1. How i can flip the y-axis? - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks
31 jan 2017 · After your plot call, add this line: Theme Copy to Clipboard Try in MATLAB Mobile set(gca, 'YDir','reverse') See the documentation for Axes Properties for ...
Hello, In the following code: a = [180 170 150 90 45 5 0 -5 -30 -70 -100 -125 -150 -175]; b = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14]; plot (a, b,'.') How i can plot the b variable (as th...
2. How to reverse Y axis on image? - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks
29 jun 2018 · By default, y axis of an image is upside-down, values ascending from top down. If you set(gca,'YDir','normal'), you will reverse y axis. (gca,' ...
Hello, First of all, I know this question is dumb and that there is plenty of thread on it, but I could not find any solution in those. I already tried a lot of things and it did not work for me...
3. Plotting and reversing axis direction - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks
26 nov 2011 · Hello, I want to plot a graph with one x axis and two y axes. I want one of the y axes to be reversed i.e. beginning at the top so the data ...
Hello, I want to plot a graph with one x axis and two y axes. I want one of the y axes to be reversed i.e. beginning at the top so the data hangs off the top of the graph. Additionally I want the r...
4. How do I reverse the y-axis in image? - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks
25 nov 2014 · You can change the direction of increasing values along the y-axis by setting the YDir property of the Axes object. If ...
The image function reverses the y-axis so I wanted to reverse it to correct it. I know it has something to do with gca but cannot figure out the right code. Please help me.
5. how to flip the direction of the axis? - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks
27 okt 2018 · I want to change the x-axis direction from right to left but also keeping the values to be not affected (reversed/flipped). when I used the ...
Dear all, I want to change the x-axis direction from right to left but also keeping the values to be not affected (reversed/flipped). when I used the fooling command the mentioned problem is ca...
6. Reverse y axis order - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks
28 mrt 2017 · Reverse y axis order. Learn more about reverse y axis, plot, axis properties.
Hi. I have the following script (attached )b and the run that it opens can be found at this link. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0wQbicZOF7xN1BXV1FKVVRCT2c It works perfectly except I wan...
7. How can I reverse the y-axis when I use the IMAGE or IMAGESC ...
29 jul 2010 · Only setting the 'YDir' property of the axes to 'normal' will flip how the y-axis is displayed, causing the image to appear upside down. To ...
I execute the following commands to display an image using the IMAGESC function: load clown clims = [10 60]; imagesc(X,clims) colormap(gray) The y-axis runs from the top of...
8. Invert Y data (Y axis) - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks
26 apr 2022 · I have this script that will take data from 31 files, and make a colormap. I wanted to invert the y axis so that the 400 nm show up on the ...
Hi, I have this script that will take data from 31 files, and make a colormap. I wanted to invert the y axis so that the 400 nm show up on the top (its of higher energy). How can I do that? ...
9. reverse the y axis - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks
5 jun 2017 · I have a step function plot in matlab. I want to reverse the y axis so that the initial value is at the top and also the x axis start from ...
I have a step function plot in matlab. I want to reverse the y axis so that the initial value is at the top and also the x axis start from that point only.
10. plot with reversed y-axis in a normal y-axis - MATLAB Answers
30 mrt 2023 · You can use the image function in MATLAB to display the video frames and then use insertShape to plot the eye position on top of the frame.
I have a video plotted (or played frame by fame) and I want to plot a shape representing the corresponding eye position. The video has its y-axis reversed (can't control it) (0 up). The eye positi...
11. Unable to reverse the order of numbers on the Y-axis - MathWorks
22 mei 2018 · Direct link to this answer ... ax.YDir = 'reverse';. set(gca,'YTickLabels',round(flipud((minTorqueRef:torque_range/(resolution-1):maxTorqueRef)))) ...
plot(1,a) bar3c(flipud(dam_tot(:,:,a))) colorbar; colormap(jet); caxis([0 0.1]); set(gca,'XTick',[1:1:11]); s...
12. How can I incorporate both the x-axis and a reversed y-axis without ...
18 jan 2024 · In order to flip the labeling of the y-axis while keeping the matrix plot unchanged, you can use the "set(gca, 'YDir', 'normal')" or "set(gca, ' ...
Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I attempted to run the provided code and noticed that associating an x and y axis, or an x-axis with a -y axis, results in the matrix plot being flipp...
13. Changing Axis Direction :: Axes Properties (Graphics) - MatLab
set(gca,'XDir','reverse'). produces a plot whose x-axis decreases from left to right. In the 3-D view, the y-axis ...
Changing Axis Direction
14. How to reverse the Y axis direction in a parallel plot? - MATLAB Answers
7 apr 2022 · How to reverse the Y axis direction in a... Learn more about parallel plot, y axis, reverse direction.
Hi all, I have plotted a parallel plot in Matlab. But I want to reverse the direction (means min value at the top and maximum at the bottom) of a particular Y-axis in that plot? Is it possible?
15. Setting Reverse and Log Properties for an Axis - MATLAB - MathWorks
Duur: 2:40Geplaatst: 15 aug 2008
This MATLAB video tutorial shows you how to reverse the direction of an aixs or to change an axis to log scale.
16. How to reverse one of the y-axis in a stackedplot? - MATLAB Answers
13 mrt 2023 · I would like reverse tbl1's y axis so there are lower values at the top and higher values at the bottom, rather than vice versa, which is what automatically ...
I was able to obtain a stackedplot using 2 tables each containing different sets of data. However, I would like reverse tbl1's y axis so there are lower values at the top and higher values at the b...
17. How do I reverse the y axis label on a graph? - MATLAB Answers
21 sep 2017 · How do I reverse the y axis label on a graph?. Learn more about yaxis label, reverse.
I have multiple things plotting on one graph and have one of the axes on the right side and the other two on the left. I would like to reverse the order of the right side label only. I do not want ...
18. How to flip Y axis title? - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks
14 feb 2022 · How to flip Y axis title?. Learn more about axis, yyaxis, yaxis, axistitle, axis title, plot, flip, direction, ylabel MATLAB.
By default, you need to turn your head to the left to read a Y axis title. When creating a second y axis, the title is oriented in the same direction as the first axis. I would prefer to reverse th...
19. Flipping a plot in Matlab - Plotly Python - Plotly Community Forum
16 jan 2019 · I want to flip/rotate the plot in the attachment, such that the right part of the plot is rotated to the left and vice versa. I have used flip command but ...
Hi! I want to flip/rotate the plot in the attachment, such that the right part of the plot is rotated to the left and vice versa. I have used flip command but doesn’t seem to work. I have also used camroll(-90), view() and set(gca,‘YDir’,‘reverse’) to achieve my desired result, but that hasn’t worked for me
20. Reverse the X and Y axis values in a 3D plot - MATLAB Answers
12 mrt 2012 · In the 3D plot I need to reverse the X-axis (f) and Y-axis (K) values in reverse order. Could you please tell me how to do it?
I have used below code to plot a 3D plot. f1=2 ; f2=1.8 ; .... .... Pt=0:5:30; A1=2*pi*del*f1*f1*Vt*Vt*10^18; A2=2*pi*del*f2*f2*Vt*Vt*10^18; .... .... B=c^2*Pt*s*t; K1=(A1...
21. Invert or reverse Yaxis ticks in a plot or scatter graph - MATLAB Answers
22 aug 2017 · Invert or reverse Yaxis ticks in a plot or... Learn more about yticks, increase axis, reverse axis, scatter.
Hi, I can find documentation to reverse the Yaxis for imagesc but not for a regular plot. I have data where the origin is the top left hand corner and want to preserve that y measurement rather ...