro Museum, and the temperamental leader of Aalborg Historical Museum, Peter Riismøller, with a number of his disciples. The staff of the newly-founded Prehistoric Museum functioned as the hosts, except that one of them was missing: the instigator of the whole enterprise, Mr Glob. As the time for the meeting approached, a cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the people present. Finally, just one minute before the meeting was to start, he arrived and mounted the platform. Everything then went as expected. An executive committee was elected after some discussion, laws were passed, and then suddenly Glob vanished again, only to materialise later in the museum, where he confided to us that his family, which included four children, had been enlarged by a daughter.That’s how the society was founded, and there is not much to add about this. However, a few words concerning the background of the society and its place in a larger context may be appropriate. A small piece of museum history is about to be unfolded.The story begins at the National Museum in the years immediately after World War II, at a time when the German occupation and its incidents were still terribly fresh in everyone’s memory. Therkel Mathiassen was managing what was then called the First Department, which covered the prehistoric periods.Although not sparkling with humour, he was a reliable and benevolent person. Number two in the order of precedence was Hans Christian Broholm, a more colourful personality – awesome as he walked down the corridors, with his massive proportions and a voice that sounded like thunder when nothing seemed to be going his way, as quite often seemed to be the case. Glob, a relatively new museum keeper, was also quite loud at times – his hot-blooded artist’s nature manifested itself in peculiar ways, but his straight forward appearance made him popular with both the older and the younger generations. His somewhat younger colleague C.J. Becker was a scholar to his fingertips, and he sometimes acted as a welcome counterbalance to Glob. At the bottom of the hierarchy was the student group, to which I belonged. The older students handled various tasks, including periodic excavations. This was paid work, and although the salary was by no means princely, it did keep us alive. Student grants were non-existent at the time. Four of us made up a team: Olfert Voss, Mogens Ørsnes, Georg Kunwald and myself. Like young people in general, we were highly discontented with the way our profession was being run by its ”ruling” members, and we were full of ideas for improvement, some of which have later been – or are being – introduced.At the top of our wish list was a central register, of which Voss was the strongest advocate. During the well over one hundred years that archaeology had existed as a professional discipline, the number of artefacts had grown to enormous amounts. The picture was even worse if the collections of the provincial museums were taken into consideration. We imagined how it all could be registered in a card index and categorised according to groups to facilitate access to references in any particular situation. Electronic data processing was still unheard of in those days, but since the introduction of computers, such a comprehensive record has become more feasible.We were also sceptical of the excavation techniques used at the time – they were basically adequate, but they badly needed tightening up. As I mentioned before, we were often working in the field, and not just doing minor jobs but also more important tasks, so we had every opportunity to try out our ideas. Kunwald was the driving force in this respect, working with details, using sections – then a novelty – and proceeding as he did with a thoroughness that even his fellow students found a bit exaggerated at times, although we agreed with his principles. Therkel Mathiassen moaned that we youngsters were too expensive, but he put up with our excesses and so must have found us somewhat valuable. Very valuable indeed to everyon e was Ejnar Dyggve’s excavation of the Jelling mounds in the early 1940s. From a Danish point of view, it was way ahead of its time.Therkel Mathiassen justly complained about the economic situation of the National Museum. Following the German occupation, the country was impoverished and very little money was available for archaeological research: the total sum available for the year 1949 was 20,000 DKK, which corresponded to the annual income of a wealthy man, and was of course absolutely inadequate. Of course our small debating society wanted this sum to be increased, and for once we didn’t leave it at the theoretical level.Voss was lucky enough to know a member of the Folketing (parliament), and a party leader at that. He was brought into the picture, and between us we came up with a plan. An article was written – ”Preserve your heritage” (a quotation from Johannes V. Jensen’s Denmark Song) – which was sent to the newspaper Information. It was published, and with a little help on our part the rest of the media, including radio, picked up the story.We informed our superiors only at the last minute, when everything was arranged. They were taken by surprise but played their parts well, as expected, and everything went according to plan. The result was a considerable increase in excavation funds the following year.It should be added that our reform plans included the conduct of exhibitions. We found the traditional way of presenting the artefacts lined up in rows and series dull and outdated. However, we were not able to experiment within this field.Our visions expressed the natural collision with the established ways that comes with every new generation – almost as a law of nature, but most strongly when the time is ripe. And this was just after the war, when communication with foreign colleagues, having been discontinued for some years, was slowly picking up again. The Archaeological Society of Jutland was also a part of all this, so let us turn to what Hans Christian Andersen somewhat provocatively calls the ”main country”.Until 1949, only the University of Copenhagen provided a degree in prehistoric archaeology. However, in this year, the University of Aarhus founded a chair of archaeology, mainly at the instigation of the Lord Mayor, Svend Unmack Larsen, who was very in terested in archaeology. Glob applied for the position and obtained it, which encompassed responsibility for the old Aarhus Museum or, as it was to be renamed, the Prehistoric Museum (now Moesgaard Museum).These were landmark events to Glob – and to me, as it turned out. We had been working together for a number of years on the excavation of Galgebakken (”Callows Hill”) near Slots Bjergby, Glob as the excavation leader, and I as his assistant. He now offered me the job of museum curator at his new institution. This was somewhat surprising as I had not yet finished my education. The idea was that I was to finish my studies in remote Jutland – a plan that had to be given up rather quickly, though, for reasons which I will describe in the following. At the same time, Gunner Lange-Kornbak – also hand-picked from the National Museum – took up his office as a conservation officer.The three of us made up the permanent museum staff, quickly supplemented by Geoffrey Bibby, who turned out to be an invaluable colleague. He was English and had been stationed in the Faeroe Islands during the war, where he learned to speak Danish. After 1945 he worked for some years for an oil company in the Gulf of Persia, but after marrying Vibeke, he settled in her home town of Aarhus. As his academic background had involved prehistoric cultures he wanted to collaborate with the museum, which Glob readily permitted.This small initial flock governed by Glob was not permitted to indulge inidleness. Glob was a dynamic character, full of good and not so good ideas, but also possessing a good grasp of what was actually practicable. The boring but necessary daily work on the home front was not very interesting to him, so he willingly handed it over to others. He hardly noticed the lack of administrative machinery, a prerequisite for any scholarly museum. It was not easy to follow him on his flights of fancy and still build up the necessary support base. However, the fact that he in no way spared himself had an appeasing effect.Provincial museums at that time were of a mixed nature. A few had trained management, and the rest were run by interested locals. This was often excellently done, as in Esbjerg, where the master joiner Niels Thomsen and a staff of volunteers carried out excavations that were as good as professional investigations, and published them in well-written articles. Regrettably, there were also examples of the opposite. A museum curator in Jutland informed me that his predecessor had been an eager excavator but very rarely left any written documentation of his actions. The excavated items were left without labels in the museum store, often wrapped in newspapers. However, these gave a clue as to the time of unearthing, and with a bit of luck a look in the newspaper archive would then reveal where the excavation had taken place. Although somewhat exceptional, this is not the only such case.The Museum of Aarhus definitely belonged among the better ones in this respect. Founded in 1861, it was at first located at the then town hall, together with the local art collection. The rooms here soon became too cramped, and both collections were moved to a new building in the ”Mølleparken” park. There were skilful people here working as managers and assistants, such as Vilhelm Boye, who had received his archaeological training at the National Museum, and later the partners A. Reeh, a barrister, and G.V. Smith, a captain, who shared the honour of a number of skilfully performed excavations. Glob’s predecessor as curator was the librarian Ejler Haugsted, also a competent man of fine achievements. We did not, thus, take over a museum on its last legs. On the other hand, it did not meet the requirements of a modern scholarly museum. We were given the task of turning it into such a museum, as implied by the name change.The goal was to create a museum similar to the National Museum, but without the faults and shortcomings that that museum had developed over a period of time. In this respect our nightly conversations during our years in Copenhagen turned out to be useful, as our talk had focused on these imperfections and how to eradicate them.We now had the opportunity to put our theories into practice. We may not have succeeded in doing so, but two areas were essentially improved:The numerous independent numbering systems, which were familiar to us from the National Museum, were permeating archaeological excavation s not only in the field but also during later work at the museum. As far as possible this was boiled down to a single system, and a new type of report was born. (In this context, a ”report” is the paper following a field investigation, comprising drawings, photos etc. and describing the progress of the work and the observations made.) The instructions then followed by the National Museum staff regarding the conduct of excavations and report writing went back to a 19th-century protocol by the employee G.V. Blom. Although clear and rational – and a vast improvement at the time – this had become outdated. For instance, the excavation of a burial mound now involved not only the middle of the mound, containing the central grave and its surrounding artefacts, but the complete structure. A large number of details that no one had previously paid attention to thus had to be included in the report. It had become a comprehensive and time-consuming work to sum up the desultory notebook records in a clear and understandable description.The instructions resulting from the new approach determined a special records system that made it possible to transcribe the notebook almost directly into a report following the excavation. The transcription thus contained all the relevant information concerning the in vestigation, and included both relics and soil layers, the excavation method and practical matters, although in a random order. The report proper could then bereduced to a short account containing references to the numbers in the transcribed notebook, which gave more detailed information.As can be imagined, the work of reform was not a continuous process. On the contrary, it had to be done in our spare hours, which were few and far between with an employer like Glob. The assignments crowded in, and the large Jutland map that we had purchased was as studded with pins as a hedge hog’s spines. Each pin represented an inuninent survey, and many of these grew into small or large excavations. Glob himself had his lecture duties to perform, and although he by no means exaggerated his concern for the students, he rarely made it further than to the surveys. Bibby and I had to deal with the hard fieldwork. And the society, once it was established, did not make our lives any easier. Kuml demanded articles written at lightning speed. A perusal of my then diary has given me a vivid recollection of this hectic period, in which I had to make use of the evening and night hours, when the museum was quiet and I had a chance to collect my thoughts. Sometimes our faithful supporter, the Lord Mayor, popped in after an evening meeting. He was extremely interested in our problems, which were then solved according to our abilities over a cup of instant coffee.A large archaeological association already existed in Denmark. How ever, Glob found it necessary to establish another one which would be less oppressed by tradition. Det kongelige nordiske Oldsskriftselskab had been funded in 1825 and was still influenced by different peculiarities from back then. Membership was not open to everyone, as applications were subject to recommendation from two existing members and approval by a vote at one of the monthly lecture meetings. Most candidates were of course accepted, but unpopular persons were sometimes rejected. In addition, only men were admitted – women were banned – but after the war a proposal was brought forward to change this absurdity. It was rejected at first, so there was a considerable excitement at the January meeting in 1951, when the proposal was once again placed on the agenda. The poor lecturer (myself) did his best, although he was aware of the fact that just this once it was the present and not the past which was the focus of attention. The result of the voting was not very courteous as there were still many opponents, but the ladies were allowed in, even if they didn’t get the warmest welcome.In Glob’s society there were no such restrictions – everyone was welcome regardless of sex or age. If there was a model for the society, it was the younger and more progressive Norwegian Archaeological Society rather than the Danish one. The main purpose of both societies was to produce an annual publication, and from the start Glob’s Kuml had a closer resemblance to the Norwegian Viking than to the Danish Aarbøger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie. The name of the publication caused careful consideration. For a long time I kept a slip of paper with different proposals, one of which was Kuml, which won after having been approved by the linguist Peter Skautrup.The name alone, however, was not enough, so now the task became to find so mething to fill Kuml with. To this end the finds came in handy, and as for those, Glob must have allied him self with the higher powers, since fortune smiled at him to a considerable extent. Just after entering upon his duties in Aarhus, an archaeological sensation landed at his feet. This happened in May 1950 when I was still living in the capital. A few of us had planned a trip to Aarhus, partly to look at the relics of th e past, and partly to visit our friend, the professor. He greeted us warmly and told us the exciting news that ten iron swords had been found during drainage work in the valley of lllerup Aadal north of the nearby town of Skanderborg. We took the news calmly as Glob rarely understated his affairs, but our scepticism was misplaced. When we visited the meadow the following day and carefully examined the dug-up soil, another sword appeared, as well as several spear and lance heads, and other iron artefacts. What the drainage trench diggers had found was nothing less than a place of sacrifice for war booty, like the four large finds from the 1800s. When I took up my post in Aarhus in September of that year I was granted responsibility for the lllerup excavation, which I worked on during the autumn and the following six summers. Some of my best memories are associated with this job – an interesting and happy time, with cheerful comradeship with a mixed bunch of helpers, who were mainly archaeology students. When we finished in 1956, it was not because the site had been fully investigated, but because the new owner of the bog plot had an aversion to archaeologists and their activities. Nineteen years later, in 1975, the work was resumed, this time under the leadership of Jørgen Ilkjær, and a large amount of weaponry was uncovered. The report from the find is presently being published.At short intervals, the year 1952 brought two finds of great importance: in Februar y the huge vessel from Braa near Horsens, and in April the Grauballe Man. The large Celtic bronze bowl with the bulls’ heads was found disassembled, buried in a hill and covered by a couple of large stones. Thanks to the finder, the farmer Søren Paaske, work was stopped early enough to leave areas untouched for the subsequent examination.The saga of the Grauballe Man, or the part of it that we know, began as a rumour on the 26th of April: a skeleton had been found in a bog near Silkeborg. On the following day, which happened to be a Sunday, Glob went off to have a look at the find. I had other business, but I arrived at the museum in the evening with an acquaintance. In my diary I wrote: ”When we came in we had a slight shock. On the floor was a peat block with a corpse – a proper, well-preserved bog body. Glob brought it. ”We’ll be in trouble now.” And so we were, and Glob was in high spirits. The find created a sensation, which was also thanks to the quick presentation that we mounted. I had purchased a tape recorder, which cost me a packet – not a small handy one like the ones you get nowadays, but a large monstrosity with a steel tape (it was, after all, early days for this device) – and assisted by several experts, we taped a number of short lectures for the benefit of the visitors. People flocked in; the queue meandered from the exhibition room, through the museum halls, and a long way down the street. It took a long wait to get there, but the visitors seemed to enjoy the experience. The bog man lay in his hastily – procured exhibition case, which people circled around while the talking machine repeatedly expressed its words of wisdom – unfortunately with quite a few interruptions as the tape broke and had to be assembled by hand. Luckily, the tape recorders now often used for exhibitions are more dependable than mine.When the waves had died down and the exhibition ended, the experts examined the bog man. He was x-rayed at several points, cut open, given a tooth inspection, even had his fingerprints taken. During the autopsy there was a small mishap, which we kept to ourselves. However, after almost fifty years I must be able to reveal it: Among the organs removed for investigation was the liver, which was supposedly suitable for a C-14 dating – which at the time was a new dating method, introduced to Denmark after the war. The liver was sent to the laboratory in Copenhagen, and from here we received a telephone call a few days later. What had been sent in for examination was not the liver, but the stomach. The unfortunate (and in all other respects highly competent) Aarhus doctor who had performed the dissection was cal1ed in again. During another visit to the bogman’s inner parts he brought out what he believed to be the real liver. None of us were capable of deciding th is question. It was sent to Copenhagen at great speed, and a while later the dating arrived: Roman Iron Age. This result was later revised as the dating method was improved. The Grauballe Man is now thought to have lived before the birth of Christ.The preservation of the Grauballe Man was to be conservation officer Kornbak’s masterpiece. There were no earlier cases available for reference, so he invented a new method, which was very successful. In the first volumes of Kuml, society members read about the exiting history of the bog body and of the glimpses of prehistoric sacrificial customs that this find gave. They also read about the Bahrain expeditions, which Glob initiated and which became the apple of his eye. Bibby played a central role in this, as it was he who – at an evening gathering at Glob’s and Harriet’s home in Risskov – described his stay on the Persian Gulf island and the numerous burial mounds there. Glob made a quick decision (one of his special abilities was to see possibilities that noone else did, and to carry them out successfully to everyone’s surprise) and in December 1952 he and Bibby left for the Gulf, unaware of the fact that they were thereby beginning a series of expeditions which would continue for decades. Again it was Glob’s special genius that was the decisive factor. He very quickly got on friendly terms with the rulers of the small sheikhdoms and interested them in their past. As everyone knows, oil is flowing plentifully in those parts. The rulers were thus financially powerful and some of this wealth was quickly diverted to the expeditions, which probably would not have survived for so long without this assistance. To those of us who took part in them from time to time, the Gulf expeditions were an unforgettable experience, not just because of the interesting work, but even more because of the contact with the local population, which gave us an insight into local manners and customs that helped to explain parts of our own country’s past which might otherwise be difficult to understand. For Glob and the rest of us did not just get close to the elite: in spite of language problems, our Arab workers became our good friends. Things livened up when we occasionally turned up in their palm huts.Still, co-operating with Glob was not always an easy task – the sparks sometimes flew. His talent of initiating things is of course undisputed, as are the lasting results. He was, however, most attractive when he was in luck. Attention normally focused on this magnificent person whose anecdotes were not taken too seriously, but if something went wrong or failed to work out, he could be grossly unreasonable and a little too willing to abdicate responsibility, even when it was in fact his. This might lead to violent arguments, but peace was always restored. In 1954, another museum curator was attached to the museum: Poul Kjærum, who was immediately given the important task of investigating the dolmen settlement near Tustrup on Northern Djursland. This gave important results, such as the discovery of a cult house, which was a new and hitherto unknown Stone Age feature.A task which had long been on our mind s was finally carried out in 1955: constructing a new display of the museum collections. The old exhibitio n type consisted of numerous artefacts lined up in cases, accompaied ony by a brief note of the place where it was found and the type – which was the standard then. This type of exhibition did not give much idea of life in prehistoric times.We wanted to allow the finds to speak for themselves via the way that they were arranged, and with the aid of models, photos and drawings. We couldn’t do without texts, but these could be short, as people would understand more by just looking at the exhibits. Glob was in the Gulf at the time, so Kjærum and I performed the task with little money but with competent practical help from conservator Kornbak. We shared the work, but in fairness I must add that my part, which included the new lllerup find, was more suitable for an untraditional display. In order to illustrate the confusion of the sacrificial site, the numerous bent swords and other weapons were scattered a.long the back wall of the exhibition hall, above a bog land scape painted by Emil Gregersen. A peat column with inlaid slides illustrated the gradual change from prehistoric lake to bog, while a free-standing exhibition case held a horse’s skeleton with a broken skull, accompanied by sacrificial offerings. A model of the Nydam boat with all its oars sticking out hung from the ceiling, as did the fine copy of the Gundestrup vessel, as the Braa vessel had not yet been preserved. The rich pictorial decoration of the vessel’s inner plates was exhibited in its own case underneath. This was an exhibition form that differed considerably from all other Danish exhibitions of the time, and it quickly set a fashion. We awaited Glob’s homecoming with anticipation – if it wasn’t his exhibition it was still made in his spirit. We hoped that he would be surprised – and he was.The museum was thus taking shape. Its few employees included Jytte Ræbild, who held a key position as a secretary, and a growing number of archaeology students who took part in the work in various ways during these first years. Later, the number of employees grew to include the aforementioned excavation pioneer Georg Kunwald, and Hellmuth Andersen and Hans Jørgen Madsen, whose research into the past of Aarhus, and later into Danevirke is known to many, and also the ethnographer Klaus Ferdinand. And now Moesgaard appeared on the horizon. It was of course Glob’s idea to move everything to a manor near Aarhus – he had been fantasising about this from his first Aarhus days, and no one had raised any objections. Now there was a chance of fulfilling the dream, although the actual realisation was still a difficult task.During all this, the Jutland Archaeological Society thrived and attracted more members than expected. Local branches were founded in several towns, summer trips were arranged and a ”Worsaae Medal” was occasionally donated to persons who had deserved it from an archaeological perspective. Kuml came out regularly with contributions from museum people and the like-minded. The publication had a form that appealed to an inner circle of people interested in archaeology. This was the intention, and this is how it should be. But in my opinion this was not quite enough. We also needed a publication that would cater to a wider public and that followed the same basic ideas as the new exhibition.I imagined a booklet, which – without over-popularsing – would address not only the professional and amateur archaeologist but also anyone else interested in the past. The result was Skalk, which (being a branch of the society) published its fir t issue in the spring of 1957. It was a somewhat daring venture, as the financial base was weak and I had no knowledge of how to run a magazine. However, both finances and experience grew with the number of subscribers – and faster than expected, too. Skalk must have met an unsatisfied need, and this we exploited to the best of our ability with various cheap advertisements. The original idea was to deal only with prehistoric and medieval archaeology, but the historians also wanted to contribute, and not just the digging kind. They were given permission, and so the topic of the magazine ended up being Denmark’s past from the time of its first inhabitant s until the times remembered by the oldest of us – with the odd sideways leap to other subjects. It would be impossible to claim that Skalk was at the top of Glob’s wish list, but he liked it and supported the idea in every way. The keeper of national antiquities, Johannes Brøndsted, did the same, and no doubt his unreserved approval of the magazine contributed to its quick growth. Not all authors found it easy to give up technical language and express themselves in everyday Danish, but the new style was quickly accepted. Ofcourse the obligations of the magazine work were also sometimes annoying. One example from the diary: ”S. had promised to write an article, but it was overdue. We agreed to a final deadline and when that was overdue I phoned again and was told that the author had gone to Switzerland. My hair turned grey overnight.” These things happened, but in this particular case there was a happy ending. Another academic promised me three pages about an excavation, but delivered ten. As it happened, I only shortened his production by a third.The 1960s brought great changes. After careful consideration, Glob left us to become the keeper of national antiquities. One important reason for his hesitation was of course Moesgaard, which he missed out on – the transfer was almost settled. This was a great loss to the Aarhus museum and perhaps to Glob, too, as life granted him much greater opportunities for development.” I am not the type to regret things,” he later stated, and hopefully this was true. And I had to choose between the museum and Skalk – the work with the magazine had become too timeconsuming for the two jobs to be combined. Skalk won, and I can truthfully say that I have never looked back. The magazine grew quickly, and happy years followed. My resignation from the museum also meant that Skalk was disengaged from the Jutland Archaeological Society, but a close connection remained with both the museum and the society.What has been described here all happened when the museum world was at the parting of the ways. It was a time of innovation, and it is my opinion that we at the Prehistoric Museum contributed to that change in various ways.The new Museum Act of 1958 gave impetus to the study of the past. The number of archaeology students in creased tremendously, and new techniques brought new possibilities that the discussion club of the 1940s had not even dreamt of, but which have helped to make some of the visions from back then come true. Public in terest in archaeology and history is still avid, although to my regret, the ahistorical 1960s and 1970s did put a damper on it.Glob is greatly missed; not many of his kind are born nowadays. He had, so to say, great virtues and great fault s, but could we have done without either? It is due to him that we have the Jutland Archaeological Society, which has no w existed for half a century. Congr tulat ion s to the Society, from your offspring Skalk.Harald AndersenSkalk MagazineTranslated by Annette Lerche Trolle

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Trifiró,M.D. "The hoard Αρκαλοχώρι–Αστρίτσι 1936 (IGCH 154)." EULIMENE, January14, 2023, 143–54.

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Il tesoretto Αρκαλοχώρι–Αστρίτσι 1936 (IGCH 154). Il tesoretto IGCH 154, rinvenuto a Creta (località Astritsi), consta di emissioni argentee provenienti dalle città cretesi e da Cirene, Corinto e colonie, Argo, Tebe ed Egina. Sono state studiate solo le emissioni non–cretesi che ammontano a cinquantacinque monete d’argento a cui vanno aggiunti altri sei esemplari provenienti da Cirene. Questi ultimi ufficialmente appartengono ad un tesoretto rinvenuto nel 1935 a Hierapytna (IGCH 318), ma molto probabilmente fannoparte del nostro ripostiglio, e sono attualmente conservati insieme ad esso presso il Museo Numismatico di Atene. Unitamente al catalogo numismatico si è fornito un breve commento relativo alle singole emissioni monetali, nel tentativo di contestualizzare le serie e di chiarirne la cronologia assoluta e relativa. Particolare attenzione è stata riservata alla monetazionecirenea nel tentativo di motivarne la presenza nell’isola di Creta, alla luce dei rapporti economici e commerciali testimoniatici dalle scarse fonti storiche. Per tali serie si èsostenuta una cronologia «bassa» (300/290–280 a.C.) e si è proposto di identificarne lo standard ponderale con la fase intermedia del peso tolemaico adottato dal 310 a.C., probabilmente in concomitanza con un cambiamento della ratio tra oro e argento. I «pegasi» provengono sia da Corinto che dalle sue colonie (Anactorion, Amphilochian Argos, Thyrrheion) e presentano simboli e monogrammi differenti, ma cronologicamente appartengono tutti al V periodo Ravel (387–306 a.C.).Delle emissioni argive, scarsamente studiate, si è presentata la classificazione e si è proposta una cronologia molto ampia, dovendo necessariamente appartenere al periodo precedente l’ingresso della città nella Lega Achea.

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ABSTRACT Damage that occurs around the area Lemukutan Island caused the use of chemicals or cyanide to catch fish and coral reefs by local people, but it is also often made use of bombs surrounding communities to take beautiful corals that will be sold to destroy coral reef ecosystems in the waters .Artificial reef planning methods (Artificial reef ) as the restoration of coral reefs and coastal protection is to conduct a field survey using a measuring instrument GPS topographic, marine water quality data and using secondary data, statistical data, tidal, wave height, bathymetry map, direction of flow and wind direction. Water quality analysis carried out in-situ, parameter test in the brightness of the water, currents, salinity, temperature, pH. Analysis of the function of Artificial reefs for reef restoration and as coastal protection is to use a hollow dome type or reef balls. Appropriate placement location and located at coordinates N 00 45 '33.8 ", E 1080 42' 19.5" up to N 00 45 '29.2 "E 1070 15' 49.0", and the average depth of 3 meters. Results of water quality testing based on parameters salinity, current velocity, pH, turbidity, light intensity and temperature qualify coral life quality standards in Indonesia based on PERMEN LH No. 51 TAHUN 2004. The dimensions of Artificial reef s diameter of 1.80 m, height 1.50 m with a thick layer of 10 cm and a hole located on the sides of the Artificial reef for 34 holes with a diameter of 15 cm. Filler material used is concrete with a volume of 0.916 m3, equivalent to 2,198 tons. Binder or cement used type V, which is resistant to high sulfate levels. The amount of reef balls used is 834 pieces. Keywords: Artificial reef , Seawater Quality, Reef balls and coral reefs,.

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Lulu Afifah Himawan, Dinda, and Ade Prijanti Dwisaptarini. "Efektivitas Teknik Air Abrasion dan Teknik Poles Konvensional Terhadap Perubahan Warna Pada Resin Komposit Nanofiller : kajian setelah proses perendaman kopi robusta (Laporan Penelitian)." Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Terpadu 3, no.1 (July22, 2021).

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<strong><em>Background: </em></strong><em>Nanofiller composite resins are commonly used as a restorative materials but nanofiller composite resins has high susceptibility to stain. Coffee has a huge impact on color changes. Besides of being able to give a smooth surface of a composite resins, polishing techniques were able to remove superficial stain on composite resins. Air abrasion technique has been introduced since 1945 and is still being used not because its only ability to remove caries, but also its ability to remove superficial stain on the teeth. <strong>Aim: </strong>to discover the effectiveness of air abrasion technique and conventional polishing technique towards color changes in nanofiller composite resins that were immersed in robusta coffee. <strong>Materials and Method: </strong>Twenty samples were immersed in robusta coffee for 7 days. Samples that have been stained were devided into two groups, group one were polished with air abrasion technique and group two were polished with conventional technique using abrasive discs.The color changes measurement were taken using spectrophotometer VITA Easyshade V prior to and after staining, and then repeated after polishing treatment. <strong>Result: </strong>There were significant differences in L, C and E between before the samples were immersed in robusta coffee and after they were polished with air abrasion technique. But there were no significant differences between before the samples were immersed in robusta coffee and after they were polished with conventional technique. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>There were differences in the effectiveness of air abrasion technique and conventional polishing technique towards color changes in nanofiller composite resins that were immersed in robusta coffee.</em>

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Salazar, Marlon, Gilberto Cabalceta, Alfredo Alvarado, Manuel Segura, and Álvaro Castillo. "Efecto de la adición de cal a plantaciones de jaúl (Alnus acuminata) en andisoles de la cuenca alta del río Virilla, Costa Rica." Agronomía Costarricense, May12, 2010.

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Con el propósito de evaluar el impacto de adicionar cal a plantaciones de jaúl (Alnus acuminata (H.B.K.) O. Kuntze) en Andisoles de la cuenca alta del río Virilla, Costa Rica, se realizó el presente trabajo en 2 localidades: 1) Finca Hospicio: Ubicada en la localidad de Vista de Mar, cantón de Goicoechea, a una altitud de 1542 msmn; el suelo se clasificó como Typic Udivitrands y la plantación se estableció en el 2002. 2) Finca Dorval: Ubicada en la localidad de Las Nubes, cantón de Vásquez de Coronado, a una altitud de 1925 msnm; el suelo se clasificó como Thaptic Udivitrands y la plantación se estableció en 1997. Los tratamientos aplicados fueron 0 (testigo), 750, 1500 y 2250 kg.ha-1 de carbonato de calcio y magnesio (Dolomita), 1500 kg.ha-1 de carbonato de calcio (Calcita) y 1500 kg.ha-1 de sulfato de calcio (Yeso). Se midieron el diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP) a 1,3 m, la altura total de los árboles (m) y se estimó el volumen (V) mediante la formula: V(m3)=2,71828?10,0557+ln(d)*2,0369+0,9277 18*ln(h) propuesta por Segura et al. (2005), en la cual d es el DAP en cm y h es la altura total en m. Al comparar las mediciones del diámetro a la altura del pecho, incremento medio anual en diámetro (IMA-DAP), altura total, incremento medio anual en altura (IMA-ALT), volumen total e incremento en volumen total, por dosis y fuentes de cal aplicada, se observó que ningún tratamiento causó diferencias estadísticas, en estas variables en ninguna de las 2 fincas comparadas ni entre épocas de medición. La adición de fuentes y niveles de cal no afectó significativamente las variables diámetro, altura y volumen. La falta de respuesta a las diferentes enmiendas comparadas demuestra que el suelo proporcionó suficiente Ca, Mg y S para asegurar el crecimiento óptimo del jaúl. Tampoco se encontró que los suelos mostraran problemas de acidez de magnitud tal que afectaran negativamente el crecimiento del jaúl.

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<p><span lang="EN-US">H</span><span lang="EN-US">ukum<span>A</span>dm<span>i</span>n<span>i</span>st<span>r</span>asi<span>N</span>e<span>g</span>a<span>r</span>ame<span>r</span>u<span>p</span>ak<span>a</span>nhu<span>k</span>um<span>y</span>angse<span>l</span>a<span>l</span>ube<span>r</span>ka<span>i</span><span>t</span>an den<span>g</span>an akt<span>i</span><span>v</span><span>i</span>tas pe<span>ril</span>aku a<span>d</span>m<span>i</span>n<span>i</span>st<span>r</span>asi <span> </span><span>n</span>e<span>g</span>a<span>r</span>a <span> </span>dan <span> </span>k<span>e</span>bu<span>t</span>uh<span>a</span>n <span> </span><span>m</span><span>a</span>s<span>y</span>a<span>r</span>akat se<span>r</span>ta <span> </span><span>i</span>nte<span>r</span>aksi <span> </span>d<span>i</span>a<span>n</span>ta<span>r</span>a ked<span>u</span>an<span>y</span>a. <span> </span><span>D</span>i <span> </span>saat s<span>i</span>stem <span> </span>a<span>d</span>m<span>i</span>n<span>i</span>st<span>r</span>asi <span> </span><span>n</span>e<span>g</span>a<span>r</span>a <span> </span><span>y</span>ang men<span>j</span>adi <span> </span>p<span>il</span>ar <span> </span>pe<span>l</span>a<span>y</span>anan <span> </span>public m<span>e</span>n<span>g</span>ha<span>da</span>pi <span> </span>ma<span>s</span>a<span>l</span>ah <span> </span><span>y</span>ang fu<span>n</span>da<span>m</span>en<span>t</span>al maka <span>r</span>ekon<span>s</span>ep<span>t</span>ua<span>li</span><span>s</span>as<span>i</span>, <span>r</span>epos<span>i</span>si <span>d</span>an <span>r</span>e<span>v</span><span>i</span>ta<span>li</span>sasi kedudu<span>k</span>an huk<span>u</span>m adm<span>i</span>n<span>i</span>st<span>r</span>asine<span>g</span>a<span>r</span>a<span>m</span>en<span>j</span>adis<span>a</span>tuk<span>e</span>ha<span>r</span>us<span>a</span>nda<span>l</span><span>a</span>m<span>r</span>an<span>g</span>kap<span>e</span>n<span>y</span>e<span>l</span>en<span>gg</span>a<span>r</span>aan pe<span>m</span>e<span>ri</span>nt<span>a</span>hand<span>a</span>n<span>p</span>e<span>n</span>e<span>r</span>ap<span>a</span>n<span>g</span>oodgo<span>v</span>e<span>r</span>n<span>an</span>ce. Sistem Administrasi Negara Republik Indonesia (SANRI) secara luas memiliki arti Sistem Penyelenggaraan Negara Indonesia menurut UUD 1945, yang merupakan sistem penyelenggaraan kehidupan negara dan bangsa dalam segala aspeknya, sedangkan dalam arti sempit, SANRI adalah idiil Pancasila, Konstitusional – UUD 1945, operasional RPMJ Nasional serta kebijakan-kebijakan lainnya.Tujuan Penulisan Makalah ini dibuat untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas </span><span lang="EN-US"> </span><span lang="EN-US">pada mata kuliah </span><span lang="IN"> Hukum </span><span lang="EN-US">dan Kebijakan Publik </span><span lang="IN">Indonesia </span><span lang="EN-US">dan ingin lebih mengetahui </span><span lang="IN">serta </span><span lang="EN-US">mengkaji tentang </span><span lang="IN">Pelayanan Public dalam Konsep Good Governance</span><span>, </span><span lang="EN-US"> Penerapan Hukum Perizinan di Indonesia, Restrukturisasi Pelayanan Perizinan di Indonesia. Hukum tata usaha (administrasi) negara adalah hukum yang mengatur kegiatan administrasi negara. Yaitu hukum yang mengatur tata pelaksanaan pemerintah dalam menjalankan tugasnya. </span><span lang="IN">Hukum Administrasi telah berkembang dalam suasana manakala pihak Pemerintah mulai menata masyarakat dan dalam kaitan itu menggunakan sarana hukum, umpamanya dengan menetapkan keputusan-keputusan larangan tertentu atau dengan menerbitkan sistem-sistem perizinan.</span><strong></strong><span lang="IN">Karena izin merupakan suatu hubungan antara Pemerintah dengan masyarakat </span><span>maka </span><span lang="IN">Pemerintah dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan publik</span><span> atau pelayanan kepada masyarakat </span><span lang="IN"> dan perekonomian daerah perlu meningkatkan profesionalisme, termasuk penataan bidang perizinan guna meningkatkan pelayanan publik karena perizinan adalah elemen yang sangat diperhatikan para pelaku bisnis dalam menanamkan investasinya didaerah. </span><span>Khusus dalam Restruturisasi dan revitalisasi di bidang perizinan Pemerintah telah menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 2018 tentang Pelayanan Perizinan Berusaha Terintegrasi Secara Elektronik ( Online Single Submission /OSS ). Sistem </span><span lang="X-NONE">OSS mengintegrasikan seluruh pelayanan perizinan berusaha yang menjadi kewenangan Menteri/Pimpinan Lembaga, Gubernur, atau Bupati/Walikota yang dilakukan melalui elektronik</span><span lang="EN-US"> dan Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 91 tahun 2017 tentang Percepatan Pelaksanaan Berusaha</span></p>

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Huyen, Pham Thi, Tran Thi Thuy Anh, and Nguyen Thi Hong Van. "Study on the Association of some Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of CYP19A1 Gene with Breast Cancer in Vietnamese Women." VNU Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology 34, no.4 (December23, 2018).

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The CYP19A1 gene encodes for aromatase P450, which is a key enzyme in estrogen metabolism, catalyzes the conversation of testosterone to estradiol and androstenedione to estrone. It is generally believed that polymorphisms in genes coding for key enzymes involved in these pathways could effect to the activity of enzymes, which can change the level of endogenous hormones. Therefore genetic polymorphisms in hormone-related genes could increase the breast cancer susceptibility. In this study, 60 blood samples of breast cancer women and 50 control populations were analyzed to identify the genotype frequency at SNP loci rs10046 C>T and rs2236722 Trp39Arg (T>C) on CYP19A1 using PCR-RFLP and PCR-CTPP respectively. The data were analyzed to determine the association between these polymorphism loci and susceptibility to breast cancer. The result showed that, the genotype frequencies at SNP rs10046 in the control as: CC (14%), CT (48%), TT (38%), in case group are CC (18.33%) , CT (58.33%) and TT (23.34%); at SNP rs2236722 in the control group: TT (94%), TC (6%), in case group TT (90%), TC (10%). The OR analyses for the gene carrying the CC and TC genotypes compared with TT genotype at both loci (OR=2.01; 95% CI=0.87–4.67 with rs10046 and OR = 1.74; 95% CI= 0.40 – 7.42 with rs2236722) indicated that these SNP loci in CYP19A1 have no effect on breast cancer susceptibility. Keywords Breast cancer, SNP, rs10046, rs2236722, CYP19A1 gene References 1. Bora M. T., Tülin Ö., Halil I. K., Sennur I., Calay Z., Oğuz Ö., Turgay I. (2010), “CYP17 (T-34C) and CYP19 (Trp39Arg) Polymorphisms and their Cooperative Effects on Breast Cancer Susceptibility”, In vivo, 24, pp.71–74.2. Chen C., Sakoda L. C., Doherty J. A., Loomis M. M., Fish S., Ray R. M. (2008), “Genetic variation in CYP19A1 and risk of breast cancer and brocystic breast conditions among women in Shanghai, China”, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prevention, 17(12), pp.3457–3466.3. Dunning A. M., Dowsett M., Healey C. S., Tee L., Luben R. N., Folkerd E., Novik K. L., Kelemen L., Ogata S., Pharoah P. D., Easton D. F., Day N. E., Ponder B. A. (2004), “Polymorphisms associated with circulating sex hormone levels in postmenopausal women”, J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 96(12), pp.936–945.4. Farzaneh F., Noghabaei G., Barouti E., Pouresmaili F., Jamshidi J., Fazeli A. (2016), “Analysis of CYP17, CYP19 and CYP1A1 gene polymorphisms in Iranian women with breast cancer”, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 17, pp.23–26.5. Ghisari M., Eiberg H., Long M. (2014), “Polymorphisms in phase I and phase II genes and breast cancer risk and relations to persistent organic pollutant exposure: A case-control study in Inuit women”, Environmental Health, 13(1), pp.19.6. Henderson B. 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Stewart, Jonathan. "If I Had Possession over Judgment Day: Augmenting Robert Johnson." M/C Journal 16, no.6 (December16, 2013).

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augmentvb [ɔːgˈmɛnt]1. to make or become greater in number, amount, strength, etc.; increase2. Music: to increase (a major or perfect interval) by a semitone (Collins English Dictionary 107) Almost everything associated with Robert Johnson has been subject to some form of augmentation. His talent as a musician and songwriter has been embroidered by myth-making. Johnson’s few remaining artefacts—his photographic images, his grave site, other physical records of his existence—have attained the status of reliquary. Even the integrity of his forty-two surviving recordings is now challenged by audiophiles who posit they were musically and sonically augmented by speeding up—increasing the tempo and pitch. This article documents the promulgation of myth in the life and music of Robert Johnson. His disputed photographic images are cited as archetypal contested artefacts, augmented both by false claims and genuine new discoveries—some of which suggest Johnson’s cultural magnetism is so compelling that even items only tenuously connected to his work draw significant attention. Current challenges to the musical integrity of Johnson’s original recordings, that they were “augmented” in order to raise the tempo, are presented as exemplars of our on-going fascination with his life and work. Part literature review, part investigative history, it uses the phenomenon of augmentation as a prism to shed new light on this enigmatic figure. Johnson’s obscurity during his lifetime, and for twenty-three years after his demise in 1938, offered little indication of his future status as a musical legend: “As far as the evolution of black music goes, Robert Johnson was an extremely minor figure, and very little that happened in the decades following his death would have been affected if he had never played a note” (Wald, Escaping xv). Such anonymity allowed those who first wrote about his music to embrace and propagate the myths that grew around this troubled character and his apparently “supernatural” genius. Johnson’s first press notice, from a pseudonymous John Hammond writing in The New Masses in 1937, spoke of a mysterious character from “deepest Mississippi” who “makes Leadbelly sound like an accomplished poseur” (Prial 111). The following year Hammond eulogised the singer in profoundly romantic terms: “It still knocks me over when I think of how lucky it is that a talent like his ever found its way to phonograph records […] Johnson died last week at precisely the moment when Vocalion scouts finally reached him and told him that he was booked to appear at Carnegie Hall” (19). The visceral awe experienced by subsequent generations of Johnson aficionados seems inspired by the remarkable capacity of his recordings to transcend space and time, reaching far beyond their immediate intended audience. “Johnson’s music changed the way the world looked to me,” wrote Greil Marcus, “I could listen to nothing else for months.” The music’s impact originates, at least in part, from the ambiguity of its origins: “I have the feeling, at times, that the reason Johnson has remained so elusive is that no one has been willing to take him at his word” (27-8). Three decades later Bob Dylan expressed similar sentiments over seven detailed pages of Chronicles: From the first note the vibrations from the loudspeaker made my hair stand up … it felt like a ghost had come into the room, a fearsome apparition …When he sings about icicles hanging on a tree it gives me the chills, or about milk turning blue … it made me nauseous and I wondered how he did that … It’s hard to imagine sharecroppers or plantation field hands at hop joints, relating to songs like these. You have to wonder if Johnson was playing for an audience that only he could see, one off in the future. (282-4) Such ready invocation of the supernatural bears witness to the profundity and resilience of the “lost bluesman” as a romantic trope. Barry Lee Pearson and Bill McCulloch have produced a painstaking genealogy of such a-historical misrepresentation. Early contributors include Rudi Blesch, Samuel B Charters, Frank Driggs’ liner notes for Johnson’s King of the Delta Blues Singers collection, and critic Pete Welding’s prolific 1960s output. Even comparatively recent researchers who ostensibly sought to demystify the legend couldn’t help but embellish the narrative. “It is undeniable that Johnson was fascinated with and probably obsessed by supernatural imagery,” asserted Robert Palmer (127). For Peter Guralnick his best songs articulate “the debt that must be paid for art and the Faustian bargain that Johnson sees at its core” (43). Contemporary scholarship from Pearson and McCulloch, James Banninghof, Charles Ford, and Elijah Wald has scrutinised Johnson’s life and work on a more evidential basis. This process has been likened to assembling a complicated jigsaw where half the pieces are missing: The Mississippi Delta has been practically turned upside down in the search for records of Robert Johnson. So far only marriage application signatures, two photos, a death certificate, a disputed death note, a few scattered school documents and conflicting oral histories of the man exist. Nothing more. (Graves 47) Such material is scrappy and unreliable. Johnson’s marriage licenses and his school records suggest contradictory dates of birth (Freeland 49). His death certificate mistakes his age—we now know that Johnson inadvertently founded another rock myth, the “27 Club” which includes fellow guitarists Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain (Wolkewitz et al., Segalstad and Hunter)—and incorrectly states he was single when he was twice widowed. A second contemporary research strand focuses on the mythmaking process itself. For Eric Rothenbuhler the appeal of Johnson’s recordings lies in his unique “for-the-record” aesthetic, that foreshadowed playing and song writing standards not widely realised until the 1960s. For Patricia Schroeder Johnson’s legend reveals far more about the story-tellers than it does the source—which over time has become “an empty center around which multiple interpretations, assorted viewpoints, and a variety of discourses swirl” (3). Some accounts of Johnson’s life seem entirely coloured by their authors’ cultural preconceptions. The most enduring myth, Johnson’s “crossroads” encounter with the Devil, is commonly redrawn according to the predilections of those telling the tale. That this story really belongs to bluesman Tommy Johnson has been known for over four decades (Evans 22), yet it was mistakenly attributed to Robert as recently as 1999 in French blues magazine Soul Bag (Pearson and McCulloch 92-3). Such errors are, thankfully, becoming less common. While the movie Crossroads (1986) brazenly appropriated Tommy’s story, the young walking bluesman in Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) faithfully proclaims his authentic identity: “Thanks for the lift, sir. My name's Tommy. Tommy Johnson […] I had to be at that crossroads last midnight. Sell my soul to the devil.” Nevertheless the “supernatural” constituent of Johnson’s legend remains an irresistible framing device. It inspired evocative footage in Peter Meyer’s Can’t You Hear the Wind Howl? The Life and Music of Robert Johnson (1998). Even the liner notes to the definitive Sony Music Robert Johnson: The Centennial Edition celebrate and reclaim his myth: nothing about this musician is more famous than the word-of-mouth accounts of him selling his soul to the devil at a midnight crossroads in exchange for his singular mastery of blues guitar. It has become fashionable to downplay or dismiss this account nowadays, but the most likely source of the tale is Johnson himself, and the best efforts of scholars to present this artist in ordinary, human terms have done little to cut through the mystique and mystery that surround him. Repackaged versions of Johnson’s recordings became available via and Spotify when they fell out of copyright in the United Kingdom. Predictable titles such as Contracted to the Devil, Hellbound, Me and the Devil Blues, and Up Jumped the Devil along with their distinctive “crossroads” artwork continue to demonstrate the durability of this myth [1]. Ironically, Johnson’s recordings were made during an era when one-off exhibited artworks (such as his individual performances of music) first became reproducible products. Walter Benjamin famously described the impact of this development: that which withers in the age of mechanical reproduction is the aura of the work of art […] the technique of reproduction detaches the reproduced object from the domain of tradition. By making many reproductions it substitutes a plurality of copies for a unique existence. (7) Marybeth Hamilton drew on Benjamin in her exploration of white folklorists’ efforts to document authentic pre-modern blues culture. Such individuals sought to preserve the intensity of the uncorrupted and untutored black voice before its authenticity and uniqueness could be tarnished by widespread mechanical reproduction. Two artefacts central to Johnson’s myth, his photographs and his recorded output, will now be considered in that context. In 1973 researcher Stephen LaVere located two pictures in the possession of his half–sister Carrie Thompson. The first, a cheap “dime store” self portrait taken in the equivalent of a modern photo booth, shows Johnson around a year into his life as a walking bluesman. The second, taken in the Hooks Bros. studio in Beale Street, Memphis, portrays a dapper and smiling musician on the eve of his short career as a Vocalion recording artist [2]. Neither was published for over a decade after their “discovery” due to fears of litigation from a competing researcher. A third photograph remains unpublished, still owned by Johnson’s family: The man has short nappy hair; he is slight, one foot is raised, and he is up on his toes as though stretching for height. There is a sharp crease in his pants, and a handkerchief protrudes from his breast pocket […] His eyes are deep-set, reserved, and his expression forms a half-smile, there seems to be a gentleness about him, his fingers are extraordinarily long and delicate, his head is tilted to one side. (Guralnick 67) Recently a fourth portrait appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, in Vanity Fair. Vintage guitar seller Steven Schein discovered a sepia photograph labelled “Old Snapshot Blues Guitar B. B. King???” [sic] while browsing Ebay and purchased it for $2,200. Johnson’s son positively identified the image, and a Houston Police Department forensic artist employed face recognition technology to confirm that “all the features are consistent if not identical” (DiGiacomo 2008). The provenance of this photograph remains disputed, however. Johnson’s guitar appears overly distressed for what would at the time be a new model, while his clothes reflect an inappropriate style for the period (Graves). Another contested “Johnson” image found on four seconds of silent film showed a walking bluesman playing outside a small town cinema in Ruleville, Mississippi. It inspired Bob Dylan to wax lyrical in Chronicles: “You can see that really is Robert Johnson, has to be – couldn’t be anyone else. He’s playing with huge, spiderlike hands and they magically move over the strings of his guitar” (287). However it had already been proved that this figure couldn’t be Johnson, because the background movie poster shows a film released three years after the musician’s death. The temptation to wish such items genuine is clearly a difficult one to overcome: “even things that might have been Robert Johnson now leave an afterglow” (Schroeder 154, my italics). Johnson’s recordings, so carefully preserved by Hammond and other researchers, might offer tangible and inviolate primary source material. Yet these also now face a serious challenge: they run too rapidly by a factor of up to 15 per cent (Gibbens; Wilde). Speeding up music allowed early producers to increase a song’s vibrancy and fit longer takes on to their restricted media. By slowing the recording tempo, master discs provided a “mother” print that would cause all subsequent pressings to play unnaturally quickly when reproduced. Robert Johnson worked for half a decade as a walking blues musician without restrictions on the length of his songs before recording with producer Don Law and engineer Vincent Liebler in San Antonio (1936) and Dallas (1937). Longer compositions were reworked for these sessions, re-arranging and edited out verses (Wald, Escaping). It is also conceivable that they were purposefully, or even accidentally, sped up. (The tempo consistency of machines used in early field recordings across the South has often been questioned, as many played too fast or slow (Morris).) Slowed-down versions of Johnson’s songs from contributors such as Angus Blackthorne and Ron Talley now proliferate on YouTube. The debate has fuelled detailed discussion in online blogs, where some contributors to specialist audio technology forums have attempted to decode a faintly detectable background hum using spectrum analysers. If the frequency of the alternating current that powered Law and Liebler’s machine could be established at 50 or 60 Hz it might provide evidence of possible tempo variation. A peak at 51.4 Hz, one contributor argues, suggests “the recordings are 2.8 per cent fast, about half a semitone” (Blischke). Such “augmentation” has yet to be fully explored in academic literature. Graves describes the discussion as “compelling and intriguing” in his endnotes, concluding “there are many pros and cons to the argument and, indeed, many recordings over the years have been speeded up to make them seem livelier” (124). Wald ("Robert Johnson") provides a compelling and detailed counter-thesis on his website, although he does acknowledge inconsistencies in pitch among alternate master takes of some recordings. No-one who actually saw Robert Johnson perform ever called attention to potential discrepancies between the pitch of his natural and recorded voice. David “Honeyboy” Edwards, Robert Lockwood Jr. and Johnny Shines were all interviewed repeatedly by documentarians and researchers, but none ever raised the issue. Conversely Johnson’s former girlfriend Willie Mae Powell was visibly affected by the familiarity in his voice on hearing his recording of the tune Johnson wrote for her, “Love in Vain”, in Chris Hunt’s The Search for Robert Johnson (1991). Clues might also lie in the natural tonality of Johnson’s instrument. Delta bluesmen who shared Johnson’s repertoire and played slide guitar in his style commonly used a tuning of open G (D-G-D-G-B-G). Colloquially known as “Spanish” (Gordon 2002, 38-42) it offers a natural home key of G major for slide guitar. We might therefore expect Johnson’s recordings to revolve around the tonic (G) or its dominant (D) -however almost all of his songs are a full tone higher, in the key of A or its dominant E. (The only exceptions are “They’re Red Hot” and “From Four Till Late” in C, and “Love in Vain” in G.) A pitch increase such as this might be consistent with an increase in the speed of these recordings. Although an alternative explanation might be that Johnson tuned his strings particularly tightly, which would benefit his slide playing but also make fingering notes and chords less comfortable. Yet another is that he used a capo to raise the key of his instrument and was capable of performing difficult lead parts in relatively high fret positions on the neck of an acoustic guitar. This is accepted by Scott Ainslie and Dave Whitehill in their authoritative volume of transcriptions At the Crossroads (11). The photo booth self portrait of Johnson also clearly shows a capo at the second fret—which would indeed raise open G to open A (in concert pitch). The most persuasive reasoning against speed tampering runs parallel to the argument laid out earlier in this piece, previous iterations of the Johnson myth have superimposed their own circumstances and ignored the context and reality of the protagonist’s lived experience. As Wald argues, our assumptions of what we think Johnson ought to sound like have little bearing on what he actually sounded like. It is a compelling point. When Son House, Skip James, Bukka White, and other surviving bluesmen were “rediscovered” during the 1960s urban folk revival of North America and Europe they were old men with deep and resonant voices. Johnson’s falsetto vocalisations do not, therefore, accord with the commonly accepted sound of an authentic blues artist. Yet Johnson was in his mid-twenties in 1936 and 1937; a young man heavily influenced by the success of other high pitched male blues singers of his era. people argue that what is better about the sound is that the slower, lower Johnson sounds more like Son House. Now, House was a major influence on Johnson, but by the time Johnson recorded he was not trying to sound like House—an older player who had been unsuccessful on records—but rather like Leroy Carr, Casey Bill Weldon, Kokomo Arnold, Lonnie Johnson, and Peetie Wheatstraw, who were the big blues recording stars in the mid–1930s, and whose vocal styles he imitated on most of his records. (For example, the ooh-well-well falsetto yodel he often used was imitated from Wheatstraw and Weldon.) These singers tended to have higher, smoother voices than House—exactly the sound that Johnson seems to have been going for, and that the House fans dislike. So their whole argument is based on the fact that they prefer the older Delta sound to the mainstream popular blues sound of the 1930s—or, to put it differently, that their tastes are different from Johnson’s own tastes at the moment he was recording. (Wald, "Robert Johnson") Few media can capture an audible moment entirely accurately, and the idea of engineering a faithful reproduction of an original performance is also only one element of the rationale for any recording. Commercial engineers often aim to represent the emotion of a musical moment, rather than its totality. John and Alan Lomax may have worked as documentarians, preserving sound as faithfully as possible for the benefit of future generations on behalf of the Library of Congress. Law and Liebler, however, were producing exciting and profitable commercial products for a financial gain. Paradoxically, then, whatever the “real” Robert Johnson sounded like (deeper voice, no mesmeric falsetto, not such an extraordinarily adept guitar player, never met the Devil … and so on) the mythical figure who “sold his soul at the crossroads” and shipped millions of albums after his death may, on that basis, be equally as authentic as the original. Schroeder draws on Mikhail Bakhtin to comment on such vacant yet hotly contested spaces around the Johnson myth. For Bakhtin, literary texts are ascribed new meanings by consecutive generations as they absorb and respond to them. Every age re–accentuates in its own way the works of its most immediate past. The historical life of classic works is in fact the uninterrupted process of their social and ideological re–accentuation [of] ever newer aspects of meaning; their semantic content literally continues to grow, to further create out of itself. (421) In this respect Johnson’s legend is a “classic work”, entirely removed from its historical life, a free floating form re-contextualised and reinterpreted by successive generations in order to make sense of their own cultural predilections (Schroeder 57). As Graves observes, “since Robert Johnson’s death there has seemed to be a mathematical equation of sorts at play: the less truth we have, the more myth we get” (113). The threads connecting his real and mythical identity seem so comprehensively intertwined that only the most assiduous scholars are capable of disentanglement. Johnson’s life and work seem destined to remain augmented and contested for as long as people want to play guitar, and others want to listen to them. Notes[1] Actually the dominant theme of Johnson’s songs is not “the supernatural” it is his inveterate womanising. Almost all Johnson’s lyrics employ creative metaphors to depict troubled relationships. Some even include vivid images of domestic abuse. In “Stop Breakin’ Down Blues” a woman threatens him with a gun. In “32–20 Blues” he discusses the most effective calibre of weapon to shoot his partner and “cut her half in two.” In “Me and the Devil Blues” Johnson promises “to beat my woman until I get satisfied”. However in The Lady and Mrs Johnson five-time W. C. Handy award winner Rory Block re-wrote these words to befit her own cultural agenda, inverting the original sentiment as: “I got to love my baby ‘til I get satisfied”.[2] The Gibson L-1 guitar featured in Johnson’s Hooks Bros. portrait briefly became another contested artefact when it appeared in the catalogue of a New York State memorabilia dealership in 2006 with an asking price of $6,000,000. The Australian owner had apparently purchased the instrument forty years earlier under the impression it was bona fide, although photographic comparison technology showed that it couldn’t be genuine and the item was withdrawn. “Had it been real, I would have been able to sell it several times over,” Gary Zimet from MIT Memorabilia told me in an interview for Guitarist Magazine at the time, “a unique item like that will only ever increase in value” (Stewart 2010). References Ainslie, Scott, and Dave Whitehall. Robert Johnson: At the Crossroads – The Authoritative Guitar Transcriptions. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Publishing, 1992. Bakhtin, Mikhail M. The Dialogic Imagination. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982. Banks, Russell. “The Devil and Robert Johnson – Robert Johnson: The Complete Recordings.” The New Republic 204.17 (1991): 27-30. Banninghof, James. “Some Ramblings on Robert Johnson’s Mind: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic in Delta Blues.” American Music 15/2 (1997): 137-158. 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Thanh Binh, Nguyen Thi, Nguyen Thi Hai Yen, Dang Kim Thu, Nguyen Thanh Hai, and Bui Thanh Tung. "The Potential of Medicinal Plants and Bioactive Compounds in the Fight Against COVID-19." VNU Journal of Science: Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 37, no.3 (September14, 2021).

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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a novel coronavirus , is causing a serious worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The emergence of strains with rapid spread and unpredictable changes is the cause of the increase in morbidity and mortality rates. A number of drugs as well as vaccines are currently being used to relieve symptoms, prevent and treat the disease caused by this virus. However, the number of approved drugs is still very limited due to their effectiveness and side effects. In such a situation, medicinal plants and bioactive compounds are considered a highly valuable source in the development of new antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV-2. This review summarizes medicinal plants and bioactive compounds that have been shown to act on molecular targets involved in the infection and replication of SARS-CoV-2. Keywords: Medicinal plants, bioactive compounds, antivirus, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 References [1] R. Lu, X. Zhao, J. Li, P. Niu, B. Yang, H. 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Piscos, James Loreto. "Human Rights and Justice Issues in the 16th Century Philippines." Scientia - The International Journal on the Liberal Arts 6, no.2 (December30, 2017).

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In the 16th century Philippines, the marriage of the Church and the State was the dominant set-up by virtue of Spain’s quest for colonization and evangelization. Civil administrators and church missionaries were called to cooperate the will of the king. Inmost cases, their point of contact was also the area of friction because of their opposing intentions. The early Spanish missionaries in the 16th century Philippines were influenced by the teachings of Bartolome de Las Casas and Vitoria that ignited them to confront their civil counterparts who were after getting the wealth and resources of the natives at the expense of their dignity and rights. Since the King showed interest in protecting the rights of the Indians, Churchmen used legal procedures, reports and personaltestimonies in the Royal Court to create changes in the systems employed in the islands. The relationship between the Spaniards and the natives cannot be reduced to a monolithic relationship between the two races. The power dynamics should be viewed within the plethora of groups who were engaged in the discourse including the bishop of Manila, governor-general, encomenderos, adelantados, soldiers, religious orders, native leaders and even the common indios. Given the canvas of conflicting motives, the proponents of conquests and missionary undertakings grappled to persuade the Spanish Royal Court to take their respective stand on the disputed human rights and justice issues on the legitimacy of the conquest, tributes, slavery and forced labor. References Primary Documentary Sources Anales Ecclesiasticos de Philipinas: 1574-1682. Volume 1. Manila: Archdioceseof Manila Archives, 1994. Arancel. Quezon City: Archivo de la Provincia del Santo Rosario (APSR), MSTomo 3, Doc.3. Blair, Emma Helen and Robertson Alexander, eds. at annots. The Philippine Islands,1493-1898: Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions ofthe Islands and Their Peoples, their History and Records of the CatholicMissions, as related in Contemporaneous Books and ManuscriptsShowing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditionsof Those Islands from Their Earliest Conditions with European Nationsto the Close of the Nineteenth Century. 55 Volumes. Cleveland: ArthurH Clark, 1903-1909. Hereinafter referred to as B and R. The followingprimary documents were used in this dissertation: Colin-Pastells. LaborEvangelica I. Historical Conservation Society. The Christianizationof the Philippines. Manila: Historical Conservation Society, 1965. Keen, Benjamin, Editor. Latin American Civilization: History and Society, 1492to the Present. London: Westview Press, 1986. Las Casas, Bartolome. Historia de las Indias. Mexico, 1951. __________________. The Spanish Colonie. University Microfilms Inc., 1996.Licuanan, Virginia Benitez and Mira Jose Llavador, eds and annots. PhilippinesUnder Spain. 6 Volumes. Manila: National Trust for Historical and Cultural Preservation of the Philippines, 1996. Munoz Text of Alcina’s History of the Bisayan Islands (1668). Translated byPaul S. Lietz. Chicago: Philippine Studies Program, 1960. National Historical Commission, Coleccion de Documentos Ineditos de Ultramar,Madrid, 1887. Navarette, Martin Fernandez D. Colleccion de los Viajes y descubrimientos queHicieron por mar los espanoles desde fines del siglo XV. Madrid: 1825-1837. Pastells, Pablo. Historia General de Filipinas in Catalogo de los DocumentosRelativos a las Islas Filipinas. Barcelona, 1925. Recopilacion de Leyes de los Reynos de las Indias. Tomo I. Madrid, 1943.San Agustin, Gaspar de. Conquistas de las Islas Filipinas: 1565-1615. Translatedby Luis Antonio Maneru. Bilingual Edition. Manila: San Agustin Museum, 1998. Zaide, Gregorio, eds. at annots. Documentary Sources of Philippine History. 14Volumes. Manila: National Bookstore, 1990. Secondary Sources Books Chan, Manuel T. The Audiencia and the Legal System in the Philippines (1583-1900). Manila: Progressive Printing Palace, Inc., 1998. Cunningham, Charles Henry. The Audiencia in the Spanish Colonies: AsIllustrated by the Audiencia of Manila 1583-1800. Berkeley: Universityof California Press, 1919. Cushner, Nicolas P. The Isles of the West: Early Spanish Voyages to thePhilippines, 1521-1564. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila Press, 1966. _________________. Spain in the Philippines: From Conquest to the Revolution. Aberdeen:Cathay Press Ltd., 1971. De la Costa, Horacio. Jesuits in the Philippines. Cambridge: Harvard UniversityPress, 1961. De la Rosa, Rolando V. Beginnings of the Filipino Dominicans. Manila: USTPress, 1990. Fernandez, Pablo. History of the Church in the Philippines. Manila: NationalBookstore, 1979. Gutierrez, Lucio, O.P. 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Barnes, Duncan, Danielle Fusco, and Lelia Green. "Developing a Taste for Coffee: Bangladesh, Nescafé, and Australian Student Photographers." M/C Journal 15, no.2 (May2, 2012).

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IntroductionThis article is about the transformation of coffee, from having no place in the everyday lives of the people of Bangladesh, to a new position as a harbinger of liberal values and Western culture. The context is a group of Australian photojournalism students who embarked on a month-long residency in Bangladesh; the content is a Nescafé advertisement encouraging the young, middle-class Bangladesh audience to consume coffee, in a marketing campaign that promotes “my first cup.” For the Australian students, the marketing positioning of this advertising campaign transformed instant coffee into a strange and unfamiliar commodity. At the same time, the historic association between Bangladesh and tea prompted one of the photographers to undertake her own journey to explore the hidden side of that other Western staple. This paper explores the tradition of tea culture in Bangladesh and the marketing campaign for instant coffee within this culture, combining the authors’ experiences and perspectives. The outline of the Photomedia unit in the Bachelor of Creative Industries degree that the students were working towards at Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Australia states that:students will engage with practices, issues and practicalities of working as a photojournalist in an international, cross cultural context. Students will work in collaboration with students of Pathshala: South Asian Institute of Photography, Dhaka Bangladesh in the research, production and presentation of stories related to Bangladeshi society and culture for distribution to international audiences (ECU). The sixteen students from Perth, living and working in Bangladesh between 5 January and 7 February 2012, exhibited a diverse range of cultures, contexts, and motivations. Young Australians, along with a number of ECU’s international students, including some from Norway, China and Sweden, were required to learn first-hand about life in Bangladesh, one of the world’s poorest and most densely populated countries. Danielle Fusco and ECU lecturer Duncan Barnes collaborated with staff and students of Pathshala, South Asian Media Institute (Pathshala). Their recollections and observations on tea production and the location are central to this article but it is the questions asked by the group about the marketing of instant coffee into this culture that provides its tensions. Fusco completed a week-long induction and then travelled in Bangladesh for a fortnight to research and photograph individual stories on rural and urban life. Barnes here sets the scene for the project, describing the expectations and what actually happened: When we travel to countries that are vastly different to our own it is often to seek out that difference; to go in search of the romanticised ideals that have been portrayed as paradise in films, books and photographs. “The West” has long been fascinated with “The East” (Said) and for the past half century, since the hippie treks to Marrakesh and Afghanistan, people have journeyed overland to the Indian sub-continent, both from Europe and from Australia, yearning for a cultural experience they cannot find at home. Living in Perth, Western Australia, sometimes called the most isolated capital city in the world, that pull to something “different” is like a magnet. Upon arrival in Dhaka, you find yourself deliciously overwhelmed by the heavy traffic, the crowded markets, the spicy foods and the milky lassie drinks. It only takes a few stomach upsets to make your Western appetite start kicking in and you begin craving things you have at home but that are hard to find in Bangladesh. Take coffee for example. I recently completed a month-long visit to Bangladesh, which, like India, is a nation of tea drinkers. Getting any kind of good coffee requires that you be in what expatriates call “the Golden Triangle” of Dhaka city—within the area contained by Gulshan-Banani-Baridhara. Here you find the embassies and a sizeable expatriate community that constitutes a Western bubble unrepresentative of Bangladesh beyond these districts. Coffee World is an example of a Western-style café chain that, as the name suggests, serves coffee beverages. It has trouble making a quality flat white. The baristas are poorly trained, the service is painfully slow, yet the prices are comparable to those in the West. Even with these disadvantages, it is frequented by Westerners who also make use of the free WiFi. In contrast, tea is available at every road junction for around 5 cents Australian. It’s ready in seconds: the kettle is always hot due to a constant turnover of local customers. It was the history of tea growing in Bangladesh, and a desire to know more about a commodity that people in the West take for granted, that most attracted Fusco’s interest. She chose to focus on Bangladesh’s oldest commercial tea garden (plantation) Sylhet, which has been in production since 1857 (Tea Board). As is the case with many tea farms in the Indian sub-continent, the workers at Sylhet are part of Bangladesh’s Hindu minority. Fusco left Dhaka and travelled into the rural areas to investigate tea production: Venturing into these estates from the city is like entering an entirely different world. They are isolated places, and although they are close in distance, they are completely separate from the main city. Spending time in the Khadim tea estate amongst the plantations and the workers’ compounds made me very aware of the strong relationship that exists between them. The Hindu teaching of Samsara refers to the continuous cycle of repeated birth, life, death and rebirth [Hinduism], which became a metaphor for me, for this relationship I was experiencing. It is clear that neither farm [where the tea is grown] nor village [which houses the people] could live without each other. The success and maintenance of the tea farm relies on the workers just as much as the workers rely on the tea gardens for their livelihood and sustenance. Their life cycles are intertwined and in synch. There are many problems in the compounds. The people are extremely poor. Their education opportunities are limited, and they work incredibly hard for very little money for their entire lives. They are bound to stay and work here and as those generations before them, were born, worked and died here, living their whole lives in the community of the tea farm. By documenting the lives of the people, I realised I was documenting the process of the lives of the tea trees at the same time. This is how I met Lolita.Figure 1. Bangladeshi tea worker, Lolita, stands in a small section of the Khadim tea plantation in the early morning. Sylhet, Bangladesh (Danielle Fusco, Jan. 2012). This woman emulated everything I was seeing and feeling about the village and the garden. She spoke about the reliance on the trees, especially because of the money and, therefore, the food, they provide for her and her husband. I became aware of the injustice of this system because the workers are paid so little while this industry is booming. It was obvious that life here is far from perfect, but as Lolita explains, they make do. She has worked on the tea estate for decades. As her husband is no longer working, she is the primary income earner. They are able, however, to live in relative comfort now their children have all married and left and it is just the two of them. Lolita describes that money lies within these trees. Money for her means that she can eat that day. Money for the managers means industrial success. Either way, whether it is in the eyes of the individual or the industry, tea always comes down to Taka [the currency of Bangladesh]. Marketing Coffee in a Culture of Tea and Betel Nut With such a strong culture of tea production and consumption and a coffee culture just existing on the fringe, a campaign by Nescafé to encourage Bangladeshi consumers to have “my first cup” of Nescafé instant coffee at the time of this study captured the imagination of the students. How effective can the marketing of Nescafé instant coffee be in a society that is historically a producer and consumer of tea, and which also still embraces the generations-old use of the betel nut as an everyday stimulant? Although it only employs some 150,000 (Islam et al.) in a nation of 150 million people, tea makes an important contribution to the Bangladesh economy. Shortly after the 1971 civil war, in which East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) became independent from West Pakistan (now Pakistan), the then-Chairman of the Bangladesh Tea Board, writing in World Development, commented:In the highly competitive marketing environment of today it is extremely necessary for the tea industry of Bangladesh to increase production by raising the per acre yield, improve quality by adoption of finer plucking standards and modernization of factories and reduce per unit cost of production so as to be able to sell more of our teas to foreign markets and thereby earn higher amounts of much needed foreign exchange for the country as well as generate additional resources within the industry for ploughing back for further development (Ali 55). In Bangladesh, tea is a cash crop that, even in the 1970s following vicious conflicts, is more than capable of meeting local demand and producing an export dividend. Coffee is imported commodity that, historically, has had little place in Bangladeshi life or culture. However important tea is, it is not the traditional Bangladesh stimulant. Instead, over the years, when people in the West would have had a cup of tea or coffee and/or a cigarette, most Bangladeshis have turned to the betel nut. A 2005 study of 100 citizens from Araihazar, Bangladesh, conducted by researchers from Columbia University, found that coffee consumption is “very low in this population” (Hafeman et al. 567). The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of betel quids (the wad of masticated nut) and the chewing of betel nuts, upon tremor. For this reason, it was important to record the consumption of stimulants in the 98 participants who progressed to the next stage of the study and took a freehand spiral-drawing test. While “26 (27%) participants had chewed betel quids, 23 (23%) had smoked one or more cigarettes, [and] 14 (14%) drank tea; on that day, only 1 (1%) drank caffeinated soda, and none (0%) drank coffee” (Hafeman et al. 568). Given its addictive and carcinogenic properties (Sharma), the people who chewed betel quids were more likely to exhibit tremor in their spiral drawings than the people who did not. As this (albeit small) study suggests, the preferred Bangladeshi stimulant is more likely to be betel or tobacco rather than a beverage. Insofar as hot drinks are consumed, Bangladesh citizens drink tea. This poses a significant challenge for multinational advertisers who seek to promote the consumption of instant coffee as a means of growing the global market for Nescafé. Marketing Nescafé to Bangladesh In Dhaka, in January 2012, the television campaign slogan for Nescafé is “My first cup”, with the tagline, “Time you started.” This Nescafé television commercial (NTC) impressed itself upon the Australian visitors, both in terms of its frequency of broadcast and in its referencing of Western culture and values. (The advertisement can be viewed at The NTC’s three stars, Vir Das, Purab Kohli, and leading Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, are highly-recognisable to young Bangladeshi audiences and the storyline is part of a developing series of advertisements which together form a mini-soap opera, like that used so successfully to advertise the Nescafé Gold Blend brand of instant coffee in the West in the 1980s to 1990s (O’Donohoe 242; Beale). The action takes place in Kohli’s affluent, Western-style apartment. The drama starts with Das challenging Kohli regarding whether he has successfully developed a relationship with his attractive neighbour, Padukone. Using a combination of local language with English words and sub-titles, the first sequence is captioned: “Any progress with Deepika, or are you still mixing coffee?” Suggesting incredulity, and that he could do better, Das asks Kohli, according to the next subtitle, “What are you doing dude?” The use of the word “dude” clearly refers to American youth culture, familiar in such movies as Dude, where’s my car? This is underlined by the immediate transition to the English words of “bikes … biceps … chest … explosion.” Of these four words only “chest” is pronounced in the local tongue, although all four words are included as captions in English. Kohli appears less and less impressed as Das becomes increasingly insistent, with Das going on to express frustration with Kohli through the exclamation “u don’t even have a plan.” The use of the text-speak English “u” here can be constructed as another way of persuading young Bangladeshi viewers that this advertisement is directed at them: the “u” in place of “you” is likely to annoy their English-speaking elders. Das continues speaking in his mother tongue, with the subtitle “Deepika padukone [sic] is your neighbour and you are only drinking coffee,” with the subsequent subtitle emphasising: “Deepika and only coffee.” At this point, Padukone enters the apartment through the open door without knocking and confidently says “Hi.” Kohli explains the situation by responding (in English, and subtitled) “my school friend, Das”. Padukone, in turn, responds in a friendly way to both men (in English, and subtitled) “You guys want to have coffee?” Instead of responding directly to this invitation, Das models to Kohli what it is to take the initiative in this situation: what it is to have a plan. “Hello” (he says, in English and subtitled) “I don’t have coffee but I have a plan. You and me, my bike, right now, hit the town, party!” Kohli looks down at the floor, embarrassed, while Padukone looks quizzically at him over Das’s shoulder. Kohli smiles, and points to himself and Padukone, clearly excluding Das: “I will have coffee” (in English, and subtitle). “Better plan”, exclaims Padukone, “You and me, my place, right now, coffee.” She looks challengingly at Das: “Right?,” a statement rather than a request, and exits, with Kohli following and Das left behind in the apartment. Cue voice-over (not a subtitle, but in-screen speech bubble) “[It’s] time you started” (spoken) “the new Nescafé” (shot change) “My first cup” (with an in-screen price promotion). This commercial associates coffee drinking with Western values of social and personal autonomy. For young women in the traditional Muslim culture of Bangladesh, it suggests a world in which they are at liberty to spend time with the suitors they choose, ignoring those whom they find pushy or inappropriate, and free to invite a man back to “my place, right now” for coffee. The scene setting in this advertisement and the use of English in both the spoken and written text suggests its target is the educated middle class, and indicates that sophisticated, affluent, trend-setters drink coffee as a part of getting to know their neighbours. In line with this, the still which ends the commercial promotes the Facebook page “Know your neighbours.” The flirtatious nature of the actors in the advertisement, the emphasis on each of the male characters spending time alone with the female character, and the female character having both power and choice in this situation is likely to be highly unacceptable to traditional Bangladeshi parental values and, therefore, proportionately more exciting to the target audience. The underlying suggestion of “my first cup” and “time you started” is that the social consumption of that first cup of coffee is the “first step” to becoming more Western. The statement also has overtones of sexual initiation. The advertisement aligns itself with the world portrayed in the Western media consumed in Bangladesh, and the implication is that—even if Western liberal values are not currently a possible choice for all—it is at least feasible to start on the journey towards these values through drinking that first cup of coffee. Unbeknownst to the Bangladesh audience, this Nescafé marketing strategy echoes, in almost all material particulars, the same approach that was so successful in persuading Australians to embrace instant coffee. Khamis, in her essay on Australia and the convenience of instant coffee, argues that, while in 1928 Australia had the highest per capita consumption of tea in the world, this had begun to change by the 1950s. The transformation in the market positioning of coffee was partly achieved through an association between tea and old-fashioned ‘Britishness’ and coffee and the United States: this discovery [of coffee] spoke to changes in Australia’s lifestyle options: the tea habit was tied to Australia’s development as a far-flung colonial outpost, a daily reminder that many still looked to London as the nation’s cultural capital: the growing appeal of instant coffee reflected a widening and more nuanced cultural palate. This was not just ‘another’ example of the United States postwar juggernaut; it marks the transitional phase in Australia’s history, as its cultural identity was informed less by the staid conservativism of Britain than the heady flux of New World glamour (219). Coffee was associated with the USA not simply through advertising but also through cultural exposure. By 1943, notes Khamis, there were 120,000 American service personnel stationed in Australia and she quotes Symons (168) as saying that “when an American got on a friendly footing with an Australian family he was usually found in the kitchen, teaching the Mrs how to make coffee, or washing the dishes” (168, cited in Khamis 220). The chances were that “the Mrs”—the Australian housewife—felt she needed the tuition: an Australian survey conducted by Gallup in March 1950 indicated that 55 per cent of respondents at that time had never tried coffee, while a further 24 per cent said they “seldom” consumed it (Walker and Roberts 133, cited in Khamis 222). In a newspaper article titled, “Overpaid, Oversexed and Over Here”, Munro describes the impact of exposure to the first American troops based in Australia during this time, with a then seven year old recalling: “They were foreign, quite a different culture from us. They spoke more loudly than us. They had strange accents, cute expressions, they were really very exotic.” The American troops caused consternation for Australian fathers and boyfriends. Dulcie Wood was 18 when she was dating an American serviceman: They had more money to spend (than Australian troops). They seemed to have plenty of supplies, they were always bringing you presents—stockings and cartons of cigarettes […] Their uniforms were better. They took you to more places. They were quite good dancers, some of them. They always brought you flowers. They were more polite to women. They charmed the mums because they were very polite. Some dads were a bit more sceptical of them. They weren’t sure if all that charm was genuine (quoted in Munro). Darian-Smith argues that, at that time, Australian understanding of Americans was based on Hollywood films, which led to an impression of American technological superiority and cultural sophistication (215-16, 232). “Against the American-style combination of smart advertising, consumerism, self-expression and popular democracy, the British class system and its buttoned-up royals appeared dull and dour” writes Khamis (226, citing Grant 15)—almost as dull and dour as 1950s tea compared with the postwar sophistication of Nescafé instant coffee. Conclusion The approach Nestlé is using in Bangladesh to market instant coffee is tried and tested: coffee is associated with the new, radical cultural influence while tea and other traditional stimulants are relegated to the choice of an older, more staid generation. Younger consumers are targeted with a romantic story about the love of coffee, reflected in a mini-soap opera about two people becoming a couple over a cup of Nescafé. Hopefully, the Pathshala-Edith Cowan University collaboration is at least as strong. Some of the overseas visitors return to Bangladesh on a regular basis—the student presentations in 2012 were, for instance, attended by two visiting graduates from the 2008 program who were working in Bangladesh. For the Australian participants, the association with Pathshala, South Asian Media Institute, and Drik Photo Agency brings recognition, credibility and opportunity. It also offers a totally new perspective on what to order in the coffee queue once they are home again in Australia. Postscript The final week of the residency in Bangladesh was taken up with presentations and a public exhibition of the students’ work at Drik Picture Agency, Dhaka, 3–7 February 2012. Danielle Fusco’s photographs can be accessed at: References Ali, M. “Commodity Round-up: Problems and Prospects of Bangladesh Tea”, World Development 1.1–2 (1973): 55. Beale, Claire. “Should the Gold Blend Couple Get Back Together?” The Independent 29 Apr 2010. 8 Apr. 2012 ‹›. Darian-Smith, Kate. On the Home Front: Melbourne in Wartime 1939-1945. 2nd ed. Melbourne: Melbourne UP, 2009. Dude, Where’s My Car? Dir. Danny Leiner. Twentieth Century Fox, 2000. Edith Cowan University (ECU). “Photomedia Summer School Bangladesh 2012.” 1 May 2012 .Grant, Bruce. The Australian Dilemma: A New Kind of Western Society. Sydney: Macdonald Futura, 1983. Hafeman, D., H. Ashan, T. Islam, and E. Louis. “Betel-quid: Its Tremor-producing Effects in Residents of Araihazar, Bangladesh.” Movement Disorders 21.4 (2006): 567-71. Hinduism. “Reincarnation and Samsara.” Heart of Hinduism. 8 Apr. 2012 ‹›. Islam, G., M. Iqbal, K. Quddus, and M. Ali. “Present Status and Future Needs of Tea Industry in Bangladesh (Review).” Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Science. 42.4 (2005): 305-14. 8 Apr. 2012 ‹›. Khamis, Susie. “It Only Takes a Jiffy to Make: Nestlé, Australia and the Convenience of Instant Coffee.” Food, Culture & Society 12.2 (2009): 217-33. Munro, Ian. “Overpaid, Oversexed and Over Here.” The Age 27 Feb. 2002. 8 Apr. 2012 ‹›. O’Donohoe, Stephanie. “Raiding the Postmodern Pantry: Advertising Intertextuality and the Young Adult Audience.” European Journal of Marketing 31.3/4 (1997): 234-53 Pathshala. Pathshala, South Asian Media Academy. 8 Apr. 2012 ‹›. Said, Edward. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books, 1978. Sharma, Dinesh. “Betel Quid and Areca Nut are Carcinogenic without Tobacco.” The Lancet Oncology 4.10 (2003): 587. 8 Apr. 2012 ‹›. Symons, Michael. One Continuous Picnic: A History of Eating in Australia. Ringwood, Vic: Penguin, 1984. Tea Board. “History of Bangladesh Tea Industry.” Bangladesh Tea Board. 8 Apr. 2012 ‹›. Walker, Robin and Dave Roberts. From Scarcity to Surfeit: A History of Food and Nutrition in New South Wales. Sydney: NSW UP, 1988.

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